LME said:
May well be wrong but i have a feeling that she is going to start internalizing again.
Oh, I really love all the points you bring up! Yeah, I could definitely see her keeping it to herself. It's an interesting thought that she could do it to protect them both from her thoughts. I also think she feels more comfortable in the role of the strong one. You know what I mean? Like in season 3, when Stella almost had to push her to actually hear something about her past. She also didn't have a problem to show how affected she was when Stella got hurt, but she doesn't seem to want to show how she's feeling when it's about her.
Internalizing is what Lindsay does -- I think she`s been doing it ever since the first diner shooting when she was a kid, and it`s a
lot of what we`ve seen her do since she`s been on the show :lol: For myself, though, I think with this, I`d want to see it become a little harder for her than it usually is, so that she maybe gives up on trying to keep people out altogether. I mean, she is seeing a therapist, and while I really don`t believe said therapist is going to get
that much out of her (at least, not in a short time period; Stella had to really push to get anything out of her in S3, and Lindsay had known Stella for over a year by then), I`m kind of hoping the therapy manages to at least weaken the walls, so that she lets someone else on the team in. Even if it`s not the therapist herself.
I can`t even really explain what it is I want :lol: I
don`t want her to stop internalizing completely, because that`s Lindsay (I can`t even picture what she might be like if she stopped doing that). But it would be fun to see her grow out of that at least a bit, since this storyline could be a great catalyst for character growth.
I would actually like to see Lindsay lose a bit like she did in silent night but to REALLY fall apart, not at work again or anything, but I would love to see Danny comfort her, make her laugh again and see that its okay so feel the way she does but it will be okay.
This is where I have to disagree, though, sorry :/ Not just because I hate D/L (though I know I`m not fooling anyone, so yeah, that`s at least 60% of the reason:alienblush:

). But for one thing, I`m getting a little tired of the notion (that the show has, not you guys :lol

that Danny`s the only one who should ever be the support for Lindsay because they`re married. For another thing, the tiny bit of spoiler I`ve seen for 7.01 kind of indicates that Danny, like Mac, is one of the ones all proud of her for getting the medal at the ceremony, thus indicating he`s pretty oblivious to whatever issues she`s having over it. At least at that point (in all fairness, that might change later on in the episode, but if it does I just hope it doesn`t take over). That kind of thing is hard to `accidentally` hide when you`re living with someone, so I`m kind of assuming that if Danny`s oblivious, it`s because Lindsay feels he shouldn`t be let in on these issues.
Which gets into the whole Lindsay-feeling-she-needs-to-be-strong-for-him mentioned here, but to be honest if that`s why she`s keeping her issues from him, she has a point. That`s the third thing. IIRC, Danny`s
never seen Lindsay fall apart. Ever. (Even during the trial, he only came in at a time when she`d already calmed down.) Stella and Sid have, even Mac`s seen her almost crack before, but Danny hasn`t; in large part that`s because Lindsay`s never let him. Maybe she needs to feel like she`s strong when it comes to him, I`m not sure, but imo I don`t see that changing now.
And I think that dynamic works fine enough, and I get why she does it
(there are some people you just do not want to see you at your weak point) -- and it usually means someone else is confronting Lindsay`s near-breakdowns, which I`m far more interested in anyway. Depending on who it is this time, there`s way more potential for relationship-development. I know what Carmine said about being a `rock`, but it
is possible for Danny to do that without knowing every one of Lindsay`s issues. Lindsay did it in S6 without knowing every one of Danny`s injury-issues; she knew some of them, but he talked to Hawkes about others.
Brinchen said:
Lindsay has some intense conversations with Danny sometimes.
She`s had intense conversations about him (Epilogue, Vacation Getaway) or their relationship (S4, VG again) -- not about her, as far as we know. It`s not the same thing. The darker conversations regarding her are usually had with Mac or Stella, or both....I`m kind of hoping that continues (well, with other team members too *cough*Flack/Adam/Hawkes/Jo*cough* now that Stella isn`t here anymore, but still).