Anna/Lindsay #6: Baby on Board!

I total agree with you Brinchen, I know that some say she didnt deserve the medal and I can see their point I think that medal is issued out after you have had a number of commendations. But to me she truely does deserve the medal, we forget that she had worked in Bozeman for 3 years before she moved to New York, it is quite possible that she received a commendation while she was there, she may have also received another one while she has been in New York (perhaps for the undercover stunt she did in Not What it Looks Like) but it was just not mentioned. I think that Mac, Stella, Danny and Flack may very well have received commendations for what happened in Snow Day - that was the biggest bust in New York history - but nothing was said on screen.

:lol: I thought that was really sweet when she said that. In this day and age that we live in I am kind of not surprised either. My father used to sit at his computer with the youngest grandson on his lap (when he was about 12/18 months only) and get him to press a few buttons, never on his own only when he was sitting on an adults lap, now he is like a little whizz kid on the thing. :lol: Plus with Lindsay and Danny as her parents Lucy is bound to be smart little girl.
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Oh yes, I also forget sometimes that she worked in Montana for a couple of years already as well. Which is also why we don't know what she did there. Did she have to shoot at a criminal before or not? I guess it's not so much about shooting only, but mostly about the whole situation itself. That's at least what I think. And yeah, you never know how many times they got something for what they did in other situations.

I agree! ;) I really love to see Lindsay as a Mommy btw. It's a whole new role and it's interesting to see. It was really cute how excited she got when she was supposed to meet her Mom who would then see her pregnant. I think they surely have a close relationship.
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I think a lot of us do forgot that. I would love to see someone that she know from that time to make an appearance in the show. Maybe someone for the lab in Boseman or maybe the DA that she went back to Montana to testify for.
Jo's ex hubby is making a visit so why not someone who knew Lindsay back than.

She very much a natural mother on screen, being a mother in really like must really help. Yeah i totally agree with you Brinchen, the scene where she talk about her mum seeing her pregnant was nice and it shows that they have a good relationship.
OH! I didn't even think of that yet. What a cool idea! Even better would be a crossover between the Bozeman Crime Lab and the New York Crime Lab. :lol: Hey, I mean they did crossovers with the others as well. ;) Seriously, it'd be so cool to see someone from over there. It would be interesting to see Lindsay interact with one of her old colleagues. Maybe if they had such a case, she could even lead it? That'd be so cool! Plus it would give her a lot of screentime as well. So yep, I'd agree with you.

Yeah, I also could imagine that being a mother outside of work helps her to be a mother on screen. And that's surely why she comes across as such a believable and natural mother. I really love that moment from Epilogue where she is holding the baby. That looks so sweet! :adore:

It'd be cool to know how her relationship to her mother is. I agree with you that it surely is good. Lindsay mentions her mother quite often. Like when she said her mother wanted to stop smoking. I love that!
I do not think that they would do a full on crossover between Bozeman and NY labs, but i sure would love to see someone from Lindsay past turn up in New York for some reason. As New York City is quite a big tourist place maybe should could bump into them while out and about at a scene maybe.

I liked the comment about her mothers used Pino in Sweet Sixteen. :cool: It would be nice if her parents came to visit but i am kind of not holding my breath that they will.
How about Uncle Freddie? ;) I think he surely still is living in New York. I bet he also already got to meet Lucy! I always wondered why Uncle Freddie coincidentally lives in NY as well. I have to say I love how Lindsay wanted to move to Manhattan so much. I could imagine that as Bozeman isn't as big as a city like NY, she really wanted to see something completely different and famous like Manhattan and would have also moved into a super tiny place. :lol: I'd love to know where Danny and Lindsay have their apartment now. I guess not in Manhattan?

Oh, true, see, there we have another mother mentioning. I love that as well and I can imagine she loved the car. I really love that Lindsay has such a close relationship to her mother, so it'd definitely be cool to see her in New York. Or any other family member. Or at least they could be mentioned again. That'd be awesome!

Hey, before I forget to talk about the episode, it's great that she has some nice scenes again. I love that she processes the crime scene in the episode. It's so awesome to see Lindsay working with Danny and Hawkes. Those three make a fantastic team if you ask me. :D
I had forgotten that her uncle Freddie lived in Terrytown. It would be great if we got another mention about him or if he made a quick appearnace in the show.

It was nice to see Lindsat working with Hawkes (however brief it was) and danny, it was nice to see her working a bit with Adam as well.
-Season 7 Episode 3-

Lindsay was good again tonight and Hot (as if she wouldn't be... ;) ) , really liked the outfit she had on, she looked great. :drool: :adore: I like how they seem to be giving her more scenes working out in the field and working alongside others besides Danny, as much as I love them together, having scenes of Lindsay working with at the lab just her husband day in, day out, was getting a bit repetitive. I'm getting a real Season 2 vibe to her scenes lately, I really hope they keep it up. :cool: :)
Yep, maybe Uncle Freddie could be connected to some victim or suspect or whatever. Oh, that would cause tension! And I would really like to know how Lindsay would react. We already saw some characters having to deal with people they know becoming suspects. Flack for example. I wonder how she would deal with her uncle being connected to a crime (even if he's innocent or whatever). How would she react to the others, how would she defend him? That's a weird idea maybe, but I'd totally love to see her in such a situation!

I agree with you, *NickStone*! I totally love her outfits. She is wearing some really pretty shirts I have to say; this purple one and then the blouse looked really sexy! It's great that they are dressing her up a little. Anna is a beautiful woman. And I agree with you. I'm really happy to see Lindsay not only working at the lab all the time. The scene at the house was great. She gets to do different things and gets to interact with everyone. That's awesome! Now I wish she and Jo would have a few longer conversations so we see more of how they get along. I especially love to see Lindsay working with Danny, Hawkes and Adam. Would be awesome to see her with Jo as well.
I like your idea Brinchen, it would be interesting to see Lindsay uncle Freedy as a possible suspect or a witness to a crime. As we do not really know that much of Lindsay family it certainly would be intersting to see how Lindsay wouls react to that.

Yeah she looked good in last weeks episode.
Have you seen the promo pictures for episode 5, she looks amazing, they seem to giving her a more age approiate wardrobe this seasin and it is get to see.
Exactly, we don't see much of her family members. And especially seeing her defend a family member would be awesome. I mean, we know how Lindsay reacted when she found the DNA on the cigarette and told Danny first. And how she showed him the tape. Back then, they weren't together yet though, they knew each other for just a few months. I wonder what she would do for a family member if they got into trouble.

Oh yes! I saw them as well. Goodness, her outfits get more and more sexy. I mean, the shirt, and those jeans and shoes. Whoa! Very hot! I agree, her clothes are really awesome now.
I forgot all about that for a second! If she did that for a friend she only knew a few months, yeah it does kind of make you wonder what would she do for a family member that she loves.

Its get to see her in promo pics more as well
Exactly. I see her as a pretty loyal person. I mean, it was great of Lindsay to talk to Danny first. She didn't have to (and I guess wasn't supposed to) do that. So now for him, or for every other family member, she would surely do a lot more. I doubt she'd fake evidence or anything. But I guess she'd try everything to prove their innocence.

Definitely! She's in almost all of the promo pics, so are a lot of the other characters. I think it's awesome! Plus it's again a pic where she is at the crime scene, so again this will be an episode where we won't be at the lab the whole time.
Lindsay has uncle named Freddie? I didn't know that. Can you please tell me what episode was he mentioned? I only know few things about her: her mother is a smoker; her father thought her how to do rawhide braiding when she was 10; her mother gave her a (old/used) car as a gift for her 16th birthday; her terrible past and of course she's from Montana.
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I think you are right Brinchen she would do anything to prove their innocence but I do not think she would cross the line to fake evidence. She may keep things quiet like when Dannys badge was stolen but I doubt she would cross that line. She is very good at keeping her cards close to her chest as it were.

Nice to see a new face in the thread DonPrank. Her uncle mentioned in Lindsays first episode Zoo York back in Season 2. She was writing a number of an estate agent down and Mac said something along the lines of have you not found anywhere to live? have you tried queens, Lindsay replied that her heart was set on Manhattan and until then it was Uncle Freddies couch in terrytown.