Anna/Lindsay #5: She Rocks!

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Oh yes. She was very brave in NWILL. She instantly said she'd do the undercover job, although it was so dangerous, and she handled the situation very well. And of course I loved the end of the scene (the best hug I have ever seen on tv :D ). Action Lindsay is cool as well. She could also chase a suspect. Or tackle one down.
I told you ladies'! My memory sucks:lol:

Luckily when I'm reading those plots I'm recalling them. I don't know NY epis by titles. But I noted them. If here be a chance to see them definitely I'm going to sit and watch it;)
That's great. If you need us to recommend some episodes, just ask? Btw, when we're already talking about good episodes, which is your all time favourite moment of her? Not epi, just a moment? My favourite episode of her is Stealing Home, but I can't really decide what's my favourite moment. There are so many great ones!! Can you decide?
That sucide girl comment was priceless! I thought theat was made up, didn't realsie that they are real.

For our lindsay weapon list what about some horse shoes :guffaw:they got to hurt if they hit you.:guffaw:

We seem to have managed to give Linday some great nicknames.

Mighty Montana
Kick Ass Lindsay
Action Lindsay
Good that you asked about moments 'cause I have no memory for NY episodes:lol: I love her heartbreaking scenes when she needed to go back to Montana. Scene in court was amazing. I really love it. And things before that were great too. Like a case which reminded her past. I hope I didn't mix anything:lol:
Well for me in season two it was when she tells the woman to wipe her face and explains to her what a bruise is. ZING! (Love all her moments in Stealing Home, that is just a given) Wait, I loved when she was in the dumpster and moans the loss of a perfectly good shot gun :lol:

In season three, her falling apart in the morgue just about broke my heart and I loved the communication between her and Stella. It always intrigued me that Mac seemed to always know what was going on with Lindsay but he never felt the urge to talk to her about it.

In season four, I think it was her attitude in RND that I really liked. There was something about how she handled everything that was heartbreaking but totally awesome.
Oh, I love all of those moments as well! Now my favourites:

In season 2 I already loved her very first scene at the zoo, when she was all excited and talked all the time while working with Mac. And of course the demonstrations. And I loved her expression when she watched the sex video together with Danny, Adam and Hawkes in 'Bad Beat'. :lol:

In season 3 I also loved the whole courtroom scenes from SOOH- so heart breaking.

In season 4 I loved her demonstration with the condom spray.
thats a hard one to answer.

I liked her in RSRD. and when she went in undercover on NWILL. Plus that condom spray is just priceless.

But for me sometimes it is not what is said its the look.
Oh, right! The undercover scene was fantastic. She was so brave! And she was so sweet and caring in RSRD, when she went to Danny first and later the way she looked at him. So many great Lindsay moments! :D And I agree, sometimes the looks are saying more than words.

Btw, I like your list, LME! We really have some nice nicknames for her. :D
RSRD and NWILL are two excellent episodes for Lindsay. I like how one she is in the lab most of the time but what she ends up doing saves Danny even if Mac was the one to fix the tape. She was the one to find it! :lol:

And NWILL she really worries for the safety of everyone, even if the person was a thief and brought the mess to themselves. Plus I am going to be shallow and say I want her shoes from the last scene! :p
okay I am having a mental block, what were her shoes like?

I hope that we will be getting some new pictures on Lindsay soon, It was nice to see the ones for 504 (I think) but I can't wait for more - even i it is just to finally answer the was it a bad top question raised by the picture of her in the 100th episode party.
NWILL is like my all time fave ep for so many reasons. the stories were really good and everyone had a good moment..... in my terms: no one bothered me lol. Lindsay was just fantastic and Anna did such a wonderful job with all her scenes. the look on her face when she volunteered to go in was so good and then the grabbing of Danny's shoulder and the hug were priceless.

my fave moments are tied for scenes from 2nd season. i will forever remember when she pulled the BFK out of her pocket to cut the piece of meat off in ZY and my mouth just being on the floor! i could not believe that someone who looks as sweet as Lindsay would do something like that, i was laughing too lol. The interrogation scene when she totally got that old lady was amazing as well. it just showed that while Lindsay may look sweet or may look like a pushover she's a tough chick who doesn't take anyone's crap.

we need this Lindsay this season. enough of the unstable emotional woman from last season. i'll take Kick Ass, Mighty Montana any day :)
:lol: Who would of thought sweet little Lindsay Monroe would carry around a pocket knife like that? That shocked me and made me smirk at the same time.

I think its time to bring back the Lindsay from third season because in that season we got to see more of her caring side as well the emotional side of her. Don't get me wrong, I loved her in season two and last season but there is something about season three that made it my favorite Lindsay season. ;)
Oh, the scene with the knife! That was awesome, I totally agree. Btw, do we have a knife on our list? I can't check right now. I really wonder if she always has such a knife with her. Boys, be warned, Lindsay is dangerous. No surprise, she's the Mighty Montana. ;)

I don't really know how I want her to be next season. Actually I love all the ways she was, from season 2 to 4. I think I'm happy, as long as she has enough screentime. :D And good storylines.
Oh I agree with you Meg, the Lindsay from season 3 is my fave too, I can't comment on season 2, cause I've only seen like 1 ep from it, season 4, she was made to look too clingy and emotional, but like I said, I loved her season 3, she was witting and made to look like a stong and independent women, we need a return to that Lindsay... IMHO... :D
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