American Idol

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"Have a Nice Day" Melinda
"Wanted Dead or Alive" Chris
"Not a Love Song" Lakeisha
"You Give Love a Bad Name" Blake

Ummm.... what did Jordin and Phil sing? I don't remember off the top of my head. I was only half watching at work.... but that's what I can remember.
Ohmy goodness! Blakeykins dyed his hair. At first I didn't really like it. But now I kinda do. Its growing on me.

I've never heared that 'Shot Through The Heart" song before, I'll be honest I never really listen to Bon Jovi. But sweet jesus the beat boxing is back! I missed it! I though Blake rocked last night.

Besides Blake I liked Melinda last night. I thought it was cute how she didn't know which way the rocker sign went. lol.
so, to me Phil's best performace, and he got the boot.. "BLAZE OF GLORY" great song, and he kicked-it.. I was humming it all day the next day [love jon bon jovi] Jon was so great with them all..they were all spectatular ;) I was hoping that Chris would stay.. he's a doll that sweet smile.. but alas.. gone too :( I'm going for Melinda.. she's friggin' incredible.. can sing anything with such zest and beliveability ;) it always makes me kinda of embarassed, when they say "your going home" but, before you go, could you sing us another song" :(
Of the two songs I saw on Tuesday. I thought that the person who did Blaze of Glory was amazing, and the woman who did Livin' on a Prayer give it a good shot but just couldn't do it.
You can tell by the siggy how upset i am over Chris leaving. Cake 4 life - Blake Lewis

But now with his sexxy new hair (i soooooo love) i shall only watch Blake's performance, no one else's.

And i reached a new record, i think i'm up to watching Blakes performance like 28 times :D
I agree-Blake's performance was the best so far. It melted my heart! I think he looks so much cuter with black hair.

Jordin was just lucky this time. Her performance wasn't excellent but it was entertaining enough to keep her for another week. Melinda was the cutest! She was still blur after the rocking performance.
So Blake's the only guy left. This is so awesome, my four favorite's are left now! Whoever wins, I'm happy, I love them all. I think it should go:


Blake is getting a deal no matter what, he's amazing. He's going to be so popular as a singer and I can't wait until he releases an album. Lakisha deserves to win IMO, and Jordin's so young and so talented, she's got time. Melinda's incredible as well. These 4 are just the people I wanted and I;m so happy about it. Theyd eserve it, really!
I don't know who is going to win now. I really want Blake to but they are all talented. I can't wait til the finale.
I would like for Blake to win but I think Melinda will win. If Blake doesn't win I have a feeling that we might see both him and Chris together and might see a band form from there.
I was kinda sad to see Phil go but I was kida expecting it. He hasnt really been that great in his recent performances. In my opinion. But the song he sang on Tuesday I did like.

I'm still not sure if I like Blake's hair or not. I mean he's sexy either way but....I dunno yet.

I got really scared when it was down to Blake and Chris. I thought Blake was going to get the boot. But he didn't so then I did my little happy dance. lol. I thought it was cute how Blake was like "No you go sit down" and then ryan was like "So you dont care about what's in the envelope?"

I can't wait for next weeks performances. I'm still a little undecided on the winner. I really want it to be down to Melinda and Blake but I think Lakisha will squeeze her way in there some how.
Here is my thoughts:

Blake will not win, Malinda will butttttttt Blake will be more famous then her because c'mon it's Blake Colin Lewis. "Blake's a pop star" - Simon Cowel.

Blake is gonna be like a Daughtry or a Aiken, more popular then the actual winner.

B-Shorty is love!

And on the C/B showdown thing. "I kept telling him to go sit down because i knew i was going home" Chris Richardson.

And i'm bored so some random Cake quotes, recent i might add:

"Man you're my best friend. I love you to death. There's nothing more I can say
we'll have so much fun on tour, and i cant wait. My brother from another mother!"
-Blake Lewis on Chris Richardson

"My friendship with Blake is going to last 10 times longer than winning the competition." - Chris Richardson

"Blake and I are best friends and we knew one of us was going, so it was hard. it's like leaving my brother until I come back for the finale" - Chris Richardson

"Best friends" - Blake Lewis
"Yeah best friends" - Chris Richardson
Ugh, thank the lord jesus. I'm sorry for Lakisha fans but I couldn't stand her. I'm glad she's gone.

All though I do admit Blake didn't do his best Tuesday night but I still agree that Lakisha should have gone.
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