Wow I actually liked this one, C'mon DLA you need to write more episodes like this!
I don't totally get why Ray just didn't say that they aren't married anymore, is it cause he doesn't like to talk about it or what?
Glad to see there wasn't too much focus on Ray and his ex, at the beginning I was starting to get worried
Yay!! :hugegrin: Greg got good screentime!! :hugegrin: *happy dancing* I loved it when he wacked the guys, I was thinking he was going to stop them, but I couldn't figure out how cause I didn't think he was carrying a gun
No Brass or Catherine, that's my biggest compliant, I didn't notice until about half way through and figured they were a no show, I really wish they'd say they are in court, or it's their day off, something
I like Frankie, I am cautiously hoping they keep her
Dying by stuffing cremains down their throat, that's kinda a new one, I mean yeah we've seen people die on the show by shoving an object(s) down their throat but body parts or whats left of the body, ew
Hodges needs to learn when to stop talking, and I swear he's doing everything these days, field work, all the lab work, next thing ya know he'll do Ecklie's job
Henry in the morgue, that's what the second time, the first was Werewolves
I had hoped I was wrong about the girl, I had suspected her because like they said it was someone familiar with the house, which meant the daughter or a girlfriend
Sara having a reference to baseball :thumbsup: