*All New* Miami Caption Mania!

Speed:Long way up there becareful
Eric: I'm not scared of highest (looking around)
Speed: No then what are you scared of?
Eric: I'm more scared that H will forget i'm up this tree and accidental shot me
Hmm...let's see if I have something pushed back in a corner of my mind...

Eric: So you're sure you can look into Calleigh's bedroom from the top of this tree?
Speed: Oh yeah, definitely.
Eric: Cool. You coming?
Speed: In a minute, you just go ahead.
Eric: Hey...why...Is that H? My eyes! It burns!
Speed: *runs away quietly*

Not sure if that was funny...but anyways :rolleyes:
Eric: C'mon Speed it'll be fun!
Speed: Eric...I don't like trees.
Eric: what are you eco-phobic?
Speed: No...but I don't know how were goign to get the bed up there.
Eric: We don't need a bed...doing it in a bed is for girls..were men.
Speed:...well some of us.
Speed: Eric Rafiki is a fictional character, he won't be up that tree.
Eric: No, he is I swear.
Speed: Were taking you to the hospital afterwards, you need your head checked.
Eric: I'll take pictures as proof.
Speed: *to himself* So thats why you have my camera
Eric: What?
Speed: I said Lion King rules...
Eric: Oh, ok

(I don't know how I manged to get Lion King by looking at the tree lol)
Calleigh: ...Horatio what are we doing?
Horatio: We're posing and we're looking cool.
Calleigh: I don't feel cool.
Delko: Hey Wolfe, that shirt doesn't match those jeans.
Wolfe: Well speak for yourself. Did you pull that shirt out of Calleigh's closet?
Horatio: You guys are taking away the essence of cool with your banter.
Horatio: OK guys I got one for ya
Calleigh: What's that Horatio?
Ryan: Oh I know this one!
Eric: No you don't let H man tell the joke
Ryan: *sighs* Fine
Horatio: Like I was saying How much would could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
^^ haha, that's great

Wolfe: I love Delko
Delko: I love Calleigh
Calleigh: I love Horato
Horatio: I love my sunglasses....oh yes I do!
Horatio: Are you sure it landed here? I can't find the ball. Ryan, you make a lousy caddie.
Ryan: So, Cal's gonna be Nick, Horatio is Brian, you are Kevin and I'm AJ... Where's our Howie?

Eric: Let's call Speed back from the grave. We can't be the Backstreet Boys without Howie!
Calleigh: Sorry Horatio, I really can't find them.
Eric: *whispers* He probably left them in the Hummer.
Ryan: *whispers back* That, or they're in his pocket.
Horatio: I can't be Horatio without my sunnies! Let's look again!
Calleigh: Horatio I'm sure hes here.
Eric: yeah I saw him too!
Ryan: What are we going to do? We cant find him! Oh my god!
Horatio: This is what we do. Calleigh go to the store and get some burgers. Delko and I will go find a new bbq and ryan can pick up the beers.
Ryan:..accualy no...the woman down at the 7.11 wont accept the badge as proof of age.
CalleighDuCaine said:
Ryan: So, Cal's gonna be Nick, Horatio is Brian, you are Kevin and I'm AJ... Where's our Howie?

Eric: Let's call Speed back from the grave. We can't be the Backstreet Boys without Howie!

Haha, That is sooo true lol.
Sammie said:
Calleigh: Horatio I'm sure hes here.
Eric: yeah I saw him too!
Ryan: What are we going to do? We cant find him! Oh my god!
Horatio: This is what we do. Calleigh go to the store and get some burgers. Delko and I will go find a new bbq and ryan can pick up the beers.
Ryan:..accualy no...the woman down at the 7.11 wont accept the badge as proof of age.

Hilarious! :lol: My lovely little Ryan! :lol: