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Re: Det Vartann

Hi All.....

Been lurking for a few weeks now but decided to join in.
I too lust for and sadly miss Vartann on CSI. I'm still heavy into Grissom's character but I'm really not digging his current beardless look. I figured "oh Well, at least there's always Vartann" but so far he's MIA. I'm guessing that Sophia (or Spork as she's fondly referred to on YTDAW) is eating up his potential storylines. For those of you that have not seen "Mermaid Chair", you simply MUST !!!! I'm still kicking myself that I didn't tape it. Although, I will admit to watching it all three days that Lifetime aired it. If you poke around on the website that Hhunter linked to, you will find a cute little interview clip of Alex Carter talking about what it's like to work with Kim Basinger. Definately good for multiple viewings.

Hopefully we'll get to see our Vartann back in action soon.
Take care,
Re: Det Vartann

OM GOSH you took the words right out of my mouth!
especially about Grissom.. :)
I like Sofia too, but she is taking up all of his air time and all the other detectives also
and DON'T EVEN get me started on The Mermaid Chair...
I too saw it all three times it aired on Lifetime
and FYI vartannswoman ( great name) Alex Carter was in the pilot of Jericho, but has yet to be in any other episode there either :(
Re: Det Vartann

I did manage to tape the Jericho pilot but he's really not in it all that much. Did he have any lines to say ??? I also taped that one Harlequin romance movie, "Recipe for Revenge" It's kind of cheesy but he plays a major character and that means lots of face time. (and OH! what a face it is) In MC when he was shirtless, I had to pick my jaw up off of the floor! I'm bummed that I missed him last year in "Bones". I'm hoping for a rerun soon.
Take Care,
Re: Det Vartann

He was in BONES! My sister loves that show!
and if you find an avatar of him.. let me know

on the MC... and wet.. you forgot wet.. when he was leaning up against the boat... OM GOSH! :p

back on topic to Vartann... ;)
What is your favorite episode?
Re: Det Vartann

Check out
It's the link to his IMDB page. Lists anything and everything that he did. I thought someone posted screen caps a few pages back on his Bones episode.
As for avatar..... I have one from MC where he was lying up against Kim Basinger on the beach and a good one from CSI that I lightened up a bit so you could see his features more. The one thing about CSI that bugs me is the fact that everything is so dark and shadowy that you miss alot of the detail.

Fav Vartann episodes....Eleven Angry Jurors and Bullet Runs Through It.

I have tons of pics that I've found from all over the web.
What's the best way to include them in posts?????
Re: Det Vartann

the best way to post a pic is by way of an image hosting service, like photobucket, then link it to here :)
Re: Det Vartann

Hi! vartannswoman. :lol: I'm aki, from Japan. Let me participate.

Yes, I know The mermaid Chair! but I saw only the Trailer of this movie. :(
I watched his interview video. He is cute, very very handsome. :lol: :lol: :lol:

" The mermaid Chair" & " Recipe for Revenge" is cannot be seen in Japan. :( You are very enviable!!!!!!!
Re: Det Vartann

I was afraid it was going to be something like that.
I thought there a way I could just copy and paste from my harddrive. Oh to investigate Photobucket
Re: Det Vartann

Ok here we go first attempt at photobucket

for your viewing pleasure.....some pics from my stash of Vartann eye candy. Some you may have seen elsewhere, some I've lighten up a bit so you can see his handsome face and there are 3 yummy-licious ones from Mermaid Chair.
Re: Det Vartann

You are awesome! ;) He is cool!! fantastic! :lol:

I think I'll keep trying to post till it reaches 100th post! :)
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