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Re: Det Vartann

Hello again everyone :)

I have two questions and I thought I would post them here
someone asked on the CSI character ages thread how old Vartann is.. I'm guessing late 30's anyone know for sure?

and WHAT IS HIS NAME?.. I've gone with Tony, but I read somewhere WAAAYYY back that the show was going with the actors name Alex
(Tony seems a little too 'Sopranos' for me)
again anyone know?
Re: Det Vartann

that would be me who asked about his age :)
i like him.
is there news about him being on s7 at all? hes not on fannysmakin...

alex sounds right for him. but didnt it say tony in a script? he looks like an alex.
Re: Det Vartann

I know it was you pabzi :D
I LIKE HIM ALOT!!! second favorite on the show(Gris is my ALL TIME FAV)
no news about season 7 :( I was just making sure about his name, I wrote a few things with him in them I wanted to make sure I correct on his name :)
Re: Det Vartann

can you link me to what you wrote? you write him with cath, right?
well, my all time favorite of course is david, but i love almost everyone , each in their own way. next to brass, vartann is my favorite detective. brass has more screentime, so i know him better. im sure that if vartann had more screentime, there would be more things about him to love :)
Re: Det Vartann

Ok, I have to ask

what is everyone's favorite Vartann episode?
I thought this would be easier than a poll because he has been in like 16 episodes
so go through your DVR's and let me know

off the top of my head..two come to mind..
A Bullet Runs Through It
11 Angry Jurors
Viva Las Vegas

I think that is all for now

Anyone else?
Re: Det Vartann

he wasnt so much in a bullet runs through it...11 angry jurrors for sure. i think that it was the ep in which he had the most time, and i LOVE viva las vegas...great cases, great quality, and a bit of all the good guys (david, superdave vartann and brass :D)
Det Vartann

Hello again everybody ,from Japan!

My favorite episode,
1. Iced
2. 11 Angry Jurors
3. Weeping Willows

Other favorite dramas and TVmovies,
1.Hitched (Det. CaryGrant)
2.Point Pleasant( Sheriff Logan Parker)

The Mermaid Chair , Veritas:The Quest, These Arms Of Mine,
and Recipe For Revenge.......
I want to watch very much!!!

Alex's quite yummy! He's so handsome!
Re: Det Vartann

akiaki1109 said:
Alex's quite yummy! He's so handsome!

Yes he is totally agreed there :)

and ICED I can't believe I forgot ICED, his best facial expressions :)

I want to see some of those TV movies also :)
I Love Det Vartann

Season5 is broadcast again in Japan . ;)
Today's episode.[ Mea Culpa ]
He appears in this episode :lol:

Where is his wallpepar or screensaver?
I want to watch him every day :p
Do you know his official web site?
IMDb checks it every day, but I don't understand. :(
Re: I Love Det Vartann

akiaki1109 said:

I want to watch him every day :p
Do you know his official web site?
IMDb checks it every day, but I don't understand. :(

YOU AND ME! I have yet to find a website either but maybe I'm not looking that hard :)
and MAN I thought I had it bad for Det. Vartann :p
he he he
Re: I Love Det Vartann

I was kinda hoping either someone else who has posted here before or one of the mods could help us out finding
either an offical webpage or an lj or something for him
Det. Vartann or Alex Carter and please don't be upset if someone already has...
it's just that there are new posters here... :eek:
Re: I Love Det Vartann

are you on lj? it is not hard to open a community. i have never done such a thing and it sorta scres me...but maybe...
Re: I Love Det Vartann

lj is live journal.
whoever wants can go open a page and rant about whatever, there are communities in which people who like the same stuff get together :)
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