AGE- does it make a difference?

I think age is just a number. If you love someone, you can't help what age they are. Can you tell I'm in love with someone much older? lol.
I think it's not social acceptable to love someone who is alot older then you, but reall, as Grissom said "Attraction is objective. It can't be analyzed."

To alot of people it does matter, but I think it's what your heart tells you that really matters.

The guy who owns our cheerleading studio was married for years and they got divorced cos she didn't want kids and he desperately did. He remarried and she's 17 years younger then him but they're very much in love and expecting their 2nd child any time soon. He's besotted with both his wife and their daughter who's 1.

That proved a point to me that age is just a number and it's what's on the inside that counts.

Age doesn't matter to me. I think it's all about personalities that need to match. I've always been attracted to somewhat older men because guys my age are not on the same level as I am. That sounds really arrogant and I don't mean it like that but these guys have a different outlook on life. I've done my partying and I'm ready for other things in life and I find that older men understand that. So, in the end, it depends on the people. Real love can overcome anything, even a huge age difference. So to everyone who posted here and is in a relationship with a huge age difference, be happy! You people are the living proof that it can work but, like all relationships, you need to work on it.
I picked yes, but I only chose that because there are SOME circumstances when age really is an issue.

A difference like Manda's is fine, I mean, those age aren't super super far apart.

The kind of age differences I take issue with are the ones that are like Anna Nicole Smith's age difference with her late husband. When she was in her mid twenties and he was in his eighties or nineties. Those are the kind that are a problem because the relationship is one that I really doubt is genuine.
Wow, I can't believe the timing on this thread. I've been fighting myself on this attraction that has developed between me and a guy who's basically 10 years younger than I am- he's 25 and I'm 36. He's totally responsible, has an excellent career, owns a condo, yada yada... in fact, in a way he's much more responsible than I'll probably ever be! :lol: I'm always attracted to people who are smart and make me laugh, so he hooked me pretty quickly. The fact that he has a nice set of biceps sealed the deal! :lol:

Nothing has "happened" yet, but a friend says the chemistry is unmistakeable and I just keep telling her, "He's great but he's too young." And frankly, I don't know if he realizes how old I am, since I usually get told I seem much younger than I am.(whether this is from my appearance or from my lack of maturity, I'm not really sure! :lol: )

But regardless... I keep thinking about it. I know I shouldn't let it bother me, but I can't get past it. The idea of appearing like a "cougar" just turns me right off. :p I'm seriously stuck.
^^ To me it sounds like you found your dream man. :lol: :)

I don't think age really matters. Yes, it does depend it some situations. I don't really approve of golddiggers.. Like when a young good looking woman marries some 70 year old for his money that's just kind of gross and mean. But that's my opinion however.
As long as the love is genuine, age doesn't matter, but in some cases(see my previous post) common sense should rule supreme.

Personally, I've never really been in love with someone way older or way younger then me(I'm only 17) but I can totally see it happening some day.
BabaOReilly said:
Nothing has "happened" yet, but a friend says the chemistry is unmistakeable and I just keep telling her, "He's great but he's too young."
Learn it from me. Don't think like that coz if you do, it will affect you and you'll miss the opportunity to be with your dream guy or even better, your perfect match :lol: What you're going through is so so sooo similar to mine and I let mine go coz of the age issue.

But it's weird...I don't have an issue with much older men... :confused: :rolleyes:
I'm with Zippy just go for it, I used to have a thing about dating guys that were younger than me and them I met my husband, granted its not a massive age difference (1 yr) but you never know when happiness is wating for you.
thanks you guys.
when people look at me and nige and i tell them his age they turn to me and say "hes had a really hard paper round" lol
i think the goatee does it personally, he makes me laugh was one of the main factors and well bicepts to die for.
anyone who is stuck with an age dilema heres my advice.
if you dont try it you will never know.
good luck baba in whatever you choose
Thanks. :) The worst part of it is, I know this age thing is a total social construct- it's OK for men to date younger woman, but it's looked at strangely when the reverse is true- and yet, despite being fully aware of the foolishness of social discourses, I still totally cater to many of them. I try to open my mind but I guess deep down there are still a lot of areas where I'm afraid to "look bad". I mean, that's what it's really all about, isn't it? I need to stop caring what other people think... the truth will set you freeeeeeeee! :lol:
Well, I picked no. The law is, when you're under 18 and you have a relationship with an adult, that's illegal. But i think: When your love is mutual, it doesn't matter right?

But age is just a number.
BabaOReilly said:
Thanks. :) The worst part of it is, I know this age thing is a total social construct- it's OK for men to date younger woman, but it's looked at strangely when the reverse is true-
Did you get that from Frasier? They had one episode in which Roz fel in love with a 19 year old, and she said exactly the same... (Great scene:lol:)