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"Julianna? Do you have any more information? Anything at all? I think we may need something more than just her name Gil. Try to think." Catherine pressed. She knew if she were to help him, she would need more information.
"I think her last name started with an A. Adams, Addison, Anderson, something like that I think. I saw her talking to Natalie at the hospital one day. She had bleached blonde hair with multi-colored tips and she had ice blue eyes. I remember hearing one of the orderlies referring to her as 'a Cyndi Lauper wannabe'."

"Hey, what did you do that for?" Hodges asked.

"Nick, what were you going to say earlier?" Cath inquired.
*Suddenly, Grissom is awoken by a concerned Sara shaking him. It has all been a dream- ala "Dallas"- and everyone is back in the approximate timeline of the end of "The Cross Dressing Carp." Back when everything was HAPPY!*

*Nah, I guess I should scratch that, it might ruin the fun of the storyline-to big of a leap-though I really do wish it would happen. In the show, I mean. I abandoned my "Dallas theory" when I found out Sara was alive, but I decided to pick it up again last night. Yup- it's all a dream.*

Ok- for realsies-

"Suddenly, David Rambo wakes up, because he is a god and cannot die!"

P.S. Although, if it's not to big a leap...don't scratch it!
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Then Nick, Brass, and Vartann march into the room and arrest Grissom, Sara and David Rambo on federal charges of high jacking.

"But we didn't do anything!" Sara pleaded. "We only took 4 minutes of the show."

"Shut up!" Nick said and shoved her. "First you gave me major attitude when I got a promotion, then I find you're sleeping with the boss. What a hosebag you are Sara!"

--Okay to the last poster, we're staying on the original thread and Sara is dead in this story, if you don't like it, then maybe this is not the thread for you. There are plenty of GSR threads out there!
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"Well, well, um-" Sara is unable to come up with a suitable reply to his accusations so she shouts the only thing she can think of, "Pornstache!"
"Oh, snap, dude!" shouts Grissom.
Greg looks at him funny.
Grissom shrugs, "You rub off."

*'sall good! It was just my silly wishful thinking n I was just having fun. This thread is hysterical!*
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Nick sits up and looks around. "What the hell happened!"

Hodges shakes his arm. "I didn't know I had it me."

"Hodges gave you a taste of your own medicine."

Nick shook his head. "I had a weird dream that I was being attacked by this crazy woman who kept screaming David Rambo is a god and then going on about this incestous relationship between Sara and Grissom."

"Oh you poor thing!" Mandy knelt down and held him and then jumped up and kneed Hodges in the crotch.

Catherine knelt down and rubbed Nick's back. "It's gonna be okay Nick. I've had those same nightmares. Thank God it's over. It's all over Nick and we're going to be okay. I understand completely."

Nick gets up, "So anyways let's get back to the case."

"Well," Brass said. "We've got enough evidence linking Grissom to the crime."

"Great!" Catherine said. "Let's go get him."
"I thought you said that Grissom told you that Natalie's foster sister was responsible." Hodges said.

"I was actually talking about Natalie's death." Cath told him.
"Well I found some fabric on Grissom. Orange fibres. I checked my almighty database and this type is used to prode prison uniforms." Hodges smiled.

"Interesting!" Catherine said her eyes lit up with delight.

"I'm goin' after him" Nick snarled.

Greg and Mandy grabbed his arms.

"He's mine!" Mandy warned.

"Ewww!" Greg said and then sighed. "I was hoping you'd be mine, Mandy."

"Well we can always.." Mandy smiled and then it dropped when Nick glared at her.

"Now where is Grissom." Brass announced.