Adam/Delko #7- Warning: May Cause Spontaneous Combustion

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Adam was just on Punk'd with Freddy Rodriguez. Freddy was the one who got Punk'd but Adam was with him. If anybody is able to make a clip or caps of this, can you please upload them? How great would it be to see this? I've actually wanted Adam himself to be Punk'd, LOL
OKay here im going to answer both questions

If i saw Adam in a resteraunt i would probly be like o_O OMG to all my friends and silently freak out till he was done and then be like omg i kno i probly sound like a CRazy here but your like my favorite person in forever and on CSI Miami and ask for his autograph (he he maybe he would sign my forehead :lol:)

and I like my Delko any way it doesnt matter because no matter what he still looks smexy :) :devil:
I am deadly serious That Girl. I think the show is repeated tonight at 11pm or 11.30 pm. But I'm guessing that depends on local listings in the US. I wonder if Adam was the person who set Freddy up? Adam and Ashton are friends also.
Hmm Adam is growing his hair back : /

i dont know weither i like that or not, cuz i think that little scar is kinda sexy but i still like him with hair so i dont know...

sorry kinda late to post this but oh well
oh i saw that ep it was on the one of the last episodes ever!!!!! Freddy goes to pick up his dog from the groomers.....and well i'll let you guys see it. you might beable to find it on youtube....i'm not sure. but are you sure it was Adam and not someone that looked like him??
but are you sure it was Adam and not someone that looked like him??

Some fans told me it was Adam who was with Freddy. I haven't seen the clip for myself, so I can't say if it's him or not. But I really doubt these fans would be wrong.
i don't think it was looked like the guy had longer hair than Adam's and he looked only a couple inches taller than Freddy and Freddy is only 5'6" and Adam is so tall!! he's 6'!!!! so i don't think it was Adam even realted to Freddy? does he even know him???
Always nice to have more people to share the Eric/Adam love.
Great wallpaper, WeWantTOGO :) Sometimes, simple is better ;) You may also be interested in visiting the Fan Art Forum, here
WHOA he has a beard in one of those pics. I prefer him with light stubble ;)

whats all your favorite way Adam/Delko looks

i was watching CSI Miami and i was all *drool* when Delko came on :)'ll need to upload that picture to a picture hosting website such as photobucket or image shack. ;) It won't work if you try to post it straight from your computer file/folder.

ETA: I removed the 'link' from your post because I belived it had your whole name, and I wasn't sure if you wanted that much info posted or not. ;)
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