Adam/AJ: Lab Geeks Can Be Hot

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kasmith101 said:
Thank goodness he got rid of that lumberjack looking thing.... back to good ol' scruffy Adam.

Yup! We love the bummfluff. Also, how awesome was it to see him out of the lab? It was like...a fieldtrip or something! I like the "duct tape" comment. Totally male.
*humps him* Oh, I'm so sorry you've been left out AJ!!

Oops, I think I made him run away. ;) *giggle*
Faylinn said:
*humps him* Oh, I'm so sorry you've been left out AJ!!

Oops, I think I made him run away. ;) *giggle*

Fay, that almost made me run away...almost. But then I decided to come back for my turn.

Heh heh, I think all of the talk in the LR thread has made me a bit, er, randy, shall we say. ;)

But yes, lab geeks are hot. ;) And lab geeks that tame the wild hedges of their facial hair and then are seen in t-shirts and then are just all-around brilliant and sexy? Even hotter. :devil:

I shall now echo what detectdevotion said by screaming it loudly into the night: LAB TECH LOOOOVE!
It's a revolution, I tell you!

AJ, G-string, it must happen!

On a side note, I LOVE that he tamed the beard BUT kept his hair a bit longer.

I like him like this.

AJ, G-string, it must happen!
:eek:........ Yes it's a must :lol: :devil:
I like Adam because I like red hair. And he's cute. Very cute. In a geeky sort of lets-go-to-the-closet-and-get-you-out-of-that-uncomfortable-lab-coat kind of way.

^ i'll volunteer to see if he's a real red head... ;) :D :lol:

but yea, he's cute.

btw, feenx[/b,] i LOVE your avvie. where's waldo? :lol:
Springmoon said:
I like Adam because I like red hair. And he's cute. Very cute. In a geeky sort of lets-go-to-the-closet-and-get-you-out-of-that-uncomfortable-lab-coat kind of way.


You're my hero. Now I want him in a closet in a lab coat and a g-string. Neither one of which would last long, I'm sure.

I freakin' loved him in the scene where and Mac were working the crime scene. What in the world is hotter than a man in a black t-shirt and coveralls that are unzipped to the waist? Uh, yeah... nothing.
havent been inhere for a few days... wow! I had so miuch to catch up on! lol
detectdevotion :lol: i loved your little "in honour of your bumfluff.." speech.. lol was sooo funny!!!! lol
can jus imagine his face when he says.." Bummfluff?! what the hell...?" :lol:
he does look Super sexy in that pics up top tho.. havent managed to see him in the 2nd epi yet tho... but tomorrow i shall!!! hehe
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