I know! Poor baby, knowing he's on the chopping block. I liked when he told Mac he was glad the order hadn't come from him. Poor thing obviously sees Mac as a bit of a father figure, and that would have felt like the ultimate rejection. Of course, Mac basically said he was at the bottom of the totem pole, which is LIES I TELL YOU, ALL LIES!
Adam is the king of the lab, betches. *nod*
AJ did a great job, but that's not surprising.

I liked Adam's nervousness and the fact that he was obviously upset and wanted to know why he was being let go - and assuming that he'd done something wrong. (I'm sorry, he might be a bit of a dork, but I personally don't think he's never done anything that would be enough to get him
fired.) When he overheard Stella talking to Mac, and when he basically told Mac that the equipment was more important than his job, I just wanted to hug him and tell him it was going to be alright.
I'm very interested to see how they play this storyline out - he had a month from the time he got the paper, and everybody giving up their vacations (aww!) gave him some more time (presumably another month) - so I wonder how this is going to work out over the next few months...Very interesting, and I'm glad they're giving a longterm storyline to Adam like this. Lord knows AJ can handle it.
And yes, the locker room scene was sweet, especially when he touched his name plate.