New thread name thought
Adam #9 The Perfect Diversion
Or something along the lines.... I'm not too good at this![]()
Ooohhhh I love it VirGodess!!!!!!!! :thumbsup:
Oh poor Adam, he's been working 7 days a week. I'll be glad to take some time off of work to take extra special care of him :devil:
I know!! That's insane, but shows how much he's dedicated.Although he went over to the dark side tonight, I liked the aggressive Eric tonight. It was very....sexy :drool: Very sad he goes missing, thoughI thought, NOOOOOOOOO, not my Eric!!
I have to say that I don't believe he went over to the dark side. I think that all along his intentions were noble and he really did believe his father when he said he wanted out. The fact that he was there in the middle of the shooting still doesn't explain what exactly he was doing there. Maybe he had gone to tell his father he had to turn himself in, or to stop him from committing a crime like Alexander said in the end. I feel like things were left in a way that in season eight they can pretty much create the story they well please. The same with his arguments with Cal. I'm still not 100% sure he lied to her. He seemed really surprised that she asked to look at his phone calls and maybe that's because he felt she didn't trust him at that moment but maybe it was because he was actually telling the truth. Just like the tip about the stolen car. Maybe that actually wasn't him but Sharova, or Mr. Green, or someone else entirely. I just feel that the way things were left the writers could get away with quite a few roads to take the story in. Of course I'm not saying it's not possible he did lie, because there are also good indications that he did, I'm just saying that IMO there are other possibilities