I totally agree with you!! I miss the old Ryan. Not that his character has changed that much, but it's changes I notice that bother me!
Old ID CalleighEricFan
I miss how was in episodes like "Shootout". How he called H and asked H to do something to help that baby like the nanny wanted. But, the writing of Ryan is not the only one the writers are having trouble with this season.
I hated the way Eric was written in one scene in his last episode. Yes, Eric can be a tiny bit of a hothead at times (a lot of the guys I know are like that lol), but he would never act like that with someone who wasn't a suspect (the way he was acting toward that woman). It just wasn't like him at all.
By the way, I saw your new screen name and was a bit confused at first because I recognized the avatar, but not the screen name. Took me a bit to actually notice that you had your old screenname in your sig. :lol: