The moment between Eric & Calleigh in the locker room, can we say awkward. Ryan just couldn't take the hint...sweetie..they needed sometime alone :lol:
Actually, they didn't need alone time right at that particular moment because they weren't allowed to speak to each other until after the inquisition or whatever it was called. :lol:
Can someone please tell me what Ryan said just before the theme song started? I couldn't quite understand it. :lol:
I like Tom.

I hope they keep him as M.E. But, I also want them to bring Kyle back and have some more little bro/big bro type moments between him and Ryan... that was cute the way Ryan was so protective over him when the grenade went off.
Wait... the fourth dude was playing volleyball in socks? That's unusual and suspicious.
:lol: Ryan was cutely innocent about not realizing that Troy and Hailey were together-together. :lol: But then they went and said he didn't know what a cougar was? That bugged me. It felt like they were trying to make him the dunce or something. Come on! Who doesn't know what a cougar is? That really really bugged me. I'm sorry, but it was way out of character. Ryan would TOTALLY know what a cougar is! GRRR!
Ryan: Cat fight 2 o'clock. :lol:
Ryan: Apparently the electricity isn't the most shocking thing about this case. :lol:
There was surprisingly little of Horatio in this episode. That's a first... except for "Resurrection".
Absolutely LOVED the handshakes between Eric and Ryan. I think that's the friendliest those two have ever been.
:lol: at Jesse and Walter. Die Hard and John McClain (I thought he called him John McCain at first and was like

until I remembered that Bruce Willis' Die Hard character was named John McClain- oh and btw, I read they're making a new DH movie.

). :lol:
So Travers is testifying somewhere... well, at least they're explaining his absence. I wonder if the actor is doing another show at the moment.
Walter: Man those cougars are hungry! :lol: They tend to be very ... generous. :guffaw:
Nat to Jess: Woah! Easy Tarzan! :lol:
Lighting strikes every day in Miami, but it never rains? :lol: Just once I'd like to see it rain in Miami. :lol:
Natalia: I'd go, but I'm not really her type. :lol:
Ryan: Ahoy! :guffaw:
"they were together together" heehee.
Tiffany (the girlfriend on the boat) looks like a younger Courtney Cox, don't'cha think?
Ryan: I guess its our lucky day cause you have such a nice way with people, Tripp. :lol:
And then Tripp calling Ryan "smart ass" again. :lol: Those two were back in true playful-sniping form. :lol:
Okay, so it's okay for the husband to cheat, but the wife can't cause she's not a man? :wtf: What a jerk!
The whole thing at the end with Eric and Calleigh like "you shot at me" "well you drove a car at me" was kind of funny.
It seemed like they tried to give Jesse scenes with everyone in the cast, but they missed Frank (and Stetler to a lesser degree). :lol:
Other than that one complaint I mentioned earlier, it was a decent episode. The screentime balance was decent (of course other than Eric's).
3 and a half stars out of four.
Grade: A-.