"418/427" Discussion thread **Spoilers**

This ep was ok but not one of my faves. I guessed early on that the FBI guy killed his wife and his son had the daughter.

However the son who was schizophrenic was very interesting and well acted, he really made you feel for him. Plus he had such pretty blue eyes!!

Not enough Greg, too much Hodges.

As I said before, never missed Ray.
I'm sorry, but if there was a guy, like the one in the opening scene, behind me in any checkout line, I think I would have flattened him.

Haha! I at least would have turned around and asked him to be patient and if he kept up, I would have told him to shut up.

I agree, he would (and the rest of the store) have heard some choice words from me!
Personally, speaking as a fan of Hodges, I enjoyed his involement in the episode. But what has me a little curious is, why does it seem so far fetched for him to dabble a little in the different areas within the lab? Perhaps it's a little to much in such a short period of time, seeing we hadn't seen he really do that before, but didn't Greg multi-task when he was in the lab? Don't you often see the CSI's processing their own evidence? (ballistics, fingerprinting and the odd time trace when WL isn't available for shooting)

Greg did a lot of trace, as well as DNA, before Hodges came along. And yeah, we often see CSIs doing their own stuff, especially ballistics and quite often video analysis. A lot of the times when there's more than two CSIs on a case, the third is only doing lab stuff, so I guess they have to do their own or not get any screentime. :rolleyes:

I find it kind of odd now that there's no DNA tech, after all the fuss in season 5 about having to find a replacement before Greg could go out in the field.

I'm sorry, but if there was a guy, like the one in the opening scene, behind me in any checkout line, I think I would have flattened him.

Haha! I at least would have turned around and asked him to be patient and if he kept up, I would have told him to shut up.

The guy may have been obnoxious, but he was also right.. I hate people who get in the "express" checkout line with way too many items - it just slows it down for the people who actually follow the rules (and yes, I know the woman on the show was agitated and probably didn't even realize, but the guy didn't know that).
Personally, speaking as a fan of Hodges, I enjoyed his involement in the episode. But what has me a little curious is, why does it seem so far fetched for him to dabble a little in the different areas within the lab? Perhaps it's a little to much in such a short period of time, seeing we hadn't seen he really do that before, but didn't Greg multi-task when he was in the lab? Don't you often see the CSI's processing their own evidence? (ballistics, fingerprinting and the odd time trace when WL isn't available for shooting)

Yes, I remember that Greg did dabble in Trace when he was a tech- I've come to accept that DNA and Trace are apparently interchangeable, but I was mad when Hodges suddenly was able to work in A/V in Season 9, and I'm mad now that suddenly he's an expert in prints, both without explanation as to why he's doing it (especially since all this labwork apparently reminds him of Wendy or something like that) or, in the case of this episode, where the other techs that are supposed to be working there are; at least when Archie made the move to handwriting analysis they explained that the previous tech had been promoted and he wanted to 'expand his horizons (and paycheck)'.

I apologise if that came out as a rant :p
Seems like they are trying to turn Hodges into an Abby-like character (NCIS). Not liking it one bit.
Didn't get to review...

Ok episode.

I wanted to clobber that guy through the tv! lol Obviously the lady was distraught! Men!

Loved having a lot of Sara and Hodges. No Ray made me smile...

Brass was hysterical!

I figured out the brother was involved and the dad (one of the more annoying FBI guys) was too.

Ahhh I can't remember anything else. I'll probably watch it again just to refresh my memory.
Brass and Sara saved the episode for me.He really delivers when the writers give him the chance.I do not like much pedophile cases becouse it disturbs me so I admit being biased.Hope for more Catherine scenes in the next episode.
The guy may have been obnoxious, but he was also right.. I hate people who get in the "express" checkout line with way too many items - it just slows it down for the people who actually follow the rules (and yes, I know the woman on the show was agitated and probably didn't even realize, but the guy didn't know that).
Being right about a fact doesn't give someone permission to be a total jerk ... which he was. At the very least, he could clearly see that the woman had a young child in her cart, which would be a clue to most people to back off on the rudeness. He was more interested in bullying her, which is something else that happens way too often. Civility -- or, at the very least, taking a moment to find out why someone is doing something we don't like (they may have a very good reason -- seems to have fallen by the wayside.

I was surprised that when Doc had to do stitches on the FBI guy, he didn't mention Ray's absence. As in, "Where is Ray when I need him?"

I felt sorry for the ex-wife/mother. Her terror felt very real. What a way to go. And what life lies ahead for the little girl?

I thought it was a pretty good episode, but was reminded that the writers are once again portraying mental illness in a negative way, characterizing schizophrenics as being dangerous to others when, in most cases, they're more of a danger to themselves than anyone else. We got a bit of that, along with more depth than the average TV show, but overall this episode perpetuated a lot of the same old stereotypes.
And what life lies ahead for the little girl?

The little girl would probably go live with her aunt. They mentioned talking to the mother's sister and her telling them that the mother and the kids were gonna come stay with her, so I assume we were supposed to think that this is where the little girl would end up.
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And what life lies ahead for the little girl?
The little girl would probably go live with her aunt. They mentioned talking to the mother's sister and her telling them that the mother and the kids were gonna come stay with her, so I assume we were supposed to think that this is where the little girl would end up.
Good point. Still, as Sara knows, when you're the child in that situation -- one parent kills the other parent, and the surviving parent is sent to prison -- it's a tough reality in which to grow up.
At least Sara had the fall back of 'My mom is crazy!' That kid has to deal knowing her dad was totally 'sane' (by legal standards) when he did it.

Plus side? I think her college entrance essay will be a lock!
Good episode even though I knew almost from the beginning that the FBI Agent was the killer. I had no pity for him at the end. If he had cared about his daughter that much, he wouldn't have murdered his mother. More to the point,he pushed his mentally ill son over the edge. I felt everything in the world for the son, whom I hope is placed in a hospital, and nothing for the father.
He became just as big of a monster as the man he was chasing.