Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Kay so hi everyone! I'm the dummy who somehow didn't come across this thread when I was looking around last night and started my own, but then I got sent here so it's all good!
I've been with 24 from the start, but I'm a WAYYY bigger fan now then I was wayyy back in season 1 when I just watched little bits and pieces with my dad. I went hardcore into 24 near the end of season 2 cuz by then I was like "omg daddy what happened on your show last night??? did you watch it yet??? can i watch it???" and this was an every tuesday thing.

Eh-neh-weh, I'm gunna cry if I don't get seven dollars soon, I WANT MY ISSUE FOUR!!!! =[ I shall cry if I do not have it very soon.

Omfg January needs to get here fast cuz I'm dying!! I can't live off of re-runs for this long! *cries* Just like I can't live off of CSI re-runs for a really really long time, I'll die. I come very close to death between seasons of CSI and 24, literally. I start to like...freak out and go psycho. Haha.

Edited to say the following:
In responce to the movie bit wayy up at the top of this page, I really don't have a HUGE problem with just Kiefer(<3) coming to the movie from the show. But what I do think will happen is that they'll have Chloe in it, seeing as "she's his right-hand-man"(- Daddy). I vote that they have Audrey in it to, just cuz I heart Kim Raver and Audrey is da bomb. Haha. But I think that the first person they'd have from the show, besides Kiefer, would be Chloe.
I can't wait for the movie!!!!

p.s. I watched the Sentinel for the first time recently and I started yelling at my brother's friends "SHUT UP! Kiefer is speaking!" "No, Jordan! Don't yell at my friends!" "Zachary, Kiefer is speaking. You do not scream and yell when Kiefer is speaking. It's against the laws of this household." "Nooo, it's against YOUR laws that YOU live by, not mommy and daddy's laws." "YOU MADE ME MISS IT YOU STUPID HEAD!!!! GO OUTSIDE OR SOMETHING, JUST FOR THIS SCENE!!!" "Fine." *brother and friends go outside* *I lock all doors behind them* "HEY!!!!" "HAHA!!! YOU ACTUALLY THOUGHT I'D LET YOU BACK IN!!??" *brother and friends start screaming and smacking door* *rewinds DVD and watches scene over again* "Hot damn, he's gotta nice ass...."

The end.
Haha, I'm a dorkk.
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

I'm glad you found this thread alright, and welcome, it's great to know that there are others out there that are addicted to 24...and I mean like "if I can't make some obscure Jack Bauer reference in my entire day, I will probably start randomly yelling 'Damn it!' and pointing an imaginary gun at no one in particular whilst saying 'put your hands on your head NOW!'"

anyhoo...I am actually a relatively new fan of 24...I started watching reruns this summer and after one hour in the middle of day 5 I was totally hooked and I actually spent my entire summer reading the recaps of all the seasons on the Fox website, I printed them out and carried them around :p

Oh, how is the Sentinel, I really wanted to see that....nevermind, anything with Kiefer in it has to be good :D'

okay...for fear of looking like a retard I will ask this at the end of my post, but seeing as I'm relatively new could someone tell me who Cubby boy is? *ducks from flying 24 memorabilia* :)
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Cubby boy is Tony. He always had the Cubs mug around somewhere. :D

That was one hot promo! 3 more months. ARGH!

The Sentinal was an ok movie for me. Kiefer was great in it, I thought. What amazed me the most was I never thought of his character as Jack Bauer. So, to me that shows great acting talent.
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

I would imagine it may be Edgar although I could be wrong being new to the thread myself.

I still can't get over the fact they killed Tony. And while most people are Jack fans, and yeah I like the guy to, its Tony's journey I've been following. He's come so far since season 1 and then poof gone with no silent clock.

I'm interested to see how they pull the movie off but have no fear I will be there. It would be nice to have it set mid 2 of the seasons and use some of the faces we don't get to see anymore, ie TONY! and Edgar of course.

*sighs* I miss the Tony but I am looking forward to S6 should be a doozy.
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Hey does anyone wanna give me a website or something to help me out with making my LJ pretty?? I just made a new one and I wanna make it nice and prettyful. Any help would be greatly sppreciated. Thanks a million <333

The Sentinel was another great movie featuring Kiefer, in my opinion. I thought about his character as Jack in the previews for it, since it was all shooting and stuff and what-not, but while I was watching the movie, I never thought of Jack. Which, I agree, shows amazing talent.

On another note, Tony is a hottieee =P No silent clock depressed me. I started flippin' out, I was like "OHMYGOD NO SILENT CLOCK FOR TONY!?!? BULL!!!" and then my family looked at me like "0_0" and then I was all "What?? He deserves a silent clock..." But yeah, nothing new there. My family thinks I'm weird. :p

Oh, and I've just been informed that I will FINALLY be getting On Demand at my house! Yes, I know, it's odd not to have it, but my house is very...old-school...haha. But omg it's a happy day for me cuz I'm gunna have it BY THIS WEDNESDAY, meaning in time for Thursday. So when I get home from school Thursday, Halloween candy and CSI, babyy. Oh, and I think they probably have 24 on demand to. So w00t w00t for Comcast On Demand!! Yesss. *happy joy dance*
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Well, it turns out 24 isn't On Demand. =[
That or I'm just really really dumb...
But I got ISSUE 4 of the official 24 magazine...it's pretty sexy...
Oh, and does anyone have like...a website or something with a bunch of 24 icons or avatars on it???
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Hey Everyone!

Just stop by to say "Congrats to Kiefer" on his People's Choice Nomination for Male TV Star.

BTW, here's Cubby. And the reason why Tony was called "Cubby Boy" :D


Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

^OH! I've always wondered why you called him that. *g* is that your cup? How nice would it be to drink from an autographed Cubby mug every morning. I'm jealous.

I was watching video on trial the other day and they showed 2 videos with 24 stars. I don't remember either video, and I came in too late to figure out who the first actor was, but the second was Elisha Cuthbert, aka annoying Kim Bauer.

I want 24. sigh. This is taking forever. Only what, 3 months to go!
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Yeah Tony always drank from a Cubby mug. The mug pictured above was on Ebay.

Actually, it's a little over 2 months before the season starts. :D
I love the fact that once the season begins we have no breaks. No annoying interruptions. Week after week of great eps. :D

Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Agreed. I can't stand hiatuses. Do you know the exact date the season is set to start?

I saw a commercial for The Nine during Lost last night and saw Audrey on it.. does this mean she's off 24 now or is that just wishful thinking? :devil:
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Season 6 will begin on January 14(Sunday) with 2 hours and in it's regular time slot the following night. Again, another 2 hours. :)

I heard Kim Raver(Audrey) is on another show.
According to some sites she will is listed as a returning character. :D I want to know if her dad will be back? :)

Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Yes congrats to Kiefer on his nomination....he is my choice for sure :D I also hope Audrey and Bill return both of them have really grown on me (during my constant re-run watching) I wouldn't want to lose either of them. I actually have the premiere all marked up nice and pretty like in my calander and unfortunetly it is right in the middle of exams...bummer at least I'll have something to get me through them :p
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Kiefer won on the VH1 Big in '06 awards for Male TV Star. I was like "EEEE!" but then I was depressed cuz he wasn't wearing Wranglers. =[
They make his butt look very very nice. =p

Buut OMFG there's like 36 days left until the new season startssss!!! yay. =]

Kim Raver is on another show, "The Nine." But she's still going to be on 24, as far as I know. ((The Nine is a great show.))

And omg issue 5 of the 24 Mag comes out on December 12!!! That's in like...3 days!!! yay!
I need moneyy...damn you christmas presents and having to buy them!
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Congrats to Kiefer and 24 for their Golden Globe nominations!!!! I will definitely have to watch them this year.