Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

well, just here to say that I am a massive 24 fan :D
season 5 just started here a few days ago, so ive only seen the first four hours...
but I know what happens in the end, because I need to be spoiled, and I cant deal with suspense...
and NOOOOOOO Why did they kill my Tony!!!! *cries* He was my favourite character along with Jack, but I know they'll never kill Jack, and I want my Tony!! :(

well, at least I've still got a couple of episodes with him still in it...
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

TEEHEE!!! :D I love Carlos! thankyou for posting those videos jazzfan!

and ziggy I love those icons! My favourite one would have to be "Jacks smiling. Because he's about to kill you" :lol:
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

From TV Guide online Entertainment News column:

24 Is Numbers Star's... Number
As scooped by the Ausiello Report over the weekend, 24 has recruited Ally McBeal and Numbers star Peter MacNicol to play a high-ranking government official — meaning he's either A) corrupt or B) a mole — during Season 6. Per the Hollywood Reporter, MacNicol plans to shoot the Fox and CBS dramas simultaneously.
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

I can't wait to see what his character is all about. He's so goofy, but lovable, on Numbers.

Congrats to 24 for the most Emmy noms for a television series. Here's hoping for some trophies. :cool:
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

I haven't seen Numbers ever.. not really even heard of it, to be honest.. but I remember Peter MacNicol back on Ally McBeal and as the young lover in Sophie's Choice, and he's a fantastic actor. It'll be great to see him again!
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Oh my gosh, I just saw the episode where Edgar died...*sniff* it was so sad :(
I only saw it 10 mintues ago, but I miss Edgar :(

and he hasn't even died over here yet, but I miss my Cubbyboy (yes I have been reading through the thread ;))
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Edgar's death was really quite emotional.

Please post what you think about Tony's death. I'm anxious to know.
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Okay, well, I just saw the episode. Granted it was part of a 2-part episode, but I can't watch the second hour right now. I saw the first hour though, and that whole episode was really emotional. Even when Lynn died, even though he wasn't very well liked, that death was incredibly sad. It reminded me of when Mason died in s2 and when Schapple died in s3. All three men had to sacrifice themselves to save everyone else, and all three of their death scenes were some of the saddest I've seen. (but I still think Edgar's was one of the saddest I've ever seen. The look on his face just gets me :()

Anyway, onto Tony. I think because I knew it was coming, I knida braced myself, because he was by far my favourite character. While he was preparing that syringe, I kept tshouting "Oh my gosh, don't do it! He's going to kill you!" but of course, he didn't listen to me. Though I have to admit, it was nice to see him not kill that guy (no matter how much I wanted him to) it meant that he still had a sense of morals and conscience, and he went out in a way that showed that he was really a stand-up guy. The death itself was also really sad, dying in Jack's arms, as Teri did in s1, I thought that was a nice touch, it showed how much Jack cared for him, and the friendship that they had. When he said "She's gone", it made me cry, it was just a really emotional scene. And I'm really sad to see him go, I really really liked him.
And witht eh whole 'silent-clock' thing, I too am annoyed that they didn't give him the silent clock like they did for everyone else. I think it was because it was a double episode and they didn't stop in between. But its still really annoying, he should've got the silent clock.


Ok, well, I'm not sure if anyone is actually going to bother reading that, it was quite a bit longer than I thought it would be. Oh well, I was feeling a little analytical today.