Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

I'm really getting ansy about the new season. Less than two weeks, now.
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

I know!!! I'm counting down the days.....*does happy dance around the room* in the meantime I've been watching the seasons from the beginning on A&E which is helping tide me over until the new season starts
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

**spazz attack** OMG IT'S SO CLOSE!!!! I like died the other day when TV Guide was practically like allll about 24. =p

Kiefer = hottie. ^__^
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Man, after months of waiting, "24" is just a few days away.

Did anyone catch the cast on Larry King Live yesterday night?

God, it was great to see Kiefer and Cast. :D

Could "24" go on without Jack? :rolleyes:
That's what Larry asked Kiefer. :D

What do you think?

BTW, Good Luck at the Golden Globe!

Woooohoooo Jack is almost back!!!

Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Aww yay!...but i probably won't get to see it for a while...at least 6 months or so. But, the good nes is that I got season 5 for christmas, and even though I saw..most of the season, I've been watching it all again, because I can't for the life of me remember what happened in the later hours...

But it is nice having my Cubbyboy back, at least for a little while...*sigh* season 6 just isn't gonna be the same without him. Oh well, I guess thats what the earlier seasons are for ;)
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Tonight is the night! Anyone catch the True Hollywood story on E last night? I loved the spoilers Chole and Bill gave. Chole in a bikini and Bill learning Chinese. LOL
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

jazzfan said:
Tonight is the night! Anyone catch the True Hollywood story on E last night? I loved the spoilers Chole and Bill gave. Chole in a bikini and Bill learning Chinese. LOL

Hey Jazz I watched it last night! :D

Tonight, tonight, tonight!!!!

Are ya ready???

Counting the hours down......woooohoooo!!!!!

4 hours of Jackness today and tomorrow!!!

My god, that's like one month of new eps! :eek:

*dances some more and does the "Wave" with family and friends*

Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

YAY!!!!!! omg so excited...*joins wave and dancing* 3 hours 55 minutes and 46....45....44 seconds *does another happy dance* I missed the True Hollywood story...grrr oh well the wait will soon be over :D :D :D
Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

Hello Jack lovers! :D

Just to let you know that I've changed the thread title, as you’re no longer on season 5. I've just left it at 24 with a possible spoilers warning, any problems let me or WillowsWannaBe know. :)
Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

Well, we should be getting season 6 when the ratings period starts here, in about a month or so, but they also said that we'll probably have several double episodes so that we can catch up to America. Though I am really looking forward to it, I still don't think it'll be the same without Tony :( I just hope that it lives up to all the hype, and I can't wait for it to start :D

And I'm currently watching season 3 again...I don't really know why, but I just really felt like watching it, so I'm kinda watching it again...so while you guys get to see the premiere of the new season, I'll be watching random season 3 episodes...but I don't really mind, cause it's 24, and I absolutely love season 3 :D
Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

Season 6: ----- 6 am - 8 am -----

Aaaahhh the sound of that ticking clock is music to my ears.

So the rollercoaster begins and I'm already trying to figure out who's the mole. :lol:
Time to learn the new names and faces.

Whoa, Wayne Palmer is now the President of the United States. :eek: How did that happen? :confused: I know 2 years have past....President? :eek:
Sooo, Bill and Karen are married?? Cool. :)
I see Milo is back from Day One. I was surprise to see Morris.

It's amazing the chaos the US is going thru, 'cause that's what happens when there's no Jack.

Poor Jack, all those scars on his back, OUCH! :mad: Can you imagine not speaking for 2 years?? 2 years people? :eek:

We know Jack always finds a way to escape and I couldn't believe how he did it? My God!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: That was sick. But it worked. :D Yay, free at last.

I'm trying to get used to the fact that there's another Logan as President. And he made his first mistake by not listening to Jack. Shame, shame, shame.
Your first mistake with Jack. :(

So Jack and Asad, working together, to get Fayed, the bad guy. I like that.

Leave it to Chloe to find out that it was Jack who helped Asad escape. I'm just glad Bill kept it quiet.

Gee, in just 2 hours Jack survives 2 bomb blasts. That's my boy!!!

Wooohooo, 2 more hours tomorrow.

Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

Season 6: ----- 8 am -10 am -----

4 bombs in 4 hours.
Talk about starting off with a BANG! :lol: A nuclear weapon! :eek:

So I guess Curtis is our first casualty of the season. :( Actually I'm not surprise at all, it was either him or Assad.
I am surprise Jack did the shooting. :eek: :eek:

How do you think the President is handling the crisis? In the back of my mind, I keep thinking "What would David have done?"
Would he have negotiated with Fayed? :rolleyes:

Speaking of Fayed, damn this guy is brilliant. Out of all the bad guys thru the past seasons, he's tops my list. Seriously, he tops my list already. :D Hmmm how is Jack gonna get him? Hopefully Assad won't turn his back on Jack. :eek:

Morris - Milo: They need to get their act together. :mad: Otherwise, their storyline will get annoying. Haha....I'm starting to bitch already. :lol: :lol:

A thumbs up to the Mom for calling 9-1-1. The Dad, he deserves to die after delivering the package. Did he really think his life would be spared? At least Jack rescued his son. :D

Ok, did I just hear right? The first 4 hours will be available on DVD tomorrow? :eek: Tell me I wasn't dreaming?
That would be cool, releasing 1 disk with 4 eps after it's aired. Very interesting.

Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

Wow! Not as thrilling as last season's opener, but quite a ride!

First I'll make a reply to WP:
So the rollercoaster begins and I'm already trying to figure out who's the mole.
I just heard some discussion that people are thinking it's Peter MacNicol (Palmer's advisor thomas)

I was actually not shocked that Curtis was going to die. Being that most of everyone was in the 'Starring' category and he was in 'Guest-Starring' I did some math and when his number came up, I wasn't too shocked. :rolleyes:

Chloe seems a little different. She seems to look different and is she dating Morris -- again?! Chloe, it didn't work the first time, don't do it again! :mad:

Jack breaking out of being sacraficed? Yay Jack! Go you!

And I'm buying the DVD that comes out today for the first four episodes and contains the first 12 minutes of next weeks episode.

Also, Season 4 and 5 music can be found on the new '24' soundtrack!
Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

Can I just huggle Jack for a second. He looked like a sad puppy after he shot Curtis, I just wanted to smoosh him and not let go. Keifer Sutherland owns me.

Monday's episodes were less exciting than Sunday's but were still very good. I kept flicking between 24 and the Globes so I probably missed a few key moments - like the mole thing, I had no idea there was a mole :lol: