Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Indeed, thank you!
What a way to pass the months with no new 24... staring at endless pictures of delicious Kiefer...
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Endless photos, You bet! :D
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

I have to say that the final of the Season 5 was very good, but I want to know what will happen with Jack now, do the Chinese want to kill Jack or what?
Hope not, but I like that he is kitnap :devil: that looks to be very interesting next Season
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Hey peeps! New to the fandomness of 24, but not THAT new to the show. Well, you know, CSI's going through the rockies (for me anyway, ;) ) So I turned on 24. But case in point, don't expect me to make all these smart POVs about epis.

*cough* ANYway...

Kiefer's hotness lured me in.... :devil:

What is it about him?!?!

Pic from kiefer-rocks.com

Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

CSI3Snickers said:
Hey peeps! New to the fandomness of 24, but not THAT new to the show. Well, you know, CSI's going through the rockies (for me anyway, ;) ) So I turned on 24. But case in point, don't expect me to make all these smart POVs about epis.

*cough* ANYway...

Kiefer's hotness lured me in.... :devil:

Hey CSI3 :D
I love "24"
it's my favorite show!

Kiefer's hottness, oh yeah!!!

But I miss my Cubbyboy. :(

Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

So, uh, what do you guys do in the off-season? I mean, seriously, it's not on until next year...What do you guys do to vill the void?

Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Yeah, it's not on until January, I believe. a tragedy, says I. This is the first year I've watched it consistently, myself, so we'll see! When I'm missing a tv show I love I usually just watch other tv shows. Or play video games.
Anyway, welcome to the fandom! 24 is awesome :)
Make sure you check out Kiefer v. the Xmas Tree....
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

OMG! I saw that thing where he tackled the Christmas tree...very candid, I must say. Although I really didn't get it. And the whole "Kiefer, you're a pirate" thing... :confused:

And did you see the pics of him with his pants down? :eek: Very un-Jack Bauer, eh? :lol:
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

I made a Kiefer vs. the xmas tree icon. heh.
He's definitely a wild child, that guy. I read a recent iview in Rolling Stone and he was going on about how he rides the subway everywhere so he can drink himself stupid and not worry about driving home.. he lives in an old iron foundry.. he's a right weirdo. He's about as far from Jack Bauer as he could be!
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

OK, ziggy I HAVE to see that icon of yours. Pwetty pwease? :D

And I think that Rolling Stone interview may be one of his best interviews ever. So honest. The thing about him is that he probably wants to beat the stereotype, you know? He looks so innocent and nice (and he is), but he's very rebellious.
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Fosho, babe! It's on my LJ at http://ziggystarduzt.livejournal.com/
I think it's in the second batch... I just started making avvies, so you don't have to root around very much :D Go ahead and friend me while you're there, if you'd like. I'm a big fan of friends.

I think part of the thing with Kiefer is that he was the son of such a famous actor, right? And Donald Sutherland was never a rebellious type.. he was more stoic and severe than rebellious. I think that K's probably trying to prove himself to be an equal and yet totally different actor from his father. *shrugs* I must say... I'm very proud that they're both Canadian (like me!) :)
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Aww, shweet!!! Snagged it!!

You know, this might actually be the "Kiefer" thread. So yeah. :lol: Awesome.
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

And I say LET IT BE THE KIEFER THREAD! *g* It can be 24 during 24 season and Kiefer during off season. So. Kiefer, y'all? Isn't he just the sexiest? Why yes, yes he is ;)
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

OH YEAH! Kiefer's a hunk of man flesh, isn't he?

I don't think I'll ever admit this out loud, but I used to be a little scared of him because he'd shoot people's legs and all that if they didn't talk, and he's got that throaty voice that always seems to scream, "DROP THE GUN!!!!" but now, NOOO. And I think his voice is very sexay. Yes, sexxxaaaaayyy. *cough* :lol: