Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Yeah, I must admit that too. But I was scared of him before he was Jack Bauer. I was scared of him in Stand By Me when he was holding a knife to poor Wil Wheaton's throat. He was very, very scary back then. Now I'm still scared of him, but he's sexy in a daaaaaangerous way now. ;)
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

I don't mind this being the Kiefer thread :p

I fell in love with Kiefer in The Lost Boys

Talk about one frickin' Hott, sexy vampire!

I'm looking forward to the "24" movie!!!!

Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

I still haven't seen The Lost Boys.. I know, some child of the 80s I am :)

Is the 24 movie still in production? I haven't seen anything about it.. do you know if it's going to be real time? I can't wait...
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Still haven't seen the "Lost Boys" either, and the only movie I saw him in was "1969", which actually made me turn into a fan for some reason. *shrug*

Can't wait to see "Dead Heat" and "The Sentinel" though. :D

ETA: So guys, what Kiefer movies would you recommend?
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

ziggystarduzt said:
Is the 24 movie still in production? I haven't seen anything about it.. do you know if it's going to be real time? I can't wait...
I read something yesterday about the 24 movie, but unfortunately there was no mention on when the filming was due to start or even an idea of the release. I suspect it will probably be late 2007, but that's just speculation on my part. ;)

I'm sure the artical probably tells you everything that you already know, but here is the link for you just in case. www.yahoo.co.uk

CSI3Snickers said:
ETA: So guys, what Kiefer movies would you recommend?
The only two movies I've seen with Kiefer are 'Phone Booth' - which, in my opinion, Kiefer was great in. And also 'Stand By Me' - I love Keifer in this film, as he looks a total babe. :lol: He was so cute when he was younger. ;)

*EDIT* Just a thought here. If you want I can open up a Kiefer Sutherland thread for you? You can discuss Kiefer's movies ect and have this thread just for 24. :)

Let me know what y'all think. :)
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Thanks, Tink, I haven't heard anything at all about the 24 movie, except that it is theoretically happening.

I wasn't a huge fan of Phone Booth, to be honest.. I felt that not much really happened and that they didn't amount to the level of suspense I would have liked. It was still well-acted however.. although we didn't see Keifer enough ;)

I'm a die hard Stand By Me fan. I love the movie in every single way (I actually own it!), and everyone is so fantastic in it.. if you haven't seen it, rent it as soon as you can!

As for the 24/Kiefer thread, it's totally up to you as mod, but my thoughts are that this thread will likely die until January when the show starts again if we open another thread just for Keifer. Perhaps we could change the title to 24/Kiefer Sutherland? That way we can talk about 24 related stuff AND Keifer until the show starts again, at which point it can revert back to entirely 24 related stuff. That's just my opinion though. What do you all think?
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

ziggystarduzt said:
As for the 24/Kiefer thread, it's totally up to you as mod, but my thoughts are that this thread will likely die until January when the show starts again if we open another thread just for Keifer. Perhaps we could change the title to 24/Kiefer Sutherland? That way we can talk about 24 related stuff AND Keifer until the show starts again, at which point it can revert back to entirely 24 related stuff. That's just my opinion though. What do you all think?

ITA with ziggy let's rename this thread "24"/Kiefer that way we can speak about Jack and Kiefer and not let this thread die out. :D

I love Stand By Me. :p
Lost Boys has a special place in my heart. :D
He was cute in Young Guns & Young Guns II. :D
The Sentinel. I enjoyed his latest movie. Eva L. wasn't bad. :lol:

Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

I'm all for renaming the thread.

I was dorky enough last night to research his movies and watch almost all the trailers. "Eye of the Killer" looked good. Not really a classic, but it looked good.
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

About the '24' movie:

It has not been started [filming].

It will probably not even be in the actual TV show format (real time format) and the only star that they're thinking about using for the movie is Kiefer. :( So as of yet I haven't heard if Chloe or Audrey will return. As soon as I hear anything from the press, I'll let ya'll know. :D
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Aw man. Thanks for the details, abc.. but does that sound kinda lame to anyone else? Like.. what's the point, if they're not going to do it right? *sigh* I guess we need to trust in our Kiefer.
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

It does sound a little off for me, because, as Kiefer said, the star of the show is the real time format. And the fact that the rest of the cast won't be there wouldn't make it "The 24 Movie"...It's a Kiefer Sutherland movie.

ETA: Has anybody here seen the "Desert Saints?" Can anyone tell me what everybody meant when they said he was doing a "sexy dance"? And I saw on kiefer-rocks that he says in the movie, "I told you I can't dance."
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

ziggystarduzt said:
Aw man. Thanks for the details, abc.. but does that sound kinda lame to anyone else? Like.. what's the point, if they're not going to do it right? *sigh* I guess we need to trust in our Kiefer.

I see no problem using Kiefer only, to me his character is "24" and my reason for watching the show. :D
What would be weird is seeing Tony, Palmer, Michelle etc... in the movie. :eek:
I would love to see Chloe though. :)

Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Well, I remember Kiefer saying that the 24 movie is already in the making, so...

Yeah, it WOULD be weird to have the Tony and everybody. But then they can use him as long as they tell the audience that the movie is set before all the dying stuff. *sigh* IO miss Tony.
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Hey, did anyone watch "24" last Friday. They had the first two hours and I guess FOX will be showing it on Friday nights. :rolleyes:
