Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Yay, that was a awesome ep! I had a feeling Heller was still alive, like WP_Rocks_MY_World said, it is 24 we are watching.

I was hoping Logan was going to shoot himself but once Miles wanted to know what was going on, then I knew something was up and stupid Miles had to make the call. *shakes fist*
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

So does this mean Miles is going to be the next mole for Logan? :eek:

Aaron returns, poor guy! :eek:

Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Surely Chole made a copy. :eek:

Um, if you are gonna off yourself, take more that one shot of booze before you go. Heck, drink the whole bottle. :devil:

Will somebody give Chole a gun so she can shoot Miles?
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

----------4:00am - 5:00am---------- Season 5

Amen Aaron Amen!!

You bet Logan is a disgrace and a traitor. :mad: Wow, I can't believe they were going to kill Aaron? :eek:

So another traitor is headed for the White House.
Damn Jack should have punch Miles instead of the security guard. Karen, what kind of slap was that?? :mad: :mad: Sheesh! :rolleyes:

Henderson working with Jack, of course Chris had something up his sleeve. Whew, at least he didn't get away. Yay.

Whoa! I didn't know the First Lady smoked? Thank goodness she was outside.
Who would have thought Martha would kill an agent? Good for her! Saving Aaron's life.

Hmmm how is Martha going to stop Logan? Or will she? :eek: I hope she tells Mike everything.

Now that the terrorists have boarded the Russian sub, what is Jack going to do to save the world again?

Just 2 more hours of Jackness!!

Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

I'm happy Agent Pierce is still alive but last night's episode was sort of boring. I'm hoping the last two hours make up for it.
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

I'm back after a 2-month long internetless spree. Terrible, I say!

I love Martha. So much. And I love Aaron even more. I'm hereby creating ship FLAaron. Feel the love, y'all! I'm so glad he's alive.
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

I wanted Jack to bitch slap Miles but Karen beat him to it :lol:

I didn't know Martha smoked either! But yay for Aaron being back. I thought Martha was going to kiss Aaron in the stables :eek:

The face Curtis made after being shot was priceless!
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

I noticed Martha smoking a few episodes back.. I remember it making me laugh because it was like Logan didn't know and it was almost as if she was sneaking a smoke outside. I think because a secret service agent went to speak to her and she appeared to immediately hide the cigarette behind her back. Cracked me right up, it did.
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Yay, Martha with a gun! Now, honey use it again on hubby. Go ahead you can do it. :D

Miles is on Jack's list. Poor Miles.

Now that the terrorists have boarded the Russian sub, what is Jack going to do to save the world again?

He's gonna kick some butt! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

I can't wait until he finally gets to be face to face with Logan. There will be lots of Jack yelling and lots of Logan looking really scared / uncomfortable. In short: It will be awesome.
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

So looking forward to the end of the season. All I can say is look out Logan jack is after you.
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Hang on boys and girls the roller coaster ride isn't over yet!! :D

Go get him Jack!!!!!


Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Well it is 7 hrs and 15 minutes to go here in the central time zone. I just can't wait.

Much later of course. Loved the season finale. They played it all right to the end, really kept you guessing. Now I have to wait til January for more hot Jack Bauer.
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

---------- 5:00am - 7:00am ---------- Season 5

Whoooa, after Henderson helps Jack, Jack finishes him off. :eek: Serves him right for killing Palmer, Michelle and my Cubby boy.

Thank goodness Martha finally told Mike the truth. Jack going after the President of the United States, sweet. :D

Delaying the President, poor Martha having no choice but to seduce Charles. :eek: Last week Jean Smart appeared on Glenn Beck. They showed a snippet of the seduction moment and Beck said "Eeeew." :lol: :lol: I thought the same too. :lol: :lol: Poor, poor Martha. :lol: :lol:

I thought it was interesting, Chloe asking her ex-hubby Morris for help. Cool. :)

Wow, switching pilots. What a clever ideal! Do you know how good it felt to see Logan handcuffing himself?
Like a crook.

God, I thought Jack was really going to pull the trigger. :eek: Instead he's under arrest. I was wondering why he gave in so easily. :rolleyes: We would later find out why. Great job Jack!!

What a bittersweet moment looking at Palmer's casket and Logan saluting. I felt sorry for Martha 'cause she knew it was wrong! :mad: I don't blame her for breaking down.
I was so surprised to see the President slapping and threatening the First Lady. Shame on him! :mad: :mad:
Well, she did have the last laugh. And, believe it or not, I do admire Logan for continuing his speech and not causing a scene before being taken away. :rolleyes:

How many of you thought the Chinese government would eventually get involved, raise your hand? *raises hand*

Now, that my friends, was a very, very cool ending this season. Jack being kidnap. Wow!! :eek: :eek:


Day 5 Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!

A brilliant finale!!
We saw the assassination of an Ex-President, the current President as one of the bad guys, several regular cast members killed off the show, and the kidnapping of Jack. Bravo!!!!

Day 5 was the best yet!!
