Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

----------11:00pm - 12:00am---------- Season 5

Whoooaaa . . . tonight's ep was quite the rollercoaster!

President Logan the traitor. :eek: So Cummings was taking the blame for framing Jack, but, it was Logan all this time. :mad: I have a feeling they killed Cummings and made it look like a suicide. :eek:
Do you really believe Logan didn't order the assassination of Palmer? :rolleyes:

Hmm Gardner considered Jack a hero, I'll have to cut him so slack. :lol: He really should have a talk with Martha. Don't you think? :rolleyes:

I am loving Audrey and Chloe working together. :) Hee hee HLS thought they could outsmart Chloe with a tracking device. Way to go Chloe!!

Hey, it's nice to see the Secretary of Defense Heller back.

Heads up to Aaron for calling Jack. :D Now he knows about Logan.

Poor Evelyn, first she gets shot in the leg, Jack then takes her to a motel instead of the hospital. For a second I thought Evelyn was dead. Poor kid freaks and she's crying so Mom just had to get off the bed and then goes down.
Damn, her daughter had to call 911 alerting Henderson. Hmm I'm wondering if Henderson killed them both. :eek: I wouldn't be surprise if he did. :rolleyes:

The bank scene was like deja vu . . . remember years ago in California when two masked men robbed a bank and there was a shootout, well, I watched that event "Live" on television. And watching tonight's scene on "24" got my heart pounding because it brought back memories. Weird huh. :eek:
I felt sad for the banker. :(

Man I'm really missing my Cubbie boy. :( At least Jack has Wayne to watch his back. :D

Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Poooooor Evelyn. I liked her. She's so dead. And I liked the banker too.

I'm sad about FLOTUS being totally manipulated by her evil husband and his evil ways. I swear her and Aaron should hook up, overthrow him, and then she can run the country.

Did everyone hear about 24 getting renewed for 3 more seasons.. and Keifer happily contracting himself? w00t!
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

i read that he signed for a futher 3 seasons worth $40m!!!

damn :cool:
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

dittohead said:
i read that he signed for a futher 3 seasons worth $40m!!!

damn :cool:

Whoa! :eek:

That's awesome news. Ahhhh 3 more years of Jack! I haven't read anything about that yet.

Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Awesome that Kiefer signed on for more seasons. I don't see 24 as the same without him! :eek:

Did people see the previews for next week?! It looks like Chloe is getting fired...again! :eek:

It was great seeing SOD Heller again last night, my Mom and I like his character and was disappointed to see the lack of him towards the end of last season. :(

I think last night was the first time I saw Audrey out of CTU! Her meeting up with Jack and stuff is totally kick butt!

I hope Evelyn and her daughter Amy aren't dead. They are needed so much. :D
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

watching s3

tony is getting the suicide capsule for the hotel
definately my favourite series and scene
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

I love season 5 so much, IMO it's the best season of all, last episode rocked again, I love Chloe, what she did with Miles, I hate Miles. It was a bit stupid from Jack to take Wayne with him, everybody knows Wayne. Poor guy from the bank :(. And Heller is back, yay! I hope he's good and can do something against Logan. Heller for president in season 6! :D

Bill is back, yay!
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

abc said:

Did people see the previews for next week?! It looks like Chloe is getting fired...again! :eek:

Yes, but I seriously doubt that will happen. :rolleyes:

abc said:
It was great seeing SOD Heller again last night, my Mom and I like his character and was disappointed to see the lack of him towards the end of last season. :(

I hope Evelyn and her daughter Amy aren't dead. They are needed so much. :D

I enjoyed William D. last season so it's great to see him again going after Pres. Logan. :D

Henderson didn't care if Jack killed his wife so I wouldn't be surprise if they are dead. The man is a cold killer. :mad:

Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

jazzfan said:
dittohead said:
ryan chappele is dead :(
no ticky-tock

That was an awesome scene.

Yeah that was awesome. And the sound of silence. Now was that the first or second time they've used the "silence" at the end? Hmmmm. :rolleyes:

Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Guys, I just wanted to let everyone know that I have started a 24 forum, by popular demand. You can find the forum [titled 24 Fan Talk] By Clicking Here!

The more 24 fans we find, the more discussions we'll have!
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

So, Shane has conned me into watching the show; I haven't actually seen it yet, but I need to know two things: What day and time is 24 on? And is there anything I should really know before I watch it?
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

It's on Monday nights at 9 eastern time.

Well you've missed a lot of the season so far. It would take forever to catch you up.

I would suggest you go to Fox.com and read the episode guides. They give detailed info in each ep. That way you would not be so lost if you started to watch it.