Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

WP_Rocks_MY_World said:

You think the new gal will hang around next season? Or do we want her back? :lol:

:lol: Question is, do the writers want her back? Every character on the show ends up gone one way or the other.

Chloe rocks my socks. Her stuborness is what makes her so cool. :D
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

What do you MEAN you won't post your spoilers, WP? Spoiler box em! Please! I live off of spoilers! *g*
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

That's alright Ziggystarduzt. I know that not many people like Audrey and or her with Jack. lol. I would love to know why not may like her or her with Jack? Can someone please tell me?
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Season 5, Episode 16 -- REVIEW

I knew it! President Logan is begind it! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!

Jack and Wayne Palmer sure did kihack but helping get what's her names daughter back. :D Bravo!

Audrey! Wtf? I understand helping Jack and protecting DOD, but that was totally lame leaving Bill to rot. :mad:

Next week's previews! OMG. I can't wait! :eek:
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

OH. MY. GOD. OHHHHHMIIIIIIIIGODDDDDDD. Did ANYBODY see that coming? I saw him like a stupid, brain-damaged puppy, not a FREAKING DOBERMAN! *crying hysterically* Well, Martha had better not be evil. I love Martha with all of my heart and soul.
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

ziggystarduzt said:
OH. MY. GOD. OHHHHHMIIIIIIIIGODDDDDDD. Did ANYBODY see that coming? I saw him like a stupid, brain-damaged puppy, not a FREAKING DOBERMAN! *crying hysterically* Well, Martha had better not be evil. I love Martha with all of my heart and soul.

I love Martha too! She totally deserves an Emmy for her work on the show this season. :D
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

*gasp* the President is behind everything???? :eek: :eek:
How in the hell could that spineless wimpy SOB be behind everything?!?!?!

I mean if he was in on everything why did he enforce martial law? Hell why did he do a lot of the things he did do? What has he got to gain from this? :confused:

I suppose he might use this to make him look good. Did you see how happy he was when he got all of those congratulation calls from influential people :rolleyes:
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

You know what I bet? I bet TPTB were like "Wow! Everybody sure hates the president! Maybe we can use this to our advantage...."
Man, it'll be interesting to see how the rest of the season goes... any bets for next president? Someone new? Martha? Unlikely as it may be, I'm so rooting for Martha.. she's my hero.
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

----------- 10:00pm - 11:00pm ----------- Season 5

What??? :eek: :eek: Logan working with Henderson?? :eek:I'm surprised. :eek: :eek:
I thought Gardner was working with Henderson, or maybe he is and Logan doesn't know. :rolleyes: That would be a nice twist without Logan knowing. :lol:
Anyway, I still don't trust Gardner. He looks sooo guilty.

Of course we knew Jack was going to survive the explosion right? Let's see . . . he started out with 9 lives in the beginning and now he's down to how many? Hmmm I'll have to think about that? :rolleyes:

So Evelyn was the person communicating with the Ex-president. I had a feeling she was involved. I wonder if she ever told Martha too? :eek: Now that we know Logan is involved I would think Logan wouldn't let Henderson touch the First Lady IF she knew about the evidence. I mean Henderson was willing to let his own wife die and Jack did shoot her. What a cold, cruel man. :mad:

Wooohooo Wayne helped Jack out.
When he hesitated I wasn't sure he would pulled the trigger and kill the bad guy. Thank goodness he did.

Don't you just love it when Jack makes promises. :p Yippee our hero rescued Evelyn's kidnapped daughter. Whew, I'm glad Jack didn't talk Wayne out of helping him. :D

Poor Audrey. :( I was so happy she didn't sign her name BUT she had to help Jack and the only way was to stay on and put the blame on Bill and CTU. I'm glad she requested Chloe to stay on. :D

So what the hell is HLS doing? :mad: Do they have any clue? :eek:

Audrey and Chloe rocked!! Here's a toast to the ladies!

Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

I was so surprised the president was behind it all, but then again this is 24 where we should always expect the unexpected. I loved last nights show.
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

i am re-watching s3..and the DB with the virus who was dropped off at NHS is called FRANK FLYNN (i think)
well i heard that name...in something other than s5 ;)

ill watch it again to be sure :p
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

dittohead said:
i am re-watching s3..and the DB with the virus who was dropped off at NHS is called FRANK FLYNN (i think)
well i heard that name...in something other than s5 ;)

ill watch it again to be sure :p

I watched S3 about 3 weeks ago and I didn't even notice the name. :lol:

I miss Tony and Michelle. :( Loved Gael. :p

Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

thats why its my favourite season.. s5 is a close second ;)
i love the hotel scene
and everything to do with the hotel
janey saunders..yummy :p

also! WHY does 24 love british actors?!
kiefer is british born.. and a whole load of them
sauners, amador, marwun, etc..
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

I don't know. lol. that is a good question though. I have been playing the 24 game for PS2. That is how I get my Tony/Michelle fix cause they are both in it.

I was so surpised by the ending of Monday's 24. I was so thinking it was the Vice President not the President. lol. I can understand where Audrey is coming from she had to make sure that Chloe stayed so that she could help Jack. I just don't understand why Audrey is like the most hated person on the show. lol. I mean she may have done so stupided stuff last season and in between seasons. like sleeping with Walt but come on she is a decent person who thought Jack was dead and was tring to move on.

Anyway that is my rent for the day. lol.
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

So, Wimpy Weenie is not so wimpy huh? Well, we'll see about that when Jack gets ahold of him. :devil: