Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

During the commercials, Jack Bauer calls the CSI detectives and solves their crimes.
:lol: :lol:
The Black Eyed Peas were just The Peas until Jack Bauer heard their music.
:) :)
Lets get one thing straight, the only reason you are conscious right now is because Jack Bauer does not feel like carrying you.
:D :D
Those are my favs.

I think Audrey is being set-up.

The VP is no good. I think he's the one who sent the bad guys after Wayne. Who else knew where Wayne was?
I'm hoping Pierce will save the day.
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Last night I watched "Good Night, And Good Luck", and it was an absolutely fabulous movie.. with two 24 people on it! yay! Both Aaron Pierce/Sheriff Mobley and Hal Gardner were on it. Hal Gardner played a good guy who eventually killed himself.. I drove my partner nuts by announcing every time he spoke, "Well that's what you GET for declaring military law on the streets of Los Angeles." hee.
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

finally!! 24's 4th season is just started here!! I'm very happy!! I miss jack so much!! but I don't like audrey and I don't know why :eek:
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Awww. I feel so alone being the only one to like Audrey, but that is alright cause if they kill off Aurey or make her the bad guy and take away my Jack/Audrey then I won't have much more reason to watch this show. Seeing as they are all I have left.
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

dittohead said:
re-watching s3 now :D

I just got thru watching that season last week. :lol: Gael was cool. :D

And for the record, I like Audrey too. :)

Do you think "24" has killed off too many regular cast members? :rolleyes:

Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

this season yes. I am also so glad to know that I am not the only Audrey lover on here. Thanks for leting me know that you like Auddrey too WP_Rocks_My_World.
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

---------- 9:00pm - 10:00pm ---------- Season 5

Oh noooo is Jack going to be okay after the explosion? :eek:
Who cares if Bierko dies, right? We need Jack. The Man with Nine Lives. :D

Poor Audrey! :( She was framed by Henderson and Collette. Maybe Cummings too. Jack seemed pissed off when she lied about sleeping with Walt. Well, she didn't know Jack was still alive. So you really can't blame her. :rolleyes:

Oh my, Walt's ghost continues to haunt the living. :lol: Strange, huh? Does Logan have any clue about Walt's involvement at all? :eek:

So we meet another newbie, Sherry. And she's taking over for Edgar. Hmm she seems a little weird don't ya think? :rolleyes: And wouldn't you know, she has a history with Miles. God, I don't like or trust the creep. :mad:
Sexual harassment? Ewwww! :mad:

Woohoo!! Way to go Chloe!!
She stood up to the creep. :lol: Now that was a great moment.

Yay Aaron saved Wayne just in time.

So why are they after Wayne if he knew Walt was involved because he's dead now? :eek:

We know there is another mole in the White House and he or she is working for Chris Henderson. I wouldn't be surprise at all if the VP is involved. Nope not one bit.

So was all the gas containers destroyed in the explosion? Or is there more that we don't know about? :eek:

Do you think Jack and Curtis make a great combo? :rolleyes:

I'm still missing my Cubby boy.

Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

I am so happy that I was about Audrey. I just know that Jack is going to be alright as well. I love the little screen we got after Jack got the infor from Chloe that Audrey was set up. I loved how he told that girl that he fell for what she and Handerson wanted but now he was upset. That was so classic Jack right there. I also loved how he went and saved Audrey from that stuff that they were injecting her with and then we got a cute little screne with them and him telling her he was so sorry for her having to go through this. I can't wait till her father gets there and he finds out that instead of that lady that is running CTU right now believeing Audrey and that she went ahead and older Audrey to be treated that way. lol. Oh she is so going to be sorry she ever showed up there let alone messed with Audrey. Jack with make her sorry as well. lol. I am just loving this season right now. lol.
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Ooo the Jack/Audrey makeout moment was too cute. And only Jack would be throwing his "girlfriend" against a wall one minute and then getting tazored the next trying to protect her :lol:

That new girl is so creepy especially when Bill just brushed his hand across her shoulder and she started getting all paranoid and stuff :eek:

That was one major cliffhanger. Me, my dad, and my sister were all yelling at the tv screen demanding to know what happens next (even though I know Jack will live) and I loved all of the explosions going on! It was pretty cool :cool:
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Yep the explosion was pretty cool.

So Jack has one more bad guy to catch. Right? :rolleyes:

You think the new gal will hang around next season? Or do we want her back? :lol:

Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

I don't know what to make of the new girl yet. I do know that no matter what Jack/Audrey are the best and if something happens to her Jack will never be the same again.
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

I thought the new girl was so kickin' until she turned into a paranoid deludo. Sad.

I had a lot of fun picking on Audrey and going "Burke her!" hee. Sorry HC, I know you like her. :)

Boy did Chloe kick a whole buncha ass last night. I loves the Chloe.
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Chloe is so awesome :D

Let's just hope that the new girl doesn't get any more parnoid than she already is or that her freakiness wont screw up something at CTU.
Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers***

Yesterday I couldn't sleep so I was listening to Loveline with Dr. Drew :lol: and his special guess Gregory Itzin(Pres. Logan) I never noticed the man has earrings. :eek: He was a great guest. Talk about some of the TV shows he's been on like Dallas (Never seen) and many more.

Loved when he mention being spineless on "24" and he even called his character an a******. :lol: :lol:

He did mention 2 minor spoilers which I won't say. Enjoyed it! :D
