08 Presidential Elections

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In other news, Canada's going to the polls on Oct 14. Looks like Stephen Harper's Conservative Party will probably get a majority this time.

If McCain wins, where will all the sulking liberal blue-staters in the US threaten to move to? Canada's been veering further to the right the last couple of election cycles, and I can't imagine that Canada under a Tory Majority would have the same allure.

I can all but guarantee you that there will be another minority Tory government in Canada, and even if there isn't, most of our conservatives are more (socially) left-wing than the Democrats. Stephen Harper is an idiot, but he's hardly harmed Canada. The only draw-backs we're experiencing right now are directly related the the economic downturns in the States.
Reading some of this I'd thought I'd just give my thoughts on our canidates.

I never was a big fan of bush though he got his second term when I was 13 even then I knew he wasn't the right guy for the job.His call on the troops in Iraq was by far completely wrong...

However to the real candidates.

I'm an Obama supporter all the way.McCain is just another George Bush.He wants to keep the troops in Iraq,and I'm not one for the war.See McCain wants to keep the troop in Iraq for another couple of years I believe it was.I personally believe that we have lost enough people there to begin with.The more they send,the more that die.I think Iraq and the middle east can pick itself up on it's own.The war should have been over along time ago.

Obama,he wants to bring the troops home as quick as possible.He wants to actually make a change in teh united states.The quicker the better.We need protection here but with over 150,000 of our troops there who is left to protect us.It's like a song I herd on the other day...

They tryna tell us to stay strong but every day we losin jobs.
From College Park down to beverly hills somethings gonna have to give.
Across the world they live in fear,well it's the same thing over here.
If you can hear on captiol hill somethings going to have to give..

The song also quotes Obama himself.

And I heard him say that every man, women, child was gonna be ok
I heard him say that they would bring home our soldiers home in one piece today

And then it goes on with things Bush has said.

But its not that way
They been tellin us a dream
Tellin us were on the same team
Now We all gotta deal with the lies.

My point is Obama is promising to give as much as he can to the needy familes who have no health care and no way to keep up with the living costs on America.Something Bush promised but never backed up.

Another thing I want to point out is the Hurricane that is Hitting New Orleans.McCain and Palin decided to say loud enough that the media caough twind of it that "The Hurricane is stealing the spot light" With Obama he was there telling everyone they had to leave New orleans.I honestly wouldn't want a president who will complain about a state of emergency situation steals there spot light.

Well,I just thought I'd voice my opinion..
I'm an Obama supporter all the way.McCain is just another George Bush.He wants to keep the troops in Iraq,and I'm not one for the war.See McCain wants to keep the troop in Iraq for another couple of years I believe it was.I personally believe that we have lost enough people there to begin with.The more they send,the more that die.I think Iraq and the middle east can pick itself up on it's own.The war should have been over along time ago.
It's obvious that war is bad and that troops should be out of there. It's a horrible thing. But what some people ignore is the fact that if we leave Iraq now, with Al Qaeda still out there and without a stable government, there's a good chance we will be terrorized. I'm not saying what Obama wants is wrong, but that it might not be the best option. And McCain wants the troops out as soon as possible too, after they finish their mission.
I'm an Obama supporter all the way.McCain is just another George Bush.He wants to keep the troops in Iraq,and I'm not one for the war.See McCain wants to keep the troop in Iraq for another couple of years I believe it was.I personally believe that we have lost enough people there to begin with.The more they send,the more that die.I think Iraq and the middle east can pick itself up on it's own.The war should have been over along time ago.
It's obvious that war is bad and that troops should be out of there. It's a horrible thing. But what some people ignore is the fact that if we leave Iraq now, with Al Qaeda still out there and without a stable government, there's a good chance we will be terrorized. I'm not saying what Obama wants is wrong, but that it might not be the best option. And McCain wants the troops out as soon as possible too, after they finish their mission.

Al Quaeda and the war on terror is the war in Afganistan, that is where Bin Laden is apparently. Iraq is a different war, it has long been show that the governments (UK and USA) were fully aware that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction before they invaded - the invasion was nothing to do with the war on terror, it was all about oil and finishing of what Daddy started. There is also a strong argument that Iraq will never be stable while the troops are there as it is their presence and the Wests interference in their country that the insurgents are protesting about (protesting is probably not the right word but I can't think of a better one at the moment).
I'm an Obama supporter all the way.McCain is just another George Bush.He wants to keep the troops in Iraq,and I'm not one for the war.See McCain wants to keep the troop in Iraq for another couple of years I believe it was.I personally believe that we have lost enough people there to begin with.The more they send,the more that die.I think Iraq and the middle east can pick itself up on it's own.The war should have been over along time ago.
It's obvious that war is bad and that troops should be out of there. It's a horrible thing. But what some people ignore is the fact that if we leave Iraq now, with Al Qaeda still out there and without a stable government, there's a good chance we will be terrorized. I'm not saying what Obama wants is wrong, but that it might not be the best option. And McCain wants the troops out as soon as possible too, after they finish their mission.

Al Quaeda and the war on terror is the war in Afganistan, that is where Bin Laden is apparently. Iraq is a different war, it has long been show that the governments (UK and USA) were fully aware that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction before they invaded - the invasion was nothing to do with the war on terror, it was all about oil and finishing of what Daddy started. There is also a strong argument that Iraq will never be stable while the troops are there as it is their presence and the Wests interference in their country that the insurgents are protesting about (protesting is probably not the right word but I can't think of a better one at the moment).

to all of the above, and did anyone see the interview that Charles Gibosn did with Sarah Palin, [shakes head in disgust] she knows nothing, about anything on foreign policy and kept repeating her self like a recording on his 'tough questions:( and in our daily paper another letter from a concerned American!

McCain has no plan well duh:rolleyes:

John McCain's convention speech was long on memories and short on specifics. McCain's military experience was admirable 40 years ago, but that isn't now. The Republicans spent very litle time recalling the past 8 years. McCain voted with the Bush administration 90% of the time. McCain hasn't detailed his plans for the future. He mentions lowering taxes but didn't say for who. He mentions school choice, did he mean vouchers? And he said no government health plan, but how will he assure public health? His big economic proposal seemed to be job restraining. and this will fix our many economic challenges:confused: 4 more years for a party and a candidate with half-formed ideas about the furture, I don't think so!

name witheld
Riverside, CA.
It's obvious that war is bad and that troops should be out of there. It's a horrible thing. But what some people ignore is the fact that if we leave Iraq now, with Al Qaeda still out there and without a stable government, there's a good chance we will be terrorized. I'm not saying what Obama wants is wrong, but that it might not be the best option. And McCain wants the troops out as soon as possible too, after they finish their mission.

Al Quaeda and the war on terror is the war in Afganistan, that is where Bin Laden is apparently. Iraq is a different war, it has long been show that the governments (UK and USA) were fully aware that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction before they invaded - the invasion was nothing to do with the war on terror, it was all about oil and finishing of what Daddy started. There is also a strong argument that Iraq will never be stable while the troops are there as it is their presence and the Wests interference in their country that the insurgents are protesting about (protesting is probably not the right word but I can't think of a better one at the moment).

to all of the above, and did anyone see the interview that Charles Gibosn did with Sarah Palin, [shakes head in disgust] she knows nothing, about anything on foreign policy and kept repeating her self like a recording on his 'tough questions:( and in our daily paper another letter from a concerned American!

McCain has no plan well duh:rolleyes:

John McCain's convention speech was long on memories and short on specifics. McCain's military experience was admirable 40 years ago, but that isn't now. The Republicans spent very litle time recalling the past 8 years. McCain voted with the Bush administration 90% of the time. McCain hasn't detailed his plans for the future. He mentions lowering taxes but didn't say for who. He mentions school choice, did he mean vouchers? And he said no government health plan, but how will he assure public health? His big economic proposal seemed to be job restraining. and this will fix our many economic challenges:confused: 4 more years for a party and a candidate with half-formed ideas about the furture, I don't think so!

name witheld
Riverside, CA.

I'm from the County of Riverside in California lol.
I remember when the candidates came here,Not many people wanted to go because the cost,but If I could have a ford it I would have been there.I'm agreeing the war in Iraq has nothing to do with the terrorism.For the longest time I've had the question if we started in Afghanistan why were we in Iraq when they knew it had nothing to do with weapons of Mass destruction.

and as to quote Obama

"There was no Al Quaeda in Iraq before Bush and McCain invaded Iraq."

I also agree that it doesn't matter is McCain had military experience,that's cool and all but we need someone who will think literally and make the right choices and act on any warnings about terrorism that come through....and maybe someone who might be younger and able to handle that much responsibility without the possibility of a heart attack.We haven't had a young president since Theodore Roosevelt and JFK.I thing it's time for some change.

Si Se Puede! Yes We Can Make a Change! :thumbsup::hugegrin:
It's obvious that war is bad and that troops should be out of there. It's a horrible thing. But what some people ignore is the fact that if we leave Iraq now, with Al Qaeda still out there and without a stable government, there's a good chance we will be terrorized. I'm not saying what Obama wants is wrong, but that it might not be the best option. And McCain wants the troops out as soon as possible too, after they finish their mission.

ILJT, two points about your comments:
- There was little Al Qaeda activity in Iraq when we invaded. After years of foreign political analysis, I have to tell you I still haven't figured out Bush's motivation unless it was to build the family fortune (they're heavily into oil, and look at today's prices). But I don't want to believe an American president would get all these people killed for money, so there must be some other motivation
- One thing I did learn during those years is a foreign country can't "win" a war in the Middle East. The Arabs have been there for way more than 2,000 years, and have been Islamic for at least 1500 years. We've been in the U.S (not counting the indigenous people, whom we, well, have never counted) about 400 years. Invading an ancient country, in a region where family is more important than politics, and that had nothing to do with 9/11 (15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, but their rulers are close friends of the Bush family) only makes the rest of the region lower their opinion of our credibility.
I love our troops and want them home; I didn't see the children or grandchildren of any of our current leaders clamoring to join up and fight this war. What does that say about the war? As much as I disagree with most of Sarah Palin's stances, at least one of her kids believes he/she has a duty to spend some time paying back the nation for all the freedoms we have, although I'm sad that time will be spent in Iraq.
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Given McCain's military experience was more than thirty years ago, in another war against a country that did nothing to provoke us, you'd think he'd get it by now. (shakes head)

On the lighter side, didn't Tina Fey nail it, looks and voice, on Saturday Night Live? Gawd, I had to look twice to be sure it wasn't Sarah Palin. The rest of the show reeked, but the Sarah Palin/Hillary Clinton skit was devastatingly funny on both Tina's and Amy Poehler's parts!
It was a riot, hysterical:guffaw: the "SNL" skit, they both were incredible "I can see Russia from my house" Tina Fey, great impression of SP, and Amy is always good as Hillary, ripping the podium apart:lol:brilliant. an so it goes. Did you all know that McCain doesn't know how to work, or go on a computer? catch up dude:confused: he's doing himself in:(
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I did not know this thread existed! I'm so excited!:lol: Yeah McCain needs to give it up. With all of the recent lies he's been spewing lately, I wouldn't be surprised if Obama was ahead in the polls to come. And the SNL skit was too good. The accent. The look. Everything was dead on. Tina Fey is a genious. And as you said, Amy Poehler has always been amazing as Hilary Clinton. :guffaw:

I love how everyone flipped because they said that Obama didn't have enough experience and that he was too young, yet Pailn is 3 years younger and has about half the experience. The stupidity of the American people astounds me.:rolleyes:
Letters to the editor in our daily paper~

Please spare us the "lipstick" hoopla and let's put our energy into being outraged by John McCain's unacceptable choice for Vice President. If McCain realy meant his "Country First" slogan, he would have never asked a person as inexperienced as Sarah Palin to be his running mate. If Palin actually believed in "Country First", she never would have accepted this important position! How dare McCain play a political game with this critical position when we're facing such serious economic and national security issues. Some say Palin gave a good speech, but that hardly qualifies her to be a step away from the presidency. Actually, what I saw her introduce to the world was a condescending, mean-spirited person. If you think you're hearing anger, it's really fear!

name withheld
Riverside, CA.
Everytime I hear something on the news about Sarah Palin, I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

I scream:scream: pretty horrible isn't it, and it's getting worse, dear lord, she needs to go back to Alaska and go moose hunting or whatever else she did up there:confused:
Seriously. I wish she would go and strangle a baby polar bear. Maybe wrestle a pig with lipstick...I mean, a hockey mom who is feminine in her own right and is in no way a Tina Fey look alike...Yeah sure...
^^Your name is the nickname I give one of my friends! Well, without the 08 part lol

All I'm gonna say is: I love McCain/Palin.

And that SNL thing was freaking HILARIOUS!!!!!!! Any Republican that takes that as ridicule needs to lighten up. I loved it. Tina Fey did a perfect job. When I first saw Palin I was like, yeah. They're gonna use Tina Fey to play her haha!
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