08 Presidential Elections

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Latest poll from CBS!

Obama 48%
McCain 40%

As it should be.

Obama is the lesser of the two evils for me. Yes some of McCain's platforms are better and some of Obama's are better, but there is not way to morph them into one. Besides it's time for someone with a fresh perspective and outlook to run the country.
As it should be.

Obama is the lesser of the two evils for me. Yes some of McCain's platforms are better and some of Obama's are better, but there is not way to morph them into one. Besides it's time for someone with a fresh perspective and outlook to run the country.

I really dont get why Obama is the only one with a fresh perspective. Just because McCain is a republician and doesn't think we should pull out of the war right away doesn't make him a Bush clone and it doesn't mean he can't bring something new and "fresh" and beneficial to the country. :lol: So yeah, I just wonder where some people get this.

I just can't root for Obama, at all. What he's for is so far off from me. I don't know what you guys believe so I won't go there. But I'm just stating that much in my case.
As it should be.

Obama is the lesser of the two evils for me. Yes some of McCain's platforms are better and some of Obama's are better, but there is not way to morph them into one. Besides it's time for someone with a fresh perspective and outlook to run the country.

I really dont get why Obama is the only one with a fresh perspective. Just because McCain is a republician and doesn't think we should pull out of the war right away doesn't make him a Bush clone and it doesn't mean he can't bring something new and "fresh" and beneficial to the country. :lol: So yeah, I just wonder where some people get this.

I just can't root for Obama, at all. What he's for is so far off from me. I don't know what you guys believe so I won't go there. But I'm just stating that much in my case.

To me McCain keeps going on and on about things that won't make a difference to what the country needs now. Which I have stated further back in this thread about why I'm choosing who I am.

Never did I say it was because he's a Republican or because of the war, please don't assume this or try to put words into my response.

I got the fresh perspective from my own research and decisions. And if this is such a huge issue for you, then perhaps putting people down for thinking this is the wrong way to go about responding.
^^ I don't think she meant to put you down, she was just telling it like she saw it.

Anyway, who saw the RNC speeches by Giuliani and Palin last night? Ha....I was on my way home from work and was listening to it on the radio. I had to stop myself from cheering hahahaha I'm such a nerd.....

So I thought their speeches were pretty awesome and summed up how I think about Obama. :)
^^ I don't think she meant to put you down, she was just telling it like she saw it.
Yeah, I really didn't mean to put you down. And I didn't put you down :lol: All I said was that it confuses me. No hard feelings, it's just a little message board discussion :)

I had to stop myself from cheering hahahaha I'm such a nerd.....

So I thought their speeches were pretty awesome and summed up how I think about Obama.
I thought I would come in here and give an international perpective.

The problem I have with John McCain is that he is old, very old. if he gets elected there is a big chance he might die during his presidency and Sarah Palin would take over. Now, she may do a very good job as state governer, to be honest I don't know, but that doesn't involve any internation relations and the top job is all about international relations. you can't tackle issues like the terror threat, oil crisis, economic crisis and environmental issues with out engaging the international community. The world is a very small place these days. I really can't see her gaining the respect of the international community at all. John McCain could do OK internationally and command respect, but not Sarah Palin.

Barack Obama on the other hand may not have as much experience in running office but he is respected internationally and I think he would work well with the international community, repairing the damage that Bush has done. And to be honest after the Bush administration, whoever takes charge has a lot of repairing to do.

Just my opinion.
Like after the Democratic convention, it will take a few days for the hype to die down. A few days after the GOP convention ends we can assess both pairs of candidates less emotionally.
I see both Palin and Biden in at least one traditional VP candidate role: each will be their party's pit bull (sorry to steal Palin's line) so the Presidential candidate can look, well, "presidential:" the healer, the diplomat, etc.
^^ I don't think she meant to put you down, she was just telling it like she saw it.
Yeah, I really didn't mean to put you down. And I didn't put you down :lol: All I said was that it confuses me. No hard feelings, it's just a little message board discussion :)

There is also the point of how things come across to others. There may not have been a full intention of putting down, but others aren't inside the poster's head. So how we perceive something is usually different than the intended.

Barack Obama on the other hand may not have as much experience in running office but he is respected internationally and I think he would work well with the international community, repairing the damage that Bush has done. And to be honest after the Bush administration, whoever takes charge has a lot of repairing to do.

I agree the next president needs to have a high rate of connections and relations with the international community. Also that there are a lot of loose ends that need fixing and a lot of reworking on relations. It's going to be tough for a while but I feel that Obama will be able to accomplish all of this and more.
^^But...Obama has NO international experience....Let alone barely any federal experience.

Neither do the other 3 (McCain, Palin, and Biden) but it doesn't make sense to say that just because he's well liked overseas means he'll be good at international relations.
^^But...Obama has NO international experience....Let alone barely any federal experience.

Neither do the other 3 (McCain, Palin, and Biden) but it doesn't make sense to say that just because he's well liked overseas means he'll be good at international relations.

Even without experience it's easy to see that he just has to be himself and he's liked by many. Also Obama has been in the political ring for a while, so he's been working at taking meetings and working with others. Experience isn't granted upon someone, it's earned. So even if Obama doesn't do so well the first time, if he's elected, there is always room to grow.
There is also the point of how things come across to others. There may not have been a full intention of putting down, but others aren't inside the poster's head. So how we perceive something is usually different than the intended.
I'm really not getting what you are saying, so I'll just forget it :lol: There was no insults or any negative comments towards anyone in my post, let alone anyone in specific.
^^But...Obama has NO international experience....Let alone barely any federal experience.

Neither do the other 3 (McCain, Palin, and Biden) but it doesn't make sense to say that just because he's well liked overseas means he'll be good at international relations.
I agree. It takes a lot more. Both candidates are liked overseas. Obama may have that young charisma or whatever people are calling it, but at the same time..yeah he's liked, but so is McCain. Plus McCain has more experience in that area.
Being well liked by foreign leaders is overrated.

Frankly, there are plenty of countries whose opinions and issues mean precisely dick in the grand scheme of things. The leaders on these banana republics and other petty thug dictators don't need to be understood. They need to be marginalized, belittled, ridiculed, and isolated.

I'm also not sure where liberals developed their fascination with Europe - as though Europe is at the cutting edge of societal evolution.

And just an FYI - don't get too excited about poll numbers. Republicans love to lie to pollsters. I've done it plenty of times myself. It makes victory all the more enjoyable when your opposition thought they had things all sewn up. Call me a prick, but I've been known to indulge in Schadenfreude by lurking in forums like democraticunderground.com after the 2000 and 2004 elections and watching the hysteria.
I think that the Republicans are yet again digging themselves a bigger hole than ever, on Jay Lenos' evening monologue, he said "What do we know about Sarah Palin, that her name is Sarah Palin":rolleyes: and I found her to be overly presumptuous and full of her self, and petty as it is, what's with her 70's hair-do:confused: she bored me, and I found nothing positive about anything she said:(or what they're going to do to bring prosperity our country!


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