08 Presidential Elections

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Here's the highlights of President Obama's health-care-reform speech, and a short video clip of the big jerkface who yelled out "you lie", but Obama looked over, paused briefly and carried on. He's a great orator. It was a mesmorizing, truimphant, inspirational speech, and the Congress stood up constantly and applauded him
if he pulls this off, he'll be one of the greatest presidents ever:bolian:

http://news.aol.com/ click on POLITICS for more~
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Yeah, say what you will about the man (and who knows what the future will bring) but DANG can he give a freakin' speech. MAD skills.

As for the standing ovations, I'm pretty sure that was only from the Democrats in congress... :lol: Either way, I'm thinking he may have made headway in winning over the more conservative of the Democrats, so that's a bonus. :)
Yeah, say what you will about the man (and who knows what the future will bring) but DANG can he give a freakin' speech. MAD skills.

As for the standing ovations, I'm pretty sure that was only from the Democrats in congress... :lol: Either way, I'm thinking he may have made headway in winning over the more conservative of the Democrats, so that's a bonus. :)

I was pretty disgusted with that nimrod who called him a 'liar'. Gees, get a grip.

I know one thing, I wouldn't want to be the one on the receiving end of that dirty look Nancy Pelosi gave him:eek::guffaw: I thought I was good at giving dirty looks to people, she makes me look like an angry little kitten!:guffaw:
Yep, she must have practiced that one for ages before assuming her Speaker of the House role. :lol:

I wouldn't want to cheese off Michelle Obama either. She's got a couple of serious pipes on her- looks like she could win a fight, no problem! :lol:
It was beyond rude, no excuses disgraceful and disrespectable,:klingon: this usually is on another thread but because it's relevant and funny I'm posting it here~


10..Shouldn't have gone tailgating before the speech~:rommie:

9..Ashton Kutcher put me up to it~:alienblush:

8..Was trying to impress that hellcat Nancy Pelosi:lol:

7..Thought I was at the Maury show~:wtf:

6..UH, swine flu~:(

5..I'm an idiot~:scream:

4..Yeah, I accused a politician of lying, what was I thinking:rolleyes:

3..I thought I was at a roast:shifty:

2..It's been weeks since a Republican politician embarrassed the state of South Carolina:rolleyes:

1..Nobody cared when McCain yelled "BINGO":guffaw:
From a concerned reader in our local newspaper on "Health Care Reform"

Letter writer Joan Atkinson,asked why she should pay for someone eles's health care, in fact if she pays her own health insurance premiums and the insurance covers her health care expenses, then someone else if paying for her health care. Health care insurance provides a "collective good" of shared or "pooled" risk through private corporations. Those corporations exist in a less-than-competitive environment because they are chartered in each state and the field of competition doesn't include insurers available in other states. The "public option" would increase the pooling of risk provided by private insurers to cover additional 47 million U.S. residents. As such, it promises to reduce the excess profits earned by private insurers in a less-than-competitive environment, and it could even lead to lower premiums from private insurers. As for the British and Canadian public health care system, despite naysayers many people seem satisfied with those systems. Add to that the New Zealand system--with it's high quality and lower costs-and there is considerable body of evidence which in some ways recommends so-called "socialized medicine". Idealogical obstinacy does not solve problems~

name witheld
Riverside, CA.
from cnn.com'

- President Obama was awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday. Less than nine months into his presidency, Barack Obama has been awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize.


The first African-American to win the White House, Obama was praised by the Norweigan Nobel Committee for "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples."
"Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future," the committee said. "His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population."
The committee also said Obama has "created a new climate in international politics."
In his short time in office, Obama has acted on a wide range of issues from the economy to terrorism and wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Obama is the fourth U.S. president to receive the award, joining presidents Jimmy Carter, Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt.
This year's peace prize nominees included 172 people and 33 organizations. The committee does not release the names of the nominees


IMHO, okay, he has promised a lot and indeed tries to improve these things but seriously. There's lots of companies and people who have done stuff for decades without getting this. E.g last year's winner, our former President did work for peace for few decades, getting peace in Namibia (their independence), Aceh, Kosovo etc.
This came bit too early.
^ i just read a really good article that basically echoed my own reaction: at first i thought "eh?" but the more i think about it the more i think it's a great decision. firstly he has already raised levels of diplomacy in politics (and if that doesn't fit the ideals of the prize ("to end war and militarism") then i don't know what does) and also it gives him a hell of a lot to live up to - in a way it's like saying "well, you have to do it now" - and i think it will work. also it might inspire other world leaders to be more like him. i hope so. i don't think it has much to do with the amount of time he's been in office - i think it's more to do with his general attitude.
I think it's awesome and I too agree that he matches the spirit of the prize. However, I think this may bite him in the ass with regards to public opinion unfortunately. Since the general public seems to have forgotten already that the changes he promoted will take time, they're probably going to think, "Why? He hasn't done anything yet." Nevermind the fact that he has been aggressively trying to re-build the foreign policies and international relationships from the ground up... ;)
^^ That he does.

I know that he is the most powerful leader of this world, but still. He had been president for 2 weeks when the Nobel nominees lists were closed.
I really hope he can make as much as he can (changes) in these 4 yrs and could countiue extra 4 years.

He had said he gives the 1.1mil euros to charity, has it been told to what exactly?
THis is such huge news over here, and their are of course the negative naysayers, putting him down as usual, but on a positive note and in part in our daily newspaper one man from Norway said~

Thorbjoern Jagland, the chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, defended the decision. saying "The question we have to ask is who has done the most in the previous year to enhance peace in the world"? said Jagland "Who has done more than Barack Obama" Since taking office:Obama has embarked on a ambitious diplomatic agenda. While touching down in 16 different countries, he has reached dout to Muslims with an historic speech in Cauro:pledged to pursue a nuclear-weapon free world: and renewed the push for Middle East peace :thumbsup:

Press Enterprise, Riverside, CA.
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THis is such huge news over here, and their are of course the negative naysayers, putting him down as usual, but on a positive note and in part in our daily newspaper one man from Finland said~

Thorbjoern Jagland, the chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, defended the decision. saying "The question we have to ask is who has done the most in the previous year to enhance peace in the world"? said Jagland "Who has done more than Barack Obama" Since taking office:Obama has embarked on a ambitious diplomatic agenda. While touching down in 16 different countries, he has reached dout to Muslims with an historic speech in Cauro:pledged to pursue a nuclear-weapon free world: and renewed the push for Middle East peace :thumbsup:

Press Enterprise, Riverside, CA.

Erm who from Finland? Norwegians are from NORWAY, if you refer to your text.
I'm sure that's not the key point anyway, Ducky. :lol:

The point being, the committee is sticking to their call and I applaud them. I sort of thought it might be a little pre-mature myself, but I can't deny that his intentions so far have been phenomenal. :)
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