*:·.CatNip.·:* #8: So Close, Can You Feel The Heat?

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You could always tell Cath that Sor was hanging around Nicky yesterday; that could work. What? Sor sold me out!

I don't think my CBS does repeats within things of new eps, I have to wait till whenever the eps are done for to get it.

*trips AC* that doesn't help me. lol.

Sor, ep 14 will give us some love. ;)
^What episode are we on now? 14 eh? Yay for CatNip love :)

Sor's always hanging around Nicky, and Cath's already chased her all around FB - twice wanting her clothes back. Why Sor had Cath's clothes is beyond me...oh wait, that was my doing :rolleyes: Woops :p

CBS doesn't repeat? That's sad...not even once in a week? That's an entirely new concept to me. :p
No, the week after next is ours. Next week is ep 13.

Liffy, you stole Cath's clothes and blamed Sor and have Cath chasing Sor around for something that you did?... You do know that eventually Cath will catch Sor and if Cath hurts my Sorykins. I will send Danny after you, along with Flack. :D

Not during the week; maybe on Saturday, if they dont have movies or anything planned.
All morning I got soap operas, then evening talk shows and news; and then whatevers on between 7-12. So CSI doesn't come on till Tuesdays; sometimes Sat or Suns if I'm lucky. I'll have to wait till Spike gets it or Kels decides to give me cookies.
Well you see, Sor stole Nicky's clothes, and Nicky was chasing her. I was bored so I threw Cath's clothes at Sor too so now Cath's chasing her. Nicky got bored I think and is now lazily watching TV.

Danny AND Flack? Ask them to bring a basketball if they're coming over :p

Wow...TVbuff much? :p I only watch....like an 3 hours of TV in a week. I'm not that big a TV watcher.
I'll go join Nicky watching tv... I'll keep him company... I don't mind... :p

Man I am so bored, I wish the new ep had been aired so I could watch it over and over, I tend to do that alot... *Has an idea* Actually, I could go watch NY... Hmm...
Oh I'm sure they'll bring more then a basketball if I ask them to chase after you -- and of course tell them all kinds of evil little things. *evil laugh*

Or you could write me a catnip fic for once. *nods*
Ooooh a Catnip fic would be awesome. :D *Hyper Steph is back.* Lynny, you banner is making me drool, I can't stop staring at it, and I love your icon aswell. :D Adorable!! <3
Me? Write a CatNip fic? I might....but people are being mean to my ship so that's gotta be put on hold :) Mmm...but CatNip fic sounds nice...

Maybe they can go tubthumpin' in a motel somewhere, have their little bit o' fun and come back by nightfall without anyone knowin' :lol: Oh well (since they're nightshifters) that's the only time they can do anything together. Which must kinda suck. :p
Can someone write me a catnip fic... in the rain! We can have some hot, smoking kissing in the pouring rain. There clothes are drentched to their bodies!!! :D

Maybe the clothes are heavy when they are slinged off?!?!?!?!?!
Yeah Lynny :p Why don't YOU write us a ficcy? Then I might think about writing you a CatNippy ficcy. Hehehe.

Oh the rain...I would love to see them doing a little dance in the rain. Twirling...(and they both better be wearing white shirts!) in their near see-through and wet clothes. :devil:

Write us a CatNip ficcy Lynny pwease? I wubs you? (This is my lame attempt at being cute)
Why should I write the catnip fic having hot passionate kissing the rain with clothes all wet and getting ready to have sex in the back of their denali?

Well lets look at the stats, I've written how many catnip fics and you've written what, none?.. I think that means its your turn bud.

Well if it isn't my Kris. *tackles you* About dangit time you show up here, what do I gotta do, threaten to whack you?

Thanks AC ;) I drool everytime I look at it too. :D
But I want fic having passionate kissing in the rain with clothes all wet and getting ready to have sex in the back of their denali :(

I've got CatNip fics in my head :D That'll do it. The muse is still getting used to CatNip. :p

Pretty, pretty banner...yum. Bunny!
:lol: Liffy I see you still have a little bit of an obsession with the bunny... Oh this fic sounds interesting... Who's going to write it..?
Let's vote! (since we can't post a poll). I vote Lynny!!

and yes...I dont know why the bunny stands out so much. It's kind of...scary actually. :p
I vote Liffy! *looks at AC* vote for him and I'll give you cookies, and aren't yall sick of me writting cn fics anyways? Liffy hasn't wrote them any at all! I think he should. *nods*

Maybe the bunny is there to remind you; that you should write a cn fic, since the muse is catnip mode anyways. :)
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