*:·.CatNip.·:* #8: So Close, Can You Feel The Heat?

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You know...if we could just move Cath and super impose her infront of Nicky...that picture could be pret-ty naughty. :angel:
Haha, we would never have expected you to come up with that solution, Liffy, would we!? :p :lol: Well you know all of us, love your suggestions. :D

Oh and new icons Sophia!? Yay!! Can't wait to see them. :D
AC: Thanks so much for the pic! :)

Shazz: You so better post them when your done ;)

Sor: About dangit time you dropped in; whats a girl gotta do? tape you to the chair?

Liffy: Ah, Have you thought about bribing Flackie yet? I could always call him home if he gets annoying ;) I dare you to try and make Cath closer to Nick. *nods*
AC: Hahha, well you know me. I look for the gutter in everything I see. I have gutter-goggles. :) They tell me when something needs gutterfying. :lol:

Shaz: echo Lynny. You better post them when you're done! ;)

Sor: *tapes you to a chair* Stop leaving dang it!! :p

Lynny: I've already done it. But I'm not posting it 'till you give me CatNip spoilers :p Mwaha. And Cath's standing right next to me with a fire extinguisher (maybe it's that forest fire again. ?)
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Okay here they are as promised!! :D

Not sure if they're total quality though but here they are anywayz:

Now where are the ones you promised me Liffy ?!? :p

*Leaves Chocolate Easter Eggs for everyone*
Happy Easter Everyone!!! :D

Liffy - Now You got 2 prezzies rom me I have to get something back in return :p
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Now where are the ones you promised me Liffy ?!?
Fine, fine, since I promised. And I never back out of promises, here are some presents from me. For you too Lynny :)


They're all 140x140 for this board but if you want the general 100x100 PM me cos I've got those links too. :)

And Lynny, since I'm nice, I'll give you your piccy anyway. :D


Now you owe me CatNip spoilers!!
Oh my word, oh my word, oh my word, icons. Yay!! :D Steph is very happy now. :D :lol: Liffy I also love that you edited the pic... Like Sophia said, I'm not suprised. :p Looks good though. ;) Great icons both of you by the way, Liffy your phonesex one is my fave. :devil:
HAHA! Look what we done now Liffy!! :lol: Mind you Steph is always like this...Yeah I have to agree I do like the phone sex icon...

Liffy - You asked early if CatNip had a soundtrack?! I'm not sure but wouldn't that song that i post earlier be a good one?? or is it a bit too R rated :lol: Let me Know what you think :)
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Sssssh Sophia, don't be giving away what I'm really like... ;) (lol, just joking) I think everyone already knows. :D Hehe, like a said before, Catnip make me crazy... Well lets blame it on that anyways... :p
^ROFL, I'm glad you guys liked the icons and the manip :) Haha Steph really does like her phone sex doesn't she. :guffaw:

Wouldn't it be funny if Nicky asked Cath if she liked it and she replied no. He frowns, she leans up and replies, "I prefer to touch". :drool: *BOOM* Nicky passes out.


Lol Shaz I think your earlier song just might be too...I dunno...(soft) :devil: Let's get Nicky to sing "I'm too sexy" during strip poker with Cath. :)
Wouldn't it be funny if Nicky asked Cath if she liked it and she replied no. He frowns, she leans up and replies, "I prefer to touch". :drool: *BOOM* Nicky passes out.


^^HAHA! :guffaw:yeah Nick passing out would be a funny moment..what happens after that...I guess is :censored: :devil:

Lol Shaz I think your earlier song just might be too...I dunno...(soft) :devil: Let's get Nicky to sing "I'm too sexy" during strip poker with Cath. :)

I agree mine might be too soft but "I Too Sexy" is waaaaaaaaaay too cheesy..I like cheesy but not corny cheesy but fluffy cheesy (Lynny will tell you all about my fluffy song choices)...but yes Nick singing that with Cath during strip poker...:devil: thats hawt....:devil:
"I'm Too Sexy" is the kind of song you sing when you're playing strip poker and gloriously drunk. Besides, who pays attention to the song anyway? The cheesyness goes away when you're too fixated on clothes-shedding. :lol:

Hmm. But what song can Cath sing when it's her turn to do a lil' lap dance? "Boom, Boom, Boom"? :devil: What? She wants him in her room. :angel:
Shazz is seriously a fluffy song poster. *nods* you wouldn't know that about her guttery posts in here, but she's a fluffy side. ;)

AC: always blame it on them, its easier that way. :D

Liffy: aww was that so hard to post all of the pretties? No!

well the episode has Nick and Cath alone and Nick gets naked.

NOT! haha you fell for it!

But the episode sounds NICE!
Liffy - Cath singing "boom boom boom" haha! you're really sick you know that!

Lynny - I do have a fluffy side you know I just hide it.
-about the spoiler thats cool HAHA!
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