*:·.CatNip.·:* #8: So Close, Can You Feel The Heat?

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He's always been sick, lol. :D

"boom boom boom"? Do I even want to know what you all are plotting? *is lost*

haha, I thought you would like that spoiler ;) I can't wait to see Liffy's reaction :p

i love you catnip gutter folks!
Hiya Catnipper's, here is the Book cover for the new story "For the love of my Shapeshifter", starring CatNip.

I've gotten as far as Chapter 5, and already had on review, let me know what you think of the Manip:)

Lot's of cool icons floating around, working on some new ones myself, will post soon:thumbsup:
LMH~ I read your story and I think it is awesome! I love your take on it. I hope you write more again soon!! I love the possibilities for this story!! It is really good and gives a new meaning to the term CatNip!! LOL!! :drool:
Nicky gets naked? Is Cath naked too or is she just watching him streak?


Cath singing "boom boom boom" haha! you're really sick you know that!
What else is new? I'm the Gutter King for a reason you know. :p And CatNip doesn't exactly do anything to counteract anything that we say in here. Rather, they seem to just go along with all the guttery thoughts. They have a getaway house in Gutterville.

"boom boom boom"? Do I even want to know what you all are plotting? *is lost*
:eek: Lynny! You don't know the Vengaboys? Tsk tsk *shakes head* CatNip's disappointed n you. How can you not know that legendary song? :lol:

Boom boom boom boom
I want you in my room
Lets spend the night together
From now until forever
Boom boom boom boom
I wanna go boom boom
Lets spend the night together
Together in my room

:lol: :devil:

Nice book cover there LMH :thumbsup: Pretty cool...

You know what? I really think Nicky should be the one singing Boom, Boom, Boom when he's processing a piece of evidence or something and Cath suddenly comes in and is shaking her head at him. :lol: I could SO totally see that happen.

PS: Lynny needs to listen to that song pronto. :devil:
Sorry, real world is trying to bug me and they got me out of the gutter :rolleyes:

:lol:, I love the 'remastered' version of the shoot from the GSR come out (what should I call it anyway? :p)

I so can't wait for new episodes, I have 8x08 'Cockroaches' today. Any CatNip scenes maybe? Than I can prepare for this :drool:
I just listen and for some reason I can see Cath singing "Buttons" to Nick... you know the song by PCD:

*Sophia attempts singing the song :lol:*

You've been saying all the right things all night long
But I can't seem to get you over here to help take this off
Baby, can't you see? (see)
How these clothes are fitting on me (me)
And the heat coming from this beat (beat)
I'm about to blow
I don't think you know

I'm telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)
But you keep fronting (Uh)
Saying what you going do to me (Uh huh)
But I ain't seen nothing (Uh)

:devil: :lol:

Yes I know..guttery mind lol

Okay more gifts (Thanks so much for the caps Liffy) :

Enjoy! :)
LMAO, I think I posted that in the soundtrack a few months ago, its so awesome, and I can see Cath singing it to him, and I can see him loosing her buttons too :p

Lovely gifts! <3
I've got more CatNip icons here. :D

Ive been feeling gracious lately, I have no idea why. (I think it's Lynny's cookies) :eek:

I wouldn't want to be anywhere near Cath and Nicky when they're undressing. Those flying buttons are deadly. :eek:
I love all of those songs. They are so CatNippy!! LOL!!

I did update my story Lynn. ***Ducks to avoid the flying dishes.*** LOL!!

I just rewatched "Crows Feet." That is still my all time favorite CatNip eppy!! LOL!! I just love that episode. It makes me feel all happy inside!! LOL!!

My husband tells me I am obsessed with it... Nah! I think it is just enough!!
Its in the cookies, Liffy ;) and whats up with your loc? *and steals icons*

Those flying buttons are deadly, it broke one of our camera lens one time; it about drove me and Mo crazy because we couldn't find the switch to fix it. So we just bought a new camera, luckily all the film was saved *evil laugh* Thought that would stop me didn't ya CatNip?!

Chelle: You are obsessed, thats why I'm gonna whack you, because I want catnip ficcie!!!!!

Aww CF is love. The muscle scene was smexy!
^My loc? Oh....just ignore it. Only a select band of people would know what it means without any research/cheating :)

Flyings buttons ARE deadly, see? I told you to use shatterproof lenses! And...err, there is no switch to fix the lens. You just unscrew it and put in a new one. :guffaw:

I love CF. Cath should randomly go around feeling Nicky's muscles. It would be funny :) And he can pinch her bum in return. :D
^ROFL, I'm glad you guys liked the icons and the manip :) Haha Steph really does like her phone sex doesn't she. :guffaw:
:guffaw: Of course, especially when it comes to Catnip :p Haha, I'm going to steal your phone sex icon. :p *Credited you of course*

I go away for a few days and come back and find icons. :D Yay!!! :D Hehe, great icons Liffy and Sophia. :D Oh and yeah I agree, Cath should just randomly go around feeling Nicky's muscles :devil:, if she doesn't want to I volunteer to... :lol:
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Oh yeah that would turn out fun.

Cath: Hiya Nicky, *touches muscle* How are you? *touches muscle again and then touches his chest* How's your case going? *goes back to arm*
Nick: *pinches her ass* Good yours?
Cath: *touches muscles* Pretty good, well looking for *touches muscles* some guy who left a pack of condoms *touches muscles* at the scene *touches muscles*

Nick: *pinches butt* Well good luck with that, *squeezes butt* I've got hours of surveillance to go through *pinches butt* with Archie. He's gone out *pinches ass* for some coffee.

Cath: Well I've got to go. *Grabs Nicky between the legs and leaves*

Nicky: *groan*

:eek: :devil: :eek:
:devil: If only we could have such scenario's on the show. :D *Day dreams* Can any of you lovely people recomend any good Catnip fics to me? This is putting me in the mood to read a fic... :D :devil:
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