*:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

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Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

The CatNip gutter is a great place.

I like that theory too Moriel. Nick looked really hurt.

At first I wondered why Catherine didn't pick Nick to process the fake crime scene. But maybe she hated the fact that she was deceiving him without having him as involved as that.

It was so sad when Nick said "We trust you with our lives Catherine, you could have trusted us with this." That had to hurt Catherine.

This is my favourite cap from the episode:

Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Oh yeah! That's a good reason for her not to pick him to process, I like that! :D

And that cap is AWESOME! I saw it and my first thought was, "Dang it Cath, turn your head a little to the right!" :D It soo looks like their about to kiss there....yay! One of these days they are SO gonna bust out and do it! And I can't wait!!!
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

they just look amazing together! they fit together like nothing else!
not even this keppler-plan-thing can tear them apart!
i'm pretty sure nick will get over this soon

Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

I don't know about you guys...but they are just as HOTT when they fight. The tension...wow. Especially when Catherine played her supervisor card. Nick was looking at her like well your not the supervisor in bed. :devil: Heheh...jk...no but he had that look that spoke volumes...
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

haha, good point, waiting! Tension between them was very hot, and yeah about the bed :devil: lol. But yeah he had a look to him. ;)

Great pic, cathwillows! They do fit really well together, and yeah, Keppler's not breakin' them up!

Kels -- I agree with Mo on that pic. Just move your head Cath, just do it!.. That tension was hot, she should've made out with him. :D

Yeah, you can tell that line hurt Cath, but she knows he was hurt, they so had smex when they got home.

She hated the fact that she was lying to him, and plus the whole, if she called him and he was there, he knew she was lying. He can read her like a book.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

As hard as the scenes were to watch, they're hot together no matter what.

They so could have kissed in that. Nick still looked like he wanted her. Lynn you're icon is so true. :D

Cath will forgive him for saying that.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

The main thing to remember is what Mo said about the writers noticing the chemistry between them and that Nicky wouldn't get this upset if something wasn't up. He loves Catherine, and she didn't call him because she knows he would've read her and knew she was faking, and she couldn't tell him at that time. He said in LLV they get along fine and they still do, they just having a fun angsty moment.

They could've and should've kissed, they were close and hot and angsty enough to do it. .. My icon rules. :D I did have angst written on it, but that spoke to me at the last minute and I ran with it. Found a font that still showed the text :D

She'll forgive him, and he'll forgive her. Its catnip. :D well at least now I have more pics for my moodtheme. {{hopeless plot to make Kels laugh}}
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Nick probably would have worked it out and she couldn't risk it. She knew he'd be pissed, but hoped that she'd be able to explain it to him later.

They're so damn close in that scene. Catherine brushing past him like that must've drove him nuts. He was pissed but he still wanted her.

Awws you did make me laugh. :)
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

i just wanted to post this picture so we all will NEVER forget why we love this couple!
that's what we want to see! but i think/hope they'll get there....someday :p
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

dang... ;) It looks like she planted the kiss on him. Hehehe...
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Hello my beautiful CatNip gutter buddies! :devil: **Huggles to all y'all!** :D

Cathwillows Awwwww, I LOVE that pic you posted! That was so cute, and their smiles are adorable! I wub them! :D
Nick was looking at her like well your not the supervisor in bed.
Lol, Waiting...except she totally is! :devil: And Nicky knows it and LOVES it! :devil:
Kels -- I agree with Mo on that pic. Just move your head Cath, just do it!.. That tension was hot, she should've made out with him.
She SOOOO shoulda just kissed him right there! That much tension and passion between them...would have been HOT! Those angry passionate kisses like that, pretty dang sexy! :D
The main thing to remember is what Mo said about the writers noticing the chemistry between them and that Nicky wouldn't get this upset if something wasn't up. He loves Catherine, and she didn't call him because she knows he would've read her and knew she was faking, and she couldn't tell him at that time.
Yeah I definitely believe this, them showing Nicky having such a hard time with this proves to me that they want us to see Nicky cares more. I mean if she was just his supervisor, he'd be pissed yeah but he'd be over it quickly...but since she's the woman he loves...having her break his trust like that was alot harder for him to deal with. And I do think he'll get over it, cuz he loves her. :D
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Beautiful pic Cathwillows :D and of course they'll get there, no worries. ;)

haha Nicky always wants Cath, he can't help it. He's pissed and he still wants to jump her. :devil:

Hey Mo, lets tell Modie about CatNip... :D I haven't given up yet, Modie!
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Yeah in fact I think when he's pissed Nicky wants her even more! ;) Both of them pissed means even more passion and hotness then ever before! :devil: Hello smutty love! :D

Oh okay Lynny! Hey Modie come on in here...seriously we've got just a couple pics and clips to show you and if you can resist them after that well...then...really let's just be honest, you won't be able to resist them once we show them to you! ;) :lol:
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

See thats the thing about CatNip. They get angst, and thats just an excuse for smex for them. Nick does it, Cath does it. :D They love each other, CatNip will be fine.

hehe, Modie knows I haven't given up yet. I'm gonna bring her in here eventually!
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Ok Lynn I'm here with a picture I'm sure you have seen but I thought I would post it for everyone again...


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