*:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

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Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

You mean until he comeshome with another claw mark that she knows she didn't put... God, I hope its a night I'm with Macky, she'll come straight after me, i dunno why she just don't go after you.

That was outta character for Nicky, thats the only thing I found odd outta the whole thing, I get they wanted Cath alone, but even if Nicky wasn't with Cath, he would've went over and told her instead of waving. Of course Nick wouldn't have let her leave by herself. He'd make her go with him. She may lecture him, but she'd appreciate it later. :devil:

MaCath is hot angst purposes. Jealous Nicky. Taking Cath up against trees and other things that he can take her in. She likes to get under his skin and get him to take her. Both MaCath knows it doesn't mean anything, just to angst it up.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Yeah I have to be careful where I'm putting them. Haha, she automatically thinks it's you, which works for me, I get less ass kickings than you.

The only way they could get that scene to work was if they had Nicky be like that. Which is really unfair to Nick. If he'd saw the way she was acting he would have made her go with him.

Cath would never do anything to hurt Nick, but she likes to see jealous Nick, then she gets hot CatNip smex. :devil:
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

There could be trouble if Cath has any new claw marks after the trip too.

Nick: What were you REAAALLLYYY doing in New York? And who smacked you around like that?
Cath: Stella. Do NOT mess with her man. She means business.

And nope he's MINE. Mineminemine...oh and did I mention MINE?
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

I still wish Nicky wouldn't tell her where I hide the cameras. and thanks for letting me hide behind Danny
Silly Nicky! :p Maybe he told her about the camera's cuz he knew she'd want a copy of the tape for later! :devil: And no prob about hiding behind Danny and me, we'll protects ya! :lol:
I agree Mo, Theres no way in hell Nicky would've let that happened.
Thank you! That's totally what I'm saying!
I do still have to hide from her. Nicky told Cath that we're not doing that anymore and she believed him, for now anyway.
Silly Cath she should know by now the deal we fan girls have with our leading men! :lol: :devil: We "protect and keep" them for their leading ladies and in exchange we get a little "somethin' somethin' " on the side! :devil:
God, I hope its a night I'm with Macky, she'll come straight after me, i dunno why she just don't go after you.
Wait Lynny there's a night you're not with Macky? :eek: I'm shocked! :lol: Wait, No you gotta give Tony and Gibbs a night or two and then...well no you're not getting Nicky from Kels and if you steal Danny from me, well you can't do that ;) ...and no Flackie, cuz we want Modie happy...and if you can get H away from Calleigh, well I'd be impressed! So yeah...all that to say...well I dunno I forgot my point! :lol: *Mo snuggles Danny and forgets to care what her point was!* :lol:
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

No, Lynn's not with Macky 'cause I'M with Macky. Mine, I say, M I N E. *hugs him to her* you can't have him.

We need Christmas fic. I wanna know what they'll do over the holiday. Or, we know what they'll do, really..."evil: it's just the details that we can't say on here darn. But we need fic anyway, of the type we can post.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Yeah I have to be careful where I'm putting them. Haha, she automatically thinks it's you, which works for me, I get less ass kickings than you.

haha, Love you too, Kels.

The only way they could get that scene to work was if they had Nicky be like that. Which is really unfair to Nick. If he'd saw the way she was acting he would have made her go with him.

Its unfair!.. but we all know Nicky and Cath made up later :devil:

Cath would never do anything to hurt Nick, but she likes to see jealous Nick, then she gets hot CatNip smex.

Hot CatNip Smex, is that why she usually pisses him off?
I saw him pissed at her last night. and then he got smex outta it.

She asked for a copy last night. That was funny.
C: Can I have a copy of that tape?
Me: Let me think...no.
C: Why the hell not?
Me: Be..cause. its mine, you hear me mine!

:lol: Mo, if I don't give him to Stella sometimes, she gets cranky, and plus I gotta play with Tony & Gibbs a few nights. ;) and *coughsflackiecoughs* What? we play occassionaly when I give Modie Jake. :D

You like that dreamworld don't ya Melly? Keep enjoying it. cause HE'S MINE.

Usually my fic goes to smex, I can't help it. They get angsty and the next thing I know, Nicky's taking Cath or Cath's taking Nicky.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Lol, I have no CatNip ficcie...haven't worked up the courage to write them yet...might get there we'll see...but anyway, it was funny...I have a collage of all my ships as my wallpaper for my computer and part of that is the pic of George/Marg kissing at that press thing, y'all know which pic I mean...anyway my brother saw it and goes "Wait she's FINALLY kissing him now?" And I had to laugh...cuz he's totally not a shipper fan at all, but even he's noticed the chemistry! :lol: Go CatNip! :D :D
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Mo, you should write us a catnip fic, I'm sure Cath and Nicky and us will like that.

The G/M kiss is hot. And the pic of C/N's kiss is hot too. So I'm sure our hot little ship will have lots of smex and hot kisses to have. To bad their being evil and not showing them do it! *calms*

Go CatNip, indeed, My friend Kara noticed the chemistry and she doesn't even watch CSI, She thought by the pics and promos and even BTK that they were together.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Lol, I'll see what I can do Lynny...I've got requests for another D/L ficcie too though...so it's more a matter of what my muse decides to run with! ;) :D

I'm still working on getting them to kiss for us and declare "officially" that they're together! Don't think I forgot about that! ;)

That's cuz they so ARE together! SO ARE! They're just being silly and unsucessfully trying to hide it from us! Silly CatNip! :lol:
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

but we all know Nicky and Cath made up later
They would have. Cath would have forgiven him after that.

Hot CatNip Smex, is that why she usually pisses him off?
It probaby is, but Nick doesn't mind.

Lynn you were brave refusing Cath a copy of the tape. I'm surprised she didn't kick your ass.

We do need a christmas CatNip fic. If I had the motivation and time to write a fic I would write one. All mine end up being smut though.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Mo I hope the CatNip muse finds you :D

you really want to know what HEGM means don't ya? lol.

Silly CatNip, you need to just show us you're together. It'll be nice. Y'all won't have to do much. Just a few kisses and smex every now and then or hints that you're still going at it, like you're doing now, except SHOW us sometimes. Evil Catherine.

Okay I noticed something in Fannysmackin'. If Cath was from the South, when Nicky said he used Y'all alot thats it means more then one, wouldn't she have looked at him and said, "I'm from the South, remember?" but she just nodded like she was figuring it out. I dunno, maybe thats just me.

Oh don't worry, she kicked my ass. She found a claw mark on Nicky. What? You weren't on, I was bored, Macky was gone to Stel's, Nicky was there.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

I think Moriel should try writing a CatNip fic. ;)

It would be a lot easier for them to just admit it than all the sneaking around. Wonder why Catherine wants to keep it a secret so badly.

You'd think she'd know what it meant, but then things get changed all the times with the characters. Maybe she just liked him explaning something to her and didn't have the heart to tell him she already knew.

You were with Nicky. :eek: After you telling me I couldn't have him the other night. I don't think Nick would be too happy to hear you say it was because you were bored.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

I think she should too.

I think Catherine doesn't want to because of everyone telling them their advice, she likes the idea of them not annoying her over it. or annoying Nicky.

She really likes it when he explains things, she knows he feels proud to do it.

Hey! You weren't on... and Macky was gone.. He said he was bored too!.. So..
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Catherine knows that she'll get less hassle from everyone if they keep it to themselves. If they knew no one would give them a hard time they'd be all for admitting their together.

Catherine's proud of him too when he does it.

Okay, but next time Cath's not looking I'm stealing Nicky.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

And as soon as they get that questioned answered, they'll tell, but until then, Cath and Nicky feel that they like it being just their input. {and of course mine :devil: .. I mean ours. yeah. :D }

And plus the fact he's really cute when he's proud.

Good luck, She's on guard. :D
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