*:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

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Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Lynnie has cameras for all her ships :) Makes it hard for me to sneak Mac away...we have to cover the cameras or disconnect them.

But we love the CatNip closet cam...*giggle* And the locker cam and the Denali cam...hehehe.

Oooh CatNip ep? Cool....look forward to it.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

I love the dancing scene. So much touching and flirting.

Lynn loves her cameras, but they do come in very handy.

I wish the new episode was tonight.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Yeah I TOTALLY wish the CatNip eppy was tonight! I really want some good CatNip right about now...I need something good to happen for at least one of my ships lately, dang it!! :p

I love Lynny and her cameras! They make me smile! Plus all that fabulous footage... :devil: CatNip would be so busted if Lynny decided to blackmail them! :lol:
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

I've never thought about blackmailing them, mostly because I fear Catherine, but Nicky's fun. I usually like to blackmail DuCaine. Calleigh trying to find stuff is fun.

*thwacks Melly* first of all, I'm the only one allowed to whack Nicky or anyone else around here.. {except Modie...don't whack me} secondly, Mac's Mine. Mine mine mine. Which means mine, and not yours.. MINE!

Cameras are a 10-4. McGee helped. Its fun having CatNip trying to figure out where I hide one of the cameras. Damn Nicky for telling her!
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Nope mine. Mineminemineminemine...oh and MINE.

ooh I'd like to see them hunt for the camera <g> And agreed on fearing Cath. I'd fear her and Stella both.

I still want to know why he didn't see her out of the club on tonight's ep...bad Nicky, bad!
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

With blackmail stuff you don't have to be as afraid of Cath honey...although she is a force to be reckoned with to be sure! ;) :lol: Good thing Nicky can handle her...and boy does he ever handle her! **Hello Gutter! :devil: ** :lol:

DuCaine would be fun to blackmail...well done on that one hon! ;)

And yeah I'm with ya Melly I'm still not sure why Nicky didn't see her leave the bar or why he didn't just stay with her...you know he wanted to!! :p
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Blackmailing them would be fun, but I don't think Catherine would see the funny side of it.

If she's found out about them I'd run.

Nick left the bar before her, but i'm sure he went back for her, but she was probably gone by that time.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

You're probably right. She was feeling woozy and I wanted to yell "well you go tell NIck you big dummy" but the drug probably made her out of it way too fast. She'd have fallen over if she tried to run to him.

He waved to her but i guess he didn't see how she was acting..too many people and too far away.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Dreamworld much, Melly? He's mine. Macky is minnnnnnnnnnne.
Say it with me now. Come on. You can do it.

I fear Cath and Stella. I see them pissed, I run and hide.. which is usually behind Danny cause they won't hurt him. :lol: {Sorry Mo, I gotta use him as a hiding spot}

I think they knew that was the only way to get to Cath, to get Nicky outta there. if Nick stayed, they'd been hell to pay. He'd kill him, He still might kill them.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Cath would appreciate the blackmail when she realized it meant that she could just come out and kiss Nicky whenever she wanted in public! (She'd have to start chasing you first of course...but she'd eventually get worn out and then she'd appreciate it! ;) :lol: )

Yeah the drugs probably knocked her out pretty quick, maybe Nicky just thought she was heading to the bathroom and then by the time he realized she'd been in there too long, it was too late! Either way you know NIcky is totally beating himself up about it and will for a long time! Poor guy!

As long as you don't steal me Danny from me, I don't mind if you hides behind him Lynny! He and I will protect you from Cath and Stel! ;)

Yeah I think Nicky will still kill the guy if he finds him! For sure!
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Lynn you probably do a lot of hiding from Cath.

I never did like the way Nick just went at the bar. It's not like him to do that whether he was with Catherine or not.

I don't think he could see her across the bar when he left, but if he'd realised what had happened there's no way he would have left her there.

I thought the guy that did that to Cath was already dead. He was the guy that got shot at the end of BTK pt2.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Lol, yeah I bet she does too Kels! Although you probably do a lot of hiding from her yourself hon! ;)

What do you mean the way Nick just went at the bar? I's confused? :(

Oh yeah totally agree, if he had seen anything that had happened there is no way in heck he would have not cleared hell or highwater to get to her and save her!

Ahhhh....yeah that's right I think it was that dude...bummer I mean not that he's dead, cuz then he can't bother Cath again...but I wanted to see Nicky beat the crud out of him!
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Yeah Lynn you run and hide while I make out with Mac. So there. MINE. I'll say it...Mac. Is. Mine.

We all wanna spank Nicky I guess...maybe Cath did it afterwards. "You were naughty Nick and I must punish you. Mac sent me this from New York, it's a Robospanker..."

*giggle* (don't let her tell him Mac used it on her while she was there...*said that just for Lynn lolol*)
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Grr. I have to do a whole new freaking post again. grr.

I honestly thought there was two guys though. That one and another one, but I guess nots, lol. Either way, I'm sure Nicky will kill them. If their not, already.

Mo, Cath usually doesn't like blackmail even when she's tired out from chasing me around in circles, :lol: Unless I ask for something small, and I still wish Nicky wouldn't tell her where I hide the cameras. and thanks for letting me hide behind Danny ;)

I think she means whenever Nicky left the bar, the way he just left and didn't walk over to her. Together or not, that doesn't seem like something Nicky would do, even if he did wave at her. He can usually sense when somethings wrong with her, and for some reason, that night he didn't. Could be cause of all the people, he couldn't pick it up, but I still don't see Nicky not going over to her..but I guess it was to get Cath alone. But still could've been done differently.

I agree Mo, Theres no way in hell Nicky would've let that happened.


Melly, You might as well follow me baby cause once she's done trying to figure out if I hide behind Danny or not, she's coming for your ass! :lol: FYI, Mac's mine. which means mine. and oh, mine!

:lol: MaCath. hehe, Mac used the robospanker on Cath, meow. Nicky better watch out. Cath knows how to use it! haha.


Kels lol, Yeah I do hide alot from Cath, which is not fair considering you're sleeping with him!
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

I do still have to hide from her. Nicky told Cath that we're not doing that anymore and she believed him, for now anyway.

Yeah I just meant that Nick's not the kind of guy that would just walk away and leave her without at least going over to her and telling her he was going. It was a bit out of character. But I guess that was the only way they could have done the scene. We know that Nick would have realised that something was wrong with Catherine if he had gone over to her and then she wouldn't have been left on her own. No way in hell he would have left her like that.

MaCath hasn't been mentioned for a while. I still think that would be hot for angst purposes. I want to see jealous Nicky.
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