*:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

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Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Yeah CSIWillows welcome to the CatNip side. Glad you've joined us! :D

Meimei Why does Ziva have to come? Your wanting to mess up my tate/kibbs triangle, aren't you? Not with Nicky? Promise?

Yay for them to tell us. They need to.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone -- CatNippers, Lurkers, Mods, Other

Need to stop fighting what, Meimei? The fact Kels is a bad influence on me? Yes, I know that. :D

Melly thats a great CatNip fic. I'm very proud of you.

FYI. The CatNip In NY fic is on my fic journal and on FF.net for those of you that don't know.

Quit rubbin' it in! ... Tell on me? *whistles innocently* Tell on me what?

Tony and Nicky vs Kate and Cath. I'm going for Cath and Kate. They'll kill them.

Keep trying Mo maybe one day, Kels might let me give in and tell everyone. :D until then, HEGM!
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Hey, I'm not a bad influence.

You know fine well what I'm talking about.

Oh I'm definately going with Kate and Cath. I'd love to see them against Tony and Nick.

It's not my fault we can't tell.

Wonder if Cath and Nick are enjoying their Thanksgiving.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

You are a bad influence

And no I don't. *whistles*

Tony and Nicky would talk about them behind their backs, (in a good way of course), and Kate and Cath would compare notes and team up to kick their asses.

Its both of our faults, then?

I'm sure their giving and thanking :devil:
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

You're a bad influence too.

Yeah, keep whistling.

I could just see Kate and Cath plotting against those two. :lol:

I'll take part blame if you do too.

There'll be plenty of giving and thanking, not much turkey getting eaten though. :devil:

So tonight the whole team work the same case, maybe we'll get a scene out of it, here's hoping anyway.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

How do you figure?

And I will. *secretly glares at Flackie to keep his mouth shut*

Kate and Cath would have an hilarious time. Nicky and Tony wouldn't stand a chance, and yet they would get their heads whacked. By Gibbs. *nods*

Fine. I take part blame.

Dangit. That meter is right over top of me, You know I can't comment on that second part! Grrr. I had a great :devil: one.

I hope we do too. At least one!
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Just because. And the fact that you put dirty thoughts in my head. I'm a good girl really. :lol:

Leave poor Flack out of it.

Haha, Gibbs whacking both Tony and Nick would be funny.

Lmao, you're just dying to say it.

I'll be happy with one. I want CatNip.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Riight. Sure you are.

*looks at you* I didn't do nothing to Flackie. *mutters* Yet.

N: Do you think we should?
T: Yeah, we'll wait, and then we'll sneak up on them.
N: I'm not sure man, Cath can kick our asses.
T: So can Kate, but that hasn't stopped me.
G: No but this has. *whacks them both on the back of the head*
T: RIght boss.
N: Ow. (so thats where Lynn learned it?)
T: Your telling me. (She whacks you too?)

I really am. Nicky will do it in the RP for me though.

I'm really hoping CatNip gives us something. They've been trying.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Meimei Why does Ziva have to come? Your wanting to mess up my tate/kibbs triangle, aren't you? Not with Nicky? Promise?

Ziva and me both promise. She said that she would never flirt with Nicky because he is meant to be with Catherine. She’d only flirt with Greg, but she won’t do that either because Sofia will come and beat her up.

Tony and Nick VS Cath and Kate...defiantly Cath and Kate.

Technically we didn't get a scene, but the rest of the team was in one room and Cath and Nick weren't there, so we all know what they were doing. :devil:
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Aww TY Cath. And to the mods, I'm soooo sorry for skipping out on post rules with that post, I was hurrying to get done to leave for family get together.

I can't tell if we got any tonight or not but I never can...must be an ADHD or autism/pervasive brain thing...I just am too busy watching the big picture to note the little details lol.

Amanda, where exactly was that scene you describe? I mean, at the lab or somewhere else? I don't remember it.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Lmao, that would be a great scene Lynn.

I'm definately going with Kate and Cath, no way Tony and Nick would get one over on them.

We didn't get a scene last night but I agree with Amanda, Nick and Cath were too busy in Cath's office. :devil:

Mel, it was the scene in the lab with Greg, Grissom, Sara and Warrick. Cath and Nick were the only two missing.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Hiya Gutter Buddies! :devil: Guess what I actually got to watch our eppy last night!!!!! :D I was so freaking happy, you don't even know! Lol! Normally I never get to, cuz my roommate and my brother (who are dating) are always here and don't like CSI...so they watch Grey's and I have to suffer without my CSI...but they were gone last night and so I got to watch it....YAY!!!

And I gotta say right off...Cath was so freaking gorgeous last night...wow! I mean I know she's beautiful, but seriously she was gorgeous! It was a pretty good ep over all...I was bummed there wasn't any CatNip...although I totally agree, when they were the only two not in the room we TOTALLY KNOW what they were doing! :devil: Quickie anyone? :devil: **Mo chuckles evilly and ducks the meter just in time!** :lol:

I don't think that's going to work.
Awww come on Kels you're telling me you can resist such a cute, cute face?! :D Pwease...pretty pwease?!
Keep trying Mo maybe one day, Kels might let me give in and tell everyone. until then, HEGM!
Oh no worries, I ain't giving up! ;) And hey you can at least tell me...I'm the soul of discretion! :lol: Won't tell a soul, promise! :D Pwease, pwease! :lol:
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Hey Moriel. Yay for getting to see CSI last night.

I really liked it and I agree, Catherine was hot. Loved the wink at the end.

We know that's exactly what they were doing. :devil:

It's still not going to work. Lynn puts all the blame on me, but it's her fault too.
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Alright meimei. Ziva can join, but no flirting with Nicky and you can't have Tony or Gibbs, k?

Both Cath and Nicky were hot in the eppie. Well, I guess that parts I missed weren't really worth it since we didn't get anything.

But I agree with yall. Cath and Nicky were def busy in Cath's office. or locker room. They were the only ones not there. I was like... ooh I know where you two are!
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Cath and Nick were both hot, no wonder they couldnt stop themselves from sneaking away. If I'd seen Nicky in that shirt I wouldn't have kept my hands off him either. :D

We may not have gotten a scene, but we know they were together.

Cath's desk probably has a few loose screws now. :devil:
Re: *:·.CatNip.·:* #6: Forget The Horse, She's Got Nicky

Not to mention her couch and chair! :devil:

I'm tellin' ya. Cath and Nicky were to hot not to sneak away. He saw her, she saw him. She lead him down the hallway, and he took her in her office :devil:
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