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  1. N

    Adam/Delko #7- Warning: May Cause Spontaneous Combustion

    I love your humor. Ok, so if not a good woman, how about a damn good friend? Since Speed was axed off, it seems as if there is no real conection with the team outside of work. You never hear about an 'midnight tiptoes' anymore. I figure after all he's been through, the poor guy needs someone's...
  2. N

    Adam/Delko #7- Warning: May Cause Spontaneous Combustion

    Eric needs a good woman, imo. Wasn't there some talk of the writers planning that? And I don't mean that whole Natalia bit. I seem to remember an interview where Adam mentioned a love interest in the future.
  3. N

    Adam/Delko #7- Warning: May Cause Spontaneous Combustion

    Well, I'm going to give the writers some benefit of doubt and assume that some time has passed since the shooting. Then again, assume does make an ass out of you and me, so they say. As long has there are some sort of after affects that Eric goes through in the next few episodes, I won't...
  4. N

    Adam/Delko #7- Warning: May Cause Spontaneous Combustion

    I'm really digging that almost faux-hawk he had going on in past seasons. Sehir posted new pics of his movie 'Cielito Lindo' where he's rocking in with blond highlights in the Yahoo group. It made me very nostalgic. 3 minutes to go till the new ep. Must go get comfy.
  5. N

    Adam/Delko #7- Warning: May Cause Spontaneous Combustion

    Hmm, too true. And on top of stalkers you have the wanna be hackers. In fact, I think it would be nice if someone sent Adam a message with tips for Myspacing (bah, I think I just made a new word.) It should be tittled something along the lines of "How to Avoid Getting Your Ass Skrewed: Watching...
  6. N

    Episode # 515 "Man Down" ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Thank you a million times over. I'm one of those rare people that likes being spoiled. I read the last few pages of books in order to know/figure out what's going to happen just for the heck of it. So this clip is euphoric. Meh, only about 24 1/2 more hours to go. Mondays have become my favorite...
  7. N

    Adam/Delko #7- Warning: May Cause Spontaneous Combustion

    ::Drools on keyboard:: As close to speechless as I'll ever get. Huge thanks for the pics. I've been thinking about that scene all evening. Damn you A&E for being in the 4th season! Grrrrr. I'm off to bed now. Good thing I have eye candy to start some sweet, sweet dreams ;)
  8. N

    Adam/Delko #7- Warning: May Cause Spontaneous Combustion

    New Eric thread. Horay! Tis very sad indeed how the only way we get to see a shirtless Eric is if he is in mortal danger. I miss the old wifebeater seasons. That ep when he was washing his car... YUM! In regards to the Early Show, which I happened to catch because of insomnia, he really...
  9. N

    Episode #506 'Curse Of The Coffin' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Re: Episode #506 'Curse Of The Coffin' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS Maybe the coffin couldn't be opened. I could have just been a carving of one and not an exact replica. Or maybe they did open it and the scene got cut during editing. Or I could just be giving the writers too much benefit of doubt.
  10. N

    Episode #506 'Curse Of The Coffin' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Re: Episode #506 'Curse Of The Coffin' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS "Well I had a million dollars, but I'd, I'd spend it all." Thank goodness I wasn't the only one with that song playing in my head last night. EVERY time they would mention Santaria I'd start singing. Good ep., even with the...
  11. N

    Ups And Downs Of The Day #3

    Up: It's Friday and it's fall. I love GA this time of year. Up: Shopping for my Halloween costume. Going as Tank Girl. Down: My tickets for the show tomorrow have yet to arrive. Tickmaster, you are the bane of my existence. Over $20 in processing fees and you can't even send them on time. Le sigh.
  12. N

    Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools You!

    Re: Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools Aw, what happened to all the Eric love? I figured since there was more screen time in the last ep. there would be more (love, that is). Even if most of it was spent with Tango.
  13. N

    Welcome To The CSI:Miami Forum!

    Just wanted to introduce myself. I lerked for about a day and figured I was enough of a CSI series fanatic to actually join. This forum is great, btw.
  14. N

    CSI Miami: Death Pool 100 end song

    I think it may be Death Cab For Cutie. But I'm not positive, so don't hold me to it. I'm not a big fan of theirs, but I hear their music often and have seen them in concert. If you remember any of the lyrics I may be able to find out who.
  15. N

    Episode #503 'Death Pool 100' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Ah, I thought pretty much the same thing the moment I saw the kid. It was all dramatic eye roll with sigh... followed by "Here were go again." I try so hard to not be annoyed by him, but ARG!! OT- First post. It's le sexy.