Episode #503 'Death Pool 100' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Well then it's Ryan. Wow, somehow I'm not the least bit surprised. They want everyone on this show to almost get a rap sheet. :rolleyes:
speed_cochrane said:
Well then it's Ryan. Wow, somehow I'm not the least bit surprised. They want everyone on this show to almost get a rap sheet. :rolleyes:

I'm not surprised either. But then again, I was thinking it was Eric at first. Now, since its been pointed out to be Ryan... well, yeah.

I'm actually looking forward to this ep. :D
I knew it.

HaHa! Did Calleigh not look hot this morning on Regis and Kelly? Sex-ay.

This episode is getting more interesting as the hours pass and now I throughly cannot wait...

Oh, snap, my pizza is burning.

Why does Ryan always have to look bad? :( I hope it turns out that he was doing that for a good reason and then Cal apologizes for yelling at him :D
He doesn't look that bad, he looks good. :D But I don't understand, sometimes it's like he tries to watch every steps of Boa Vista.
That final scene of the 5 of them walking along the shoreline in super slow motion was so lame I actually laughed really loud. How do you decide to do that as a group?

Ryan: Another mystery solved, guys!
Eric: Yeah, baby!
Calleigh: How should we celebrate?
Alexx: Feels like an Arbys night.
Eric: Chili's, y'all. That chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream? OMG, sinful!
Ryan: Uh, yeah, right! I've been dieting for 3 weeks, I cannot fall of the wagon this time, you guys.
Eric: Whatever, you don't have to eat it.
Ryan: And do what? Sit there with my little Caesar salad, I don't think so!
Calleigh: Ladies! Well, what else can we do?
Alexx: Laser tag teams?
Eric: Party at my condo?
Ryan: Orgy?
Horatio: I think... I think we should go to the beach, and walk in super slow motion towards nothingness with our 5 layers of clothes blowing in the wind.
Eric, Ryan, Alexx, Calleigh, Natalia: YEAH!
Ryan: [to Natalia] What do you mean yeah, Orangina, you can't come.
[All the characters point to Natalia and laugh.]

I can't believe I've watched 100 episodes of this show. This is more troubling than all the gambling and booze.
Did anyone notice that Calliegh was wearing similar glasses to the ones Sara wore in the most recent episode of CSI..?
Ah, I thought pretty much the same thing the moment I saw the kid. It was all dramatic eye roll with sigh... followed by "Here were go again." I try so hard to not be annoyed by him, but ARG!!

OT- First post. It's le sexy.
OK, first off...I am not sure if spoiler tags are to be used in spoiler threads...so...

anyway....HI EVERYONE!

Midnight....you made me crack up with your "closing dialogue"....LOL!

I KIND OF liked this episode....please, no throwing of blunt objects at me....

I say KIND OF because it wasn't terribly boring. I DIDI feel the urge to slap Ryan getting all Mommy Dearest with Boa Vista at the crime scene...geez man, fer cryin out loud, change your pad and take a Xanax! Sheesh...

I was also kind of taken back about who turned out to be the gambler....HUH? Another urge to slap...

I still have to give props to Calleigh...one tough broad. GOD I LOVE HER!

One person who I AM GLAD got jail time was "Neligent Mother of Rescued Moppet"....dear God if people like THAT exist on this planet they NEED to be locked up...but then again, with any addiction,judgement is seriously clouded...

Not too much screen time for Dearest Delko but oh well...the scenes for next week's episode look great, I am all for scandal in the fashion world!

That's my lame feedback for the evening. I am sorry if it's kind of vague...still very new to the whole "spoiler thread comments" thing....

Night all....peace out...
Alina said:
OK, first off...I am not sure if spoiler tags are to be used in spoiler threads...so...

No...you don't have to use spoiler tags in threads that are marked as containing spoilers in their titles (the various Episode threads and the Spoiler Lab threads for example). We only ask that you use spoiler tags in non marked threads such as the 'Delko Drool Thread' or any of the other character/actor threads.

So you did just fine in your previous post. ;)
audrina said:
Not a bad eppy ... but did we really have to have another "Horatio's rescued moppet of the week?"

:lol: And sharp-eyed CSI NY fans will have recognized him as a moppet who Mac Taylor had also rescued, in "Necrophilia Americana"... Kid's got 9 lives, eh?

I thought it was good, but I did like last week's ep, better. And for my momentary lapse into complete and unabashed shallowness, am I the only one who noticed that "Mr. Shin" had some damn nice guns on him, especially when they made him put his hands behind his head? Okay, momentary lapse into shallowness is over, for now... :D

At first I literally cringed when H. got the phone call from the little boy, and we find out that Evil Mom had sold him off to pay her gambling debt. :rolleyes: Oh Crap, what maudlin little storyline are they going to push on us, now? Then I realized when I saw the end scene, why they did that (I think, anyway). They were hitting home how gambling debts often go way beyond the monetary aspect...the wife who shot Dakota not only loses her "fresh new start" with her husband but also her freedom, the mom lost her son for good (most likely), and Ryan...well, Ryan could have ended up losing his job, I suppose. Yes folks, hopefully we have all learned our Lesson for the Night. Don't Gamble. Gambling is Bad. ;) :lol: Seriously though, it was a pretty effective scene after all, I thought.

Oh, I almost forgot...loved the "Tommy Lee Wannabe" line in the beginning, after the pool-party-gone-bad. :D
midnight_tiptoes said:
That final scene of the 5 of them walking along the shoreline in super slow motion was so lame I actually laughed really loud. How do you decide to do that as a group?

Ryan: Another mystery solved, guys!
Eric: Yeah, baby!
Calleigh: How should we celebrate?
Alexx: Feels like an Arbys night.
Eric: Chili's, y'all. That chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream? OMG, sinful!
Ryan: Uh, yeah, right! I've been dieting for 3 weeks, I cannot fall of the wagon this time, you guys.
Eric: Whatever, you don't have to eat it.
Ryan: And do what? Sit there with my little Caesar salad, I don't think so!
Calleigh: Ladies! Well, what else can we do?
Alexx: Laser tag teams?
Eric: Party at my condo?
Ryan: Orgy?
Horatio: I think... I think we should go to the beach, and walk in super slow motion towards nothingness with our 5 layers of clothes blowing in the wind.
Eric, Ryan, Alexx, Calleigh, Natalia: YEAH!
Ryan: [to Natalia] What do you mean yeah, Orangina, you can't come.
[All the characters point to Natalia and laugh.]

I can't believe I've watched 100 episodes of this show. This is more troubling than all the gambling and booze.

HEY!!! I liked this episode. I also liked that scene...kinda reminded me of the last episode of season 2...INNOCENT. At the end of INNOCENT when Horatio, Eric, Calleigh and Speedle were walking along the beach to where Alexx was examining that dead guy.
I liked when the camera went down the line showing them close up starting with Ryan then Eric then Horatio then Calleigh then Alexx. When they showed Horatio, did you notice he was smiling??? That doesn't happen very often. I LOVE to see Horatio-(David Caruso) smile. They should let Horatio smile at the end of episodes more often. When Horatio smiles...I smile. :)