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  1. F

    Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

    Back from vacation, and just checked out Faylinn's Bozeman photos. After viewing them, I must ask, why did the writers choose "wheatfields" for Danny's comparison? I saw no wheatfields, only big beautiful mountains. Since the streets or buildings of New York are sometimes (I believe) referred...
  2. F

    Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

    I checked the Futon Critic, and I don't see it as a repeat ... yet. BUT, there are plenty of days left before the premier so they are BOUND to show it again. :)
  3. F

    Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

    That is one episode I will need to see again, I vaguely remember it. Love the photo though - thanks for sharing!
  4. F

    Lindsay Love Thread

    I love this -- they could do it too! The writers need to get cracking ... ! :D
  5. F

    Lindsay Love Thread

    I agree with all of you :D She seems like she keeps herself open to try new things, and thoroughly enjoys it while doing so - pig stabbing, bug eating, bow and arrow, dumpster digging ... I am sure there'e more :lol: And I too love the new set.
  6. F

    Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

    That would be a great opportunity for TPTB to utilize Central Park and the riding stables. Anna seems to love the outdoors, she would probably get a kick out of riding a horse for the show. Any big Tennis tournements in NY? She's apparently likes to swing the racket - good murder weapon...
  7. F

    Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

    Here you go! Anna's web page Anna's Fan Listing Lindsay's Fan Listing Anna Belknap & Emily Procter Web Page
  8. F

    Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

    No problem in regards to the link! I am just glad that I took another look at it before trashing it. Now that silly little spotlight makes sense ... and yes, love Ann Taylor ;) Has anyone forwarded the articles/links to Alyssa?
  9. F

    Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

    I would prefer the same. I know they don't want the "serial drama," but they need some sort of continuity if it is to be "charcater driven." I have to give credit to Spader -- she managed to find some pretty cool stuff - I am just her back up! :D Here is that one site you referenced: I kept...
  10. F

    Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

    Alrighty, here is some more information on Anna. The following are dream Emmy ballots or Awards of their own making: Primetime Kappy Awards Kappy Awards Honorable mention for Anna in TV Guide’s Community, “The Dripps” Dream Ballot TV Guide Community Honorable mention for Anna in last years...
  11. F

    Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

    Okay, here are some more sites ... Filmbug Apparently some of her friends have visited ... Maine Today LA Weekly Star Online Enjoy!
  12. F

    Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

    Grrr, this is taking far too long to get to this one page – hiccough in the server? But at last, here we are … Ah yes, can’t forget that … Very good point. I agree, I just don’t want them all lumped together – way too much. Maybe now that they have established that certain things affect her...
  13. F

    Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

    So much to say, but so little tiiiimmmmmeeee. Quickly though … This is my take on Lindsay’s anger. My comment is that it is not so much her acting (for me), as much as it was seemingly out of character for her. Granted, character development for such actions needs to begin somewhere, but...
  14. F

    Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

    Welcome to all the newbies! Nice to see so many new faces ... I thought I would drop by and share something Spader posted over at the DLChem board -- an article on Anna located Here :)
  15. F

    Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

    I think to give any true substance to her character, there should be reveals leading up to a “Tanglewood” type episode. It would play into the continuancy that I think we would all like to see more of as well. They were doing this early on with “light-hearted” information like of...
  16. F

    Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

    I tried to post this last night, but couldn’t … Welcome fay! Love the avatar! and thanks for posting the pics. I agree - her background needs to be drawn out over several episodes to give it due quality. Anything less, and you might as well revisit this season with regards to the Louie...
  17. F

    Lindsay Love Thread

    ::nods vigorously in agreement:: No more emotional Lindsay. I think if there is any connection at all, it will be that she needs to let go of cases, even when she is not satisfied with the answers or progress. Seeing what the Pratt case did to Aiden will hopefully drive that home for her...
  18. F

    Lindsay Love Thread

    Excellent point! Maybe this will be her wakeup call … . I can understand her connecting to the mermaid, but the last scene at the jail was a little much, and just a little creepy. Perhaps, all three final scenes (Mac/Lindsay, Lindsay/jail, Mac/Adam) were acting as a lead-in for this episode...
  19. F

    Lindsay Love Thread

    Some emotion would be okay, as Aiden had been a fellow officer (in the camrade sense) and someone very close to the rest of the team, but I too tend to think that for the most part she will remain the level-headed one. On the other hand, I can also see her distancing herself from the...
  20. F

    Spoilers on Future Episodes--You have been warned

    Re: Spoilers on future episodes The Futon Critic has more info on the Season Finale