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  1. R

    Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking her head

    Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking he I always arrive in the middle of meaninful discussions (aka coolc's CSI sex ideas)! Was I gone for too long? LOL Gotta a bit of catching up to do... *gone for a while*
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    Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking her head

    Re: Gil <3 Cath #21: he's UP in bed while she's shaking her I officially hate my computer! It wouldn't get back online yesterday, so I missed the new thread (btw, YUPPY! CONGRATS! *THROWS CONFETTI* and OMG, ROFLMFAO! Loved it!!!) and cofi became a mod! Congrats, girl! *won't suffocate you with...
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    Crazy Caption Contest-Vegas Style!

    Nick (to woman lying in front of him): Ready or not, here I come!
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    Humorous Quotes

    Re: Humorious Quotes The first two are from "Crate 'n Burial", the other two are from "Sex, lies and larvae", Cath's first two are from "fur and loathing" and the last one from "Bodies in Motion". :D Some more, now from "Shooting Stars" Grissom: Have you ever seen the pyramids? Cath: Does...
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    Humorous Quotes

    Re: Humorious Quotes Sara: Excuse me, is my evaluation interrupting you? Grissom: Uh? No no no, I barely heard you. Sara: You find something interesting there? Grissom: Dirt. Sara: You're so technical, I can hardly keep up. Sara: You're the one who's always saying it's better to have one...
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    Best Grissom/Catherine Songs

    Now that song I love... our next song: Cheap Trick's "I Want You To Want Me" I want you to want me. I need you to need me. I’d love you to love me. I’m beggin’ you to beg me. I want you to want me. I need you to need me. I’d love you to love me. I’ll shine up the old brown shoes, put on a...
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    CSI Bloopers

    Than you for the links, JuBrazil! I had seen most of the bloopers, but a couple of them were new to me :D Ty
  8. R

    Who is your fav cath/sara/sofie? Take the poll!!

    I love Catherine, so my vote goes to her. I really like Sara too, at least now... at one point she kind of bothered me, but that was waaaay back. Sorry, don't really like Sofia. Nothing against her, just nothing to make me like her either.