Crazy Caption Contest-Vegas Style!

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Nick: (muttering) I have seniority over Warrick, and yet just because of a stupid game of Rock, Paper, Scissors Gris has me diving into a pit of mud and pond scum. I don't even know what I'm looking for, much less how I'm supposed to see it! :mad:
Nick: The next time I agree to play truth or dare somebody please stop me.
Cath: Nope
Sophia: No
Sara: Not a chance in hell
Nick: Sara, what watch? I don't see any watch in the pool.

*off screen*

Sara: You just gonna bend down a bit.
Catherine: *giggles* Oh you're right Nick does have a nice booty.
CalleighDuCaine said:
George: I know Jorja and I were almost fired because we asked for a higher salary, but I really don't mind now... These extra sex scenes the writers have added between Sara and Nick make me quite satisfied. :D

What can I say? I'm a huge Snickers fan...

Then try making a caption for this pic.
Greg: I'm warning you, boss. The next time you put fungus on my feet, I'm coming back with a can of Raid for your little pet collection.
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