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    TV's Greatest Couples!!!

    i totally agree with you on that one! i knew i forgot a couple. Tony and Kate were awesome together.
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    TV's Greatest Couples!!!

    Ross and Rachel (friends... duh) Josh and Donna (west wing) even though they're both gone... Sam and Ainsley (west wing) Nick and Sara Speed and Calleigh. (even though he's dead)
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    The NCIS Thread! *spoilers*

    Re: The NCIS Thread! tonight's episode was great but i kinda got a question **********Spoiler*********** okay... maybe i missed something because i havent seen the first season but when they were in the lab, Abby, Tony, Gibbs, Jenny, and Ziva, Gibbs told them to leave except Ziva and said...
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    Speed/Rory Cochrane Reality Check?

    in LV, Holly was only in the show for an episode. Speed was there for two seasons. this is quite different. and Holly was new on the job. Speed had been there for a while and the team was close.
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    Speed/Rory Cochrane Reality Check?

    okay im not saying this is a speed dislike thread because it isn't. be free to have this thread. i said it before. we all have different opinions. rory left the show. the team is upset and acting like robots that he's gone and not giving ryan a chance. this is how people act in real life too. do...
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    Speed/Rory Cochrane Reality Check?

    *sigh* i was wondering when a thread like this would pop up. okay. where do i begin? I respect Rory's choice to leave the show. We all have jobs we dont like and we should be able to leave them when we want. I agree with ThumpyG42 on his death. It was lame. To quote Rory in his interview...
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    what is your favourite Csi episode and favourite character

    Re: what is your favourite Csi episode and favourite charact LV: I love all the CSI eppys and characters but... Table Stakes and Nicky :D Miami: Wannabe and Speed, closely followed by Calleigh.
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    Horatio & Megan - So Close Yet So Far Away...

    Re: Horatio/Megan-What did u think? eva larue's contract was changed. she's now signed on for the whole seaon but she'll miss a few episodes in the beginning because she didn't act in the some. and sorry to say this, but Kim won't come back. She left because she hates David.
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    Horatio & Megan - So Close Yet So Far Away...

    Re: Horatio/Megan-What did u think? you know that megan was married right? :D :D :D just saying...
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    Speed/Eric Slash Thread #1 - Mourning In My Own Way

    Re: Speed/Eric Slash Thread awww now here's a cute thread, along with VERY HOT! lol. i could see this... somewhat. i do tend to trail into the slash fics. they'd make a great couple. love the pics btw.
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    The NCIS Thread! *spoilers*

    Re: The NCIS Thread! i love NCIS and i'm a total Tony/Kate shipper... lol, dont hurt me please, I love Kate, i hate that they killed her. Does anyone know who's replacing her???
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    Alright....Admit it....

    omg NSync. lol. i'm a Lance fan and a Justin fan. i met Justin once. :D :D :D he is a total cutie and he is soooo sweet. loved talking with him. I like BSB too. shh dont tell my friends but my heart lies with NSync.
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    Tim Speedle & Megan Donner #1 - Just One Kiss...

    why dont you katie? your fan fics are awesome!
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    Tim Speedle & Megan Donner #1 - Just One Kiss...

    hey, now dont take it out on rory, even though it is his fault. :lol:
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    Tim Speedle & Megan Donner #1 - Just One Kiss...

    i would've liked to seen her reaction too...
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    Tim Speedle & Megan Donner #1 - Just One Kiss... not really a Tim/Megan shipper. she was his mentor i thought. :confused: :confused: :confused:
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    Hottest Men from all Three CSI's?

    LV: George Eads William Peterson Miami: Rory CochraneAdam Rodriguez
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    Megan Donner Appreciation Forum(Bring her back!!!)

    .... (ducks from diamondgirl) i really didn't like megan. she seemed a bit stiffy to me. sorry.
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    Alexx Woods Appreciation Thread

    alexx rocks!
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    Alexx Woods Appreciation Thread

    LOL how cute? Alexx gets tossed from a bomb and speed yells Alexx and aww how cute, not worrying about how Alexx is. LOL i know what you mean though. Alexx is awesome. I miss her and Tim's scenes together. they were really close. If I, not saying this is gonna happen, If I died, then I'd want...