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  1. C

    ooh sign this!

    I'm not sure how much impact it will have but i've signed it!
  2. C

    uh oh. anyone want a laugh?

    How long do you think it took them to realise what they'd done? :P
  3. C

    ok magazine - jorja fox is it true?

    in ok magazine it says that Jorja Fox is leaving because she wanted more money. It says they were going to film her dying but she didn't show up so they had to film a different ending. i'm assuming i'm way behind here and it's meaning the season finale? just wondering if she is definitely leaving?
  4. C

    Prayer for Madeleine

    I don't know if i can post this here, or if it's already been done but i just want to add a message on here about the missing 4-year-old Maddy It's her birthday today :( Whatever judgements we can pass on her parents, i wish her abductor(s) would just let her go. It's heartbreaking to see the...
  5. C

    The injury thread

    Well working at Mossburn (the animal rescue centre) i get injured a lot :rolleyes: so my latest is a goose bite :p owwwwwwwwwwww! so come on then, post and grumble about your latest injury, we may even get some funny stories about how it happened! :p
  6. C

    recent DVD box sets

    Why have they stopped putting in the little booklets that tell you what the episode is about? it's quite annoying! :p forgot to say, the ones i have got that don't have the booklets are CSI season 5 and CSI Miami season 3.
  7. C

    i'd like a specific picture thread

    ok, i can't see any other threads for pictures so i'll make this and see what happens :lol: i'll start. i'm after any pics of crime scenes in csi showing a blood pool. strange i know, but humour me :p
  8. C

    help - gimp users!

    really simple question but how do you send a layer to the back or move a layer back? thanks!
  9. C

    when is?

    Which episode is Nelly Furtado in? heard an interview on the radio with her and she was talking about it but we haven't had the episode over hear yet and i was wodnering how long it is until it's on?
  10. C

    Meet Merlin!!!! and jumping!

    here he is guys! he is THE SWEETEST little dude ever! i swear his mane is made out of silk, never felt any mane so soft! it's unbeliveable! he is such a little dude and loves to strut his stuff. i'll miss him when he leaves! if you call his name, he runs after you with a total "look at me"...
  11. C

    does anyone else?

    get more excited when the woman's voice comes on before csi and says "this episode contains scenes which some viewers may find disturbing"? i do! am i really weird to look forward to disturbing scenes? or do you also think it usually means we're in for a treat? :D
  12. C

    how often?

    do you watch CSI? worked it out and on a normal week i watch 8/9 episodes! i'm so looking forward to tomorrow because my parents are going away for the day and you know, absent parents = CSI fest! :D :D i'm gonna watch it ALL day with out interuption! :D how fantastic! :D yes, so back to the...
  13. C

    Wallpaper thread

    where'd it go?! :eek: :( :confused:
  14. C

    what makes a good episode?

    as title says really :) for me its got to have tension keeping you interested, a few good twists, a good bit of sandle action, and i must admit, greg's hairstyle also influences my episode ratings :rolleyes: :p
  15. C

    i take it this is where...

    i can talk about stuff other than CSI? lol. well my other great passion ;) is animals and i volunteer every sunday at a local rescue centre ( i love helping out there but the biggest reward is free riding! i ride Blacky normally, a 14.2hh fell cross and she's gorgeous! i'll...
  16. C

    what's your favourite season?

    overall, what is your favourite seaon of CSI? i think mine is either 3 or 5 but this one (7) looks like it could make a big impact on me! we've only had 4 episodes over here so far but i can't wait for a tuesday night! :D
  17. C

    i love this episode!!!!!

    feel free to ignore this post but most people i know won't listen to me going on about CSI lol because they are freaks and don't like it :p anyway, just saw "fanny-smackin" here in the UK and i loved it so much! i adore greg and eric szmanda and even though he got beaten up, it makes you like...
  18. C

    CSI game 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    woo! csi 4 - hard evidence is out 01/03/07! :D :D :D i can't wait! :D
  19. C

    i'm a bit lost

    Hi! i'm new but i dunno if i'm allowed to post this in here. my name is Siobhan and i'm 16. i've been addicted to CSI and have seen every episode of all 3 shows so i'm sur i'll fit in with you guys ;):lol: my other passion except for CSI as you can gather from my name is monkeys/apes but i...