does anyone else?

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Police Officer
get more excited when the woman's voice comes on before csi and says "this episode contains scenes which some viewers may find disturbing"?
i do! am i really weird to look forward to disturbing scenes? or do you also think it usually means we're in for a treat? :D
I never heard the voice we just get the printed warning about it that appears on the screen. This happens with alot of shows its viewers discrection.
Geez...I've never seen/heard any warnings before any of the episodes. Maybe they think New Yorkers are so jaded they can handle anything!
in germany there were never any warnings before csi! but normally they warn of everything here
so i don't understand why they don't do that for csi....strange ;)
Usually the scenes are only on there is the episode may contain more then usual violence or swearing, or sexual content may be. Its not always on there where I am but if its needs to be they will flash it on the screen in text.
grissoms_gurl said:
I've only heard it when I watch it on the CTV channel - I guess us Canadians need the warning :lol:
Same here. I have never heard it on any other channel.. Except Showcase. I don't get all ansy when I hear it though - just means there will be some minor violence and/or minor nudity (Girl in panties..)
It's a sexy voice. I mean, what if there was actually a woman walking around with a voice like that. lol
I love that voice. I say it with her. :lol:
Nope I'm deffinatley with you on this one CSImonkey I mean what makes CSI is that its not afraid to be a bit more revealing on some stuff and bloody bodies are apart of that :) It shows its gonna be a great episode
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