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    Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmackin' Effect"

    :) Finally, new episode tonight. Hopefully we'll get at least one Sandle scene, I miss seeing them working together. :D
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    Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmackin' Effect"

    Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect" :eek: We're on the second page, that's no good. Come on people, we've gotta keep the Sandle love alive. :D Anybody got any suggestions as to what topic we should discuss involving our very favorite ship?
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    Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmackin' Effect"

    Re: Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmakin' Effect" :D Yay for the new thread. Love the new name, Fannysmackin' was a great episode, even if Greggo did get beat up. But Sara was there to comfort him so it was alright. ;) Havn't been much (if any) Sandle moments in recent episodes, hoping for...
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    The World's Biggest Sports Team Rivalries

    You can't forget Ali/Frazier, those are classic boxing matches. :)
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    The Last Film You Saw? Thread 2.

    Just watched Elf on tv. Pretty good movie, Will Ferrel is hilarious. I still like watching re-runs of the SNL episodes when he does Celebrity Jeopardy.
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    Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

    Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet" Nicknames they would give each other? Hmmm, I dunno, will have to think about it. I think Sara would stick with "Greggo" but I don't know what nickname Greg would give Sara. :D Can't wait for tonight's episode.
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    "Post Mortem" Discussion **Spoilers**

    This was a very good episode. Greg was so great in it, good to see him having more screen time. And what's up with Hodges the last two weeks? I'm actually starting to like him! :D
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    Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

    Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet" :cool: That's probably true. Anyways, thanks for the birthday wishes everybody. :D I hope Season 7 has alot of Sandle. I think they'll be closer than ever this season than previous ones. Greg and Sara need each other, even if they don't...
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    Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

    Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet" :eek: Nope, not even on my birthday! :D I definitely think Sara likes Greg more than she's letting on. They're just so comfortable when they work together. There are not horribly awkward moments, Sara is more relaxed around Greggo...
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    Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

    Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet" Yay for the new Sandle moments in the recent eppie. I always love seeing them work together, they get the job done and usually have fun doing it. Good to see Greggo getting more scenes. And a first for me, I actually liked Hodges in this...
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    Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

    Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet" Welcome Tananda and Ziva_David!!! Good job finding the list, Silhouette, lovin' all the Sandle moments. There is a new eppie this week, hope Greg and Sara get to interact. :D And CSIangel17 the episode where Greg gestures for Sara to "call...
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    Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

    Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet" Hmmm the list of Sandle moments? I have it around here somewhere. I know right off the top of my head there's Organ Grinder, Iced, 4x4, Crow's Feet, Who Shot Sherlock and Fannysmackin'. Plus all the ones with little sandle moments in them. :D
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    Nikki's ex isn't the guy who erases everyone's memories. That guy creeps me out, along with Claire's dad. Future!Hiro is freakin' awesome!
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    Seriously, is anyone besides me watching this show!? It's amazing so far and it just keeps getting better. My favorite character is definitely Peter, he's so interesting in my opinion.
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    Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

    Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet" :lol: Greg with a French accent would be funny to see. I wish Sara had been the one to talk with him when he was working during the last episode. You can see that he's really been effected by what happened, he needs a Sara hug! :D
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    Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

    Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet" Yup, Right Here would be fitting for Fannysmackin'. The hair-rubbing was adorable, simply, utterly, adorable! Ugh, gotta wait till Nov. 2 to get possible new Sandle moments. Perhaps I should busy myself writing fics. Who would like that? ;)...
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    Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

    Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet" Hmmm, no Sandle scenes in tonights episode. Greg was up and walking around though. There was a Sofia/Greg/Sara scene however, which I enjoyed, being a fan of that trio. :devil:
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    "Double-Cross" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    Pretty good episode, I'm glad that Greggo was up and working, even if he still looked a bit rough. I've got a question though, when Catherine lights the candle, is she praying for Sam to get better or because he's dead? They never really told us if he died or not. Anywho, has the...
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    Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

    Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet" 'Fannysmackin' effect'. :lol: Now that's kinda funny soundin'. It's true that you can't deny that Greggo does make Sara laugh, that's just how he is. He likes to spread his innate happiness to everyone, especially Sara. But really, can you...
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    ~ I Can't Believe It ~ #5

    I can't believe some elementary school south of Boston, Mass. has banned the game tag! OMFG Why don't we just get kids individual little bubbles so they don't hurt themselves walking? It's mind-blowing how much my generation differs from the current one. Tag is part of being a kid and it...