Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

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Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Sorry, my mistake. I corrected my banner thanks for szmandatogoholic who made it to me.
Yeah, and sorry for the video linking :(

And thanks for everyone who welcoming me, im glad you let new people in the "company" :D

Hestia : Thanks for your positive comment about my creative skills:D but im pretty sure you're as good- even better!!!- than me. Im not belong to the "wow soo good" blend makers. unfortunately...
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Greg's such a sweet guy.. would be sad if something were to happen if they actually for together...
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Ooh, another Sandle shipper!! Welcome, suave_elle!!! Selamat datang :D :lol: I'm from around the region too :D (if you're like me, stuck with AXN, still no sign of S7 so far :() Anyway, as the tradition goes, have some Sandle cookies!!! *hands some cookies :D*

I agree, Greg is such a sweet guy. Makes you don't want anything bad happen to him... I hope when they do get together (Sara and Greg), their happiness would last :D That's why I don't want them to get together too early, knowing how evil tv writers tend to be (when two people just get together, usually soon there'd be conflict... since happy = no story).
I bet Sara'd be happy if they do get together... well look at them now. Greg always makes her laugh. :)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Greg is really sweet. I really don't understand why he got beaten because he just doesn't deserve it. Now, there's enough things he does deserve, and one of them is Sara Sidle. They're cute, both. So that makes a cute² couple. Cute x Cute = Cute². And that's why we ship Sandle. Keep up the positivity. Happy is a story. I can write about happy people for ages. Some people :eek: *like err, AD* can't.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Oh, lookie, another Malaysian! *waves*

That's why I don't want them to get together too early, knowing how evil tv writers tend to be...

But... but... I live off angst and hurt/comfort! Partially why I'm in the Sandle fandom, I mean, with all that non-commitment yet borderline skating, that's a huge build-up of angst right there *points finger*.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Well everything happens for a reason... Maybe he got beaten up so Sara could take care of him :D

Yes, there's the angst and the flirting, which I love (hey, I'm an angst-whore too :lol:). But I do realize if I were to look for tension, I would ship certain other ship ;) While I was attracted to Sandle first because of its fun nature. Well it's famous for exploding toilets and positivity cookies you know... ;)

This ship makes me happy. I love to see them happy. Laughing. Exploding toilets. Taking (erm, decontamination) shower together. Eating cookies... Happy. :D

Though there's the sad episode like Fannysmackin... but even that makes you go 'awwww'. I love this squee-able ship. It's so... squee-able-worthy :lol:

Ok what the hell am I talking about?? :confused: Think I should really reduce my caffeine intake :lol:
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

I saw Fannysmackin' episode, and i have to say what a brilliant scene between Greg/Sara,

I felt at one moment Greg was dead coz there was no paremedic with him (i got a feeling Sara felt like that coz she asked that question and she slightly slowed down when she asked that question)

The hair-rubbing was cute, no wonder he recognised it was her lol

And to top of that scene, she said she came here for him :cool:
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Lennie said:I felt at one moment Greg was dead coz there was no paremedic with him (i got a feeling Sara felt like that coz she asked that question and she slightly slowed down when she asked that question)

*covers ears with hands* Bunnies! Noooo... all the Sandle bunnies are attacking me... *shakes head violently*

Not fair... this is suppose to be the positive ship but the bunnies for it are *violent*.

Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Oh yes, welcome suave_elle! Hope you stop by more often. :)
Silhouette, may I just say that your banner is love! Pure sandle love! I love it and it's awesome and... just love! :D (Maybe I'll change my banner soon... hmmm...)
Do you mean plot bunnies, frickangel? They can be frustrating, I know! :p

They're cute, both. So that makes a cute² couple. Cute x Cute = Cute²
I completely agree MissRoosFox! That equation makes alot of sense. I think I know what I might be changing my banner into... ;)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Yep, Hestia--plot bunnies. Eeevviillll plot bunnies.

Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention how much I love Silhouette's new banner *snatches and steals it*

*goes back to killing the bunnies*
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Haha yeah the plot bunnies are evil! They look all cute looking at you with those eyes, but look out, cuz they'd just jump at you and hang on to you until you fullfil their demands! :lol: So I say, follow that little bunny, frickangel... ;) You know you want it... And I miss reading your great fics too. Which plot bunny you're trying to kill off?

Have I welcomed you, Lennie? If I haven't then... WELCOME!!!! :D Have some cookies! And I agree, the hair rubbing is TOO CUTE! I even can't resist putting it into my banner :lol:

See, hair-rubbing is LOVE. Yobling could be the 'eye-sex pioneers', but Sandle is THE 'hair-rubbing pioneers' :D :D :D

And awww, thank you gregsandersfan, Hestia, and frickangel :) Too bad the clip I get is a bit low quality, so the pics aren't very clear. But I still love it to pieces. Too cute to not making into a banner... :)

So what d'ya say, Hestia? Changing banners? Wanna join the whole 'Fannysmackin effect' too? Think the 'cute x cute' idea is... CUTE! :D :lol:
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Silhouette said:
Haven't heard Right Here, tanglewood... Guess I should check it out.

Listen to the lyrics closely. It'll remind you of FANNYSMACKIN'.

I made a commitment... I'm willing to bleed for you.... I needed fulfillment... I found what I need you...

Those are the words to look out for.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Yup, Right Here would be fitting for Fannysmackin'. The hair-rubbing was adorable, simply, utterly, adorable! Ugh, gotta wait till Nov. 2 to get possible new Sandle moments. Perhaps I should busy myself writing fics. Who would like that? ;) *pets and feeds his plot bunnies*
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

ME!! ME!! Yeah Yummy, keep feeding that plot bunnies! :D I'll be waiting for that fic ;)

Ooh tanglewood it does remind you to Fannysmackin... *goes to look for lyrics* :D

Fannysmackin has indeed effected Greg, physically and emotionally, maybe even left some trauma... but how do you think it would effect Greg and Sara relationship in the future?
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