Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

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Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Well am in France ATM and got to watch the 4x4 in french with the sandle scene, sounded so cute in french, especially gregs french voice :lol: im sure sara wouldnt be able to resist it :)

yeay YaM you must write another fic, am in need of a fic fix :lol:

I think Fannysmakin willl leave there relationship so much better than before, because from the whole 'sidle scent' comment it must now be apparent to sara that he likes her more than just frineds, and the same with greg and the 'i came here for you' comment, so that it ,ust spur one of them on to make a love again. I think if one of them was to ask out the other again it would be Greg cos hes had a life changing experience and he proably realises that life is too eventful to let things you love slip away, so i definiely think he'll ask her out again :D Did that make sense?

YaM and Silhouette i love your sandle banner, so cute :)
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

YouandMe1105 said:Ugh, gotta wait till Nov. 2 to get possible new Sandle moments. Perhaps I should busy myself writing fics. Who would like that? ;) *pets and feeds his plot bunnies*

Fics are always good! :D

Btw as we talked about it. There are some Sandle videos on the CSIMedia forum.

As to Greg being affected from the beating... I think it was mde very clearly in Double Cross that he is not really doing well, that he isn't really himself.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Hehe, I like the idea too (well, it's mine, so). We should make one banner for all Sandle-shippers, saying: Sandlematics; Cute x Cute = Cute² :D

Btw, were there any Sandle scenes in Double Cross? Me really hopes so. :) And I can't wait for more Sandle-moments in season 7.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

sarahvma, when I read that spoiler tag I perked up at the mention of the word 'silhouette' But it's in different context though

lol. It is forever in your tribute!

Anyway - I am disappointed that Sara didn't get to be the one to have that conversation with Greg, but I imagine that they've spoken plenty over the last week.

And besides, Catherine is the one who lost someone this year, so it's probably important to her to reach out to people right now.

Thought I'd share a chunk of what Annie, the girl who does the recap for Fandom Talk, had to say about last week:

I think I've made it clear in my recaps that I am beyond happy that Grissom and Sara are together. [...] However, that doesn't take away from my deep love for the relationship between Greg and Sara and what could have been between them had Greg met her first. And nobody can convince me that this moving, poignant scene wasn't a nod to those of us who saw Greg and Sara as just as right for each other as Grissom and Sara are, and recognized the remarkable chemistry between Jorja Fox and Eric Szmanda. Greg and Sara are one of those "what if?" scenarios that will likely never be answered but I have no doubts that the affection and love between them was and still is more complicated and deeper than simple friendship.

Sorry for the GSR mention, but there was no way to cut her comments about the one ship to make it make sense for her Sandles comments.

Anyway - again, I have a hard time believing that we won't see another follow-up scene for this between the two.

Especially if Greg is standing trial in the next episode. I'm really hoping that it will end like The Accused is Entitled with everyone from the lab there at the end.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

CSIangel17 said:
Well am in France ATM and got to watch the 4x4 in french with the sandle scene, sounded so cute in french, especially gregs french voice :lol: im sure sara wouldnt be able to resist it :)
In German the talk after the shower scene was hilarious because they translated it a bit differently... Greg still said (re-translated to English) "... I didn't see anything." but Sara's all "That's a pity because I saw everything."
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Talking about Greg's french voice... I remember he said something in French accent in earlier season. Forgot which, something about a wine or something? A woman died in a bathtub, and she was drinking wine before? He said "Oui." :D So cute... I was melting! :lol: Sure Sara would love that, CSIangel, cuz I would... ;)

sarahvma said:
lol. It is forever in your tribute!
:lol: Thank you

Thank you for quoting the recap too, sarahvma :) I think the recaper from Fandom Talk always leaning towards Sandle. Nice to see there's a website out there that's not GSR-centric for a change :)
I agree about everything she said. There you go, "deeper and complicated than simple friendship", amen to that :D And about "what could have been between then had Greg met her first", that we might never know... (oh the 'what if's...)

Also very true that Jorja and Eric have amazing, remarkable chemistry. That's what's great about this ship...
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

:lol: Greg with a French accent would be funny to see. I wish Sara had been the one to talk with him when he was working during the last episode. You can see that he's really been effected by what happened, he needs a Sara hug! :D
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

I'm actually kinda happy that it's Catherine who talked to him, really. I'm no means a Cat/Greg shipper, just that Catherine and Greg have always had this fun friendship and it only seems right that Catherine would finally be able to talk to him.

Besides, Sara got to be the very first person to comfort him and be there. That's the most important.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Wow, all this talk about Greg with different accents is reminding me of the episode 'What's eating Gilbert Grissom' from season 5-So glad I've got it on DVD :D! Anyway, I believe Greg is counting the maggots in Italian. It sounds sooooo cute! :rolleyes: The Italian, not the maggots...
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Yeah, our ship is cool cuz even if the charicters aren't together, we can still root for the actors together...cuz neither of 'em are married or stuff.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

I agree about everything she said. There you go, "deeper and complicated than simple friendship", amen to that And about "what could have been between then had Greg met her first", that we might never know... (oh the 'what if's...)

Also very true that Jorja and Eric have amazing, remarkable chemistry. That's what's great about this ship...

Definitely agreed.

And the thing about Sandles is that there would be nothing stereotypical or contrived about continuing that flirtation. If anything, it would add a really interesting, subtle dynamic to the personal lives of the characters.

Yes, we have one main relationship, but it seems that only in TV land is someone is either 100% dedicated to their partner or they're going to cheat.

Sara doesn't have to physically cheat with Greg to still have feelings for him, and since Greg doesn't know, I do hope that's something we see played out a little bit more.

Anyone who writes these two off as a "brother and sister" or "mom and son" relationship isn't really looking properly, in my opinion.

They have something almost... I guess almost too innocent and sweet. Which is why Sara sitting with him while he was bleeding was so hard to watch. Their relationship had always been very easy. Yes, Greg had a crush on her and Sara clearly didn't mind (even inviting him out to dinner in Sherlock and wanting to be his mentor) but it always stayed on that very playful level.

So it would be a big disappointment if, now that they've made a much deeper connection and Greg sees that Sara's willing to shill work just to be with him when he needs her, the writers drop the ball on it.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Yes...and the whole sibling or even...WTF?!?! "mom and son" makes me sicker than cafeteria pizza with ranch dressing and milk followed by spinning in a chair for an hour...and I'm lactose
My point is...Sara and Greg are a romantic couple, not some twisted form of a distorted family image projected by two people who both had family "issues"
Thank you if you could follow that and did
Raise your hands if you understood what I said...yeah, I don't even know that I could raise my hand for that...
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"


*raises hand*

But I agree - I think it's cheap when people try to boil someone's ship down by sticking an incest label on it.

If they don't share blood, they're not related. End of story.

I could see someone thinking Sara and Greg were just friends, or that Greg just had a kind of passing crush on her... but I think Fannysmackin' kind of defeats a lot of those arguments.

Whatever it is that they do have, it's very complicated, but at its heart it's also very sweet.
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