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  1. HillHarperHOT

    CSI: New York--'Snow Day'

    No she wouldn't. Peyton was horrible in the finale and she did not criticize her like she would have done Lindsay if she had been in the same situation. I just did what you guys do. You consider everyone who likes Lindsay one person, so I did the same to you.
  2. HillHarperHOT

    CSI: New York--'Snow Day'

    I don't take it personally because you can like who you want, and I wouldn't care. Just don' tell me why I like her. I didn't question anything that anybody said, all I did was give my reason for liking her, because you all tried to do it for me. I never said it affected her acting ability, I...
  3. HillHarperHOT

    CSI: New York--'Snow Day'

    Danny didn't want to go to the EMT anyway, so either she took him or he was going back to work. I don't like Lindsay just because she wanted to be with Danny. My reason for watching CSI: Ny was Anna Belknap. When she first came on the show, I never thought her and Danny would be together...
  4. HillHarperHOT

    Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

    I don't think it's to much to ask for. Hopefully, a lot of it had to do with her pregnancy and we will get better scenes next season. As for the finale, I think it was because her shift would not have started yet. When she was talking to Danny, she said he got the later shift, so maybe that's...
  5. HillHarperHOT

    Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

    ^^She said "A benjamin says I do" I think this is going to be my favorite episode. I think it was a very good episode all together. Of course, DL made it a whole lot better. Jen
  6. HillHarperHOT

    More CSI:NY Spoilers: Start Spreading the News!

    I thought CSI Miami was rather disappointing, also. I am a DL shipper, but I think we could do without the actual love scene. With Mac and Peyton it was just implied, so it could have been done like that. I think this should be a good episode though. Jen
  7. HillHarperHOT

    Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

    It could still be Anna. I have had 3 children and I put on a lot of weight, but after each one, I lost most of the weight at the beginning, so when I worked out I didn't still have all of the baby weight. I was back to my regular size in about a month. I am a model and when they told me what...
  8. HillHarperHOT

    Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

    At the beginning, when Danny gets yelled. Then when Mac tells him to go to a scene and at the end when Shane asks for him. Edited: I forgot themost important part. He started calling her Montana again. Jen
  9. HillHarperHOT

    Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

    They've known each other like 19 months because she came in like October of Season 2. Jen
  10. HillHarperHOT

    CSI: New York Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    Thank you so much DragonflyDreamer.
  11. HillHarperHOT

    Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

    I'm sorry. I was probably so exited about the fact that he went that I didn't even read the entire thing.
  12. HillHarperHOT

    Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

    I am one of those people who like to know what is going to happen before it happens. So I will be reading Catey's spoilers. But, if I remember correctly, Catey did not say that we would have the almost kiss last time. She said it was a very good episode he went to Montana, etc. but unless I...
  13. HillHarperHOT

    Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

    I think she plays well with other characters, too. Lately, it has been more with Danny, but I think she plays very well with Sheldon. Before she went on maternity leave, she didn't really work with Danny at all, so she had to interact with the other characters. Jen
  14. HillHarperHOT

    CSI: New York Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    Hi. Can Someone make me a Hill Harper icon? Thank you very much. Jennifer
  15. HillHarperHOT

    Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

    Yeah Mo! I think I came on a little after you, but I am not nearly in it as much as your are. Last night's eppy was great. I thought even though they didn't work together, it was still good. I can't wait till the finale. Jen :)
  16. HillHarperHOT

    Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

    I've been here, I just don't usually talk much. I prefer reading everyone's comments. Occasionally, when there something extremely interesting I will comment though. Congratulations! on the new thread.
  17. HillHarperHOT

    Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

    Hey guys. I can't wait for the finale. Do the episodes continue after tonight or will there be repeats again? I am so excited. I am supposed to be on a conference call right now, but I had to comment when I read the latest spoiler. xxAnGeLheArtZ, I think this will top SOOH. It has been a very...
  18. HillHarperHOT

    Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

    It has been quite a while guys. I am loving all of the spoilers. I leave for two weeks and come back and everyone knows what will happen the rest of the season. I can't wait til they start airing.
  19. HillHarperHOT

    Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

    One of the songs was Timbaland featuring Justin Timberlake and Nelly Furtado (that played in one of the episodes). That is the only song I heard, I just heard different parts for different scenes. There could have been more though and I wasn't paying attention. I thought Danny/Lindsey were...
  20. HillHarperHOT

    Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

    I like everyone's speculation. I'll just hope for the best. I didn't get to see the preview for the next ep because my kids would not go to sleep and CBS still has the old one. Guess I'll have to wait for it. Delia, I finally figured out how to do the avatar. Now, I will have to work on the...