csnnyfan said:
Hello, I'll try to be intelligible with my poor english:
I've read your review during all this season, and I wanted to wait the finale to post a comment.
I'd want to talk about your opinion/phobia abiut Lindsay/AB, or the DL storyline in general...
It's very simple, Lindsay is not your heroine, I respect it, but a good review is objective, a good review is not biased, a good review doesn't DISTORT. I guess you'd prefer seeing Danny with Angle, Stella, Sid, Flack... or a pet!!!
But I respect your opinion. I am not a DL shipper, but this sistematic and biased criticism with Lindsay/AB is simply too much, and, YOU WRITE very well, but we need much more, and it's a shame that the hours you spend in this work are copmpletly wasted with really poor arguments.
I always find it very interesting when people come in to weigh in on my criticisms of Anna/Lindsay that most of the arguments are, "You bash her! You're so unfair! You don't like her!" Very few counter with things of value about the character, and that, to me, is very telling. I maintain she's added nothing to the show. Most of the lightness she was supposed to bring in was long in her season-and-a-half long angst-a-thon over her dark secret, which was quickly wrapped up and dropped so she could hit the sack--or rather, the pool table--with Danny. Most of the positive comments that have to do with Lindsay being involved with Danny, which illustrates how her character really is nothing more than a proxy for the many, many fangirls who would like to get into Danny pants.
I don't begrudge anyone who wants to like her for those reasons, but it would be nice to be honest about it.
I'm simply being honest: you've never treated Lindsay like other characters (maybe like a frustration of seeing Danny with a girl you can't stand? so you prefer seeing him with a rat... and of course distorting things), and all she does is bad, negative and horrible.
Honestly, aside from how the storyline has lessened Danny's character, the romance isn't really irksome anymore. I'd actually rather have them together than doing the 'will they or won't they' thing ad nauseum. As for "treating her like the other character" if you've mean I've criticized her while I've praised them, well, that's because I feel she detracts from the show. When I do feel like she's done a good job, you'll see that I've praised her too ("Cool Hunter" and RSRD come to mind off hand).
Taking Danny out of the truck??? Why not? you like it or not, DL are so in love, and if she's her girlfriend... I think she's allowed to take him and help him In wich moment did we see Flack anoied with her??? Danny anoided wioth her for changing shifts??? It was HIS idea? The way he looked behind hin in the end of the scene means that hess upset with her for that?? My interpetation is that I realised all that the gangters could have done to her during all those hours)...
To each their own interpreting that scene. I don't fault her for running over to him in the truck, or even wanting to be the one to take him. But dragging a man who can barely walk off rather than running to get him help and coming back with the EMS team (like Flack was preparing to do), shrugging off his best friend
and going on about her own feelings didn't shine a positive light on the character. She's self-involved--there's ample evidence in the show to support that (leaving crime scenes because of her issues, making Danny do the unpleasant task in Oedipus Hex, whining about Mac not letting her near a crime scene in Manhattan Manhunt, etc.).
It's just an example. In that show I've got my own favorites, but I'm objective with all. And If some day I decide to do a serious review, I surely try not to make the same mistake you do week after week: ok I don't like this one, but I'll try to describe THINGS LIKE THEY HAPPENED.
That's what the synopsis is for. The analysis is for me to give my take on what happened--you are free to stop reading at the synopsis if you don't want to hear what I have to say.
All my post is because I take your review as a serious one... I'll surely read it during season 4, hoping to find some kind of change (I know, I can dream, but I believe that every one can progress and lear with his own errors)
I hope you admit mi critic (done with all my respects),and all fans of CSI:NY will enjoy next season ^^ ¡¡Hasta pronto!!
I'm always interested in people's opinions, whether I agree or not.
ElinWaffle said:
Just weighting in on the Anna/Lindsay-debatt.
Like the finale of the original CSI, I think a lot of the reactions were based on which ship you belong to. Us GSR-fans loved the episode (except the ending, but we had it coming from spoilers...

) while Grillows, Snickers and other ships seemed to hate it, claiming the failure of the finale on GSR.
To me, it seems kind of like the same regarding the Lindsay/Danny or Flack/Danny. But then again, I live in freakin' Sweden and we are at Love Run Cold. :lol:
For me, Danny and Lindsay consumating their relationship was the least offensive part of their storyline. I don't like them together, I don't think they have a lot of chemistry in general, but I will say they were fine in those brief scenes. My main objection to Danny and Lindsay being together is that it's a device used to validate a useless character (Lindsay) and has taken away much from the show's deepest character (Danny).
Ok, AB/LM. While Anna might need some acting lessons at the time, she is NOT as bad as David Caruso, IMO. It litterary pains me to watch him. But I still do. Why? Because he is bad to the point of being pathetic. When I come home after a terrible day in theatre class, I watfch CSI:Miami and instantly feels better. because, he is just plain bad. badbadbad...No offence, I love Caruso. He is just a terrible actor. Or it could be that his character's storyline sucks.
Caruso is pretty one note, that I'll grant you. He wasn't always, but the longer Miami has run on, the more flat Caruso has become, because basically all there is to Horatio is the "larger than life hero" thing. The character has sadly become a shell of his former self, something I have mentioned in reviews ("Kill Switch" and "Born to Kill" most recently).
Anna...Well, what more is there to say about her? She might not be Jodie Foster or Julia Roberts, but she is ok. But I agree, she is not a good actress at the times.
"Okay" would be generous. She lacks any sort range. As I've said before, she's fine with the light stuff. She's fine when Lindsay is lusting after or enjoying Danny. But she can't handle drama, and that's hard in a show that is, well, a dramatic one.
Her acting feels forced. like there is no power or meaning behind these lines. And that's a shame, because some of them are pretty good, but she just isn't the person to deliver them. And sometimes her acting is just plain lame. Actually, coming to think of it, her acting is lame most of the time.
And that's kind of my point.

I think another actress could have done wonders with the role, even if it is unevenly written at times. Amy Acker from Angel would have blown Anna out of the water as a country girl with both sass and a dark secret, and I think any of the actresses on the other CSI shows or other crime dramas, like Criminal Minds, are superior to her.
I still like Lindsay and Anna.
And I wouldn't begrudge you or anyone else that. The character and actress grate on my nerves, but I understand she has some fans out there.
I do not entirely blame everything of Anna, but on TPTB as well. They have not been clear with the Lindsay storyline and it feels like they are still working on it. Unfinished, y'know?
At the point you're at in the season, they are. I think the problem is cyclical--the writing for Lindsay hasn't been great, and then Anna's acting isn't great, so the writing for her storyline feels half-assed (maybe because it is) and then in turn so is Anna's acting. The writers and Anna share the blame fairly equally.
Anna might have fitted as another character, because she is still good. But unfortantely she do not fit as the character of Lindsay monroe. sadly.
I think she'd do fine in a comedy.
But there are time I can feel like she IS contributing with something to the show. Can't exactely pinpoint it. But imagine a show WITHOUT her? No, sorry, I can't. I strongly believe that all CSI shows should have two females.
I do, too, but I think they should two strong, wortwhile female characters. There's no point in having her there just to be a number.
Also, coming to think of it...Anna Belknap owns Emily Procter big time!

Calleigh must be the lamest excuse of a charcter I've ever seen.
I'll have to respectfully disagree there. Emily Procter is a hell of an actress, and while she's not always given a lot to work with as Calleigh, she shines whether she's processing evidence or dressing down another character. I think a character like Calleigh was what the writers had in mind when creating Lindsay and casting Anna; sadly, they fell short on all counts.