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  1. KaiLUxO

    Season 13 Spoiler Lab Discussion Part 1

    Ugh god, like really? I hate to say it, but is CSI really turning into a soap?? I didn't mind the love triangle at first, but come on. 1. Hodges deserves some sort of permanent happiness by now and 2. There's enough GSR drama, so no need to drag the Hodges thing out. Urggg rant done.
  2. KaiLUxO

    Season 13 Spoiler Pic Thread

    Thanks for clarification! I've read so many comments--going back and forth as to whether or not she was or wasn't in 16.
  3. KaiLUxO

    Season 13 Spoiler Pic Thread

    Nice photos everyone :)
  4. KaiLUxO

    "Double Fault" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    Agree with all! Also agree with the fact that it was nice having more Nick and Greg, though the team could've met as one. Morgan does need to choose, now that it's established Hodges is taken--Greg or someone else or no one right now. I was pleased with Finn. Except, ok tv & new character, but...
  5. KaiLUxO

    'DEAD AIR' discussion **SPOILERS**

    I didn't have to dissect a frog in bio in hs, but my friend had to dissect a cat in college anatomy lab :-P I agree with everything you said! Loved the case and guest actors as well. Great scenes between Sara/DB/Doc. I would've liked a little more Nick and Greg though. Regarding GSR, I'm...
  6. KaiLUxO

    Sara/Grissom Season 13 **SPOILERS**

    Exactly. I'm with ya there!
  7. KaiLUxO

    Season 13 Spoiler Lab Discussion Part 1

    Thanks for the info!
  8. KaiLUxO

    Season 13 Spoiler Lab Discussion Part 1

    Noooooooooo. We got so lucky, we had so many episodes in a row. Now we won't have any for three weeks :(
  9. KaiLUxO

    Season 13 Spoiler Lab Discussion Part 1

    I noticed there's another repeat this week -_- do new episodes start airing the 9th??
  10. KaiLUxO

    Season 13 Spoiler Lab Discussion Part 1

    WOW. I am all for meeting Sara's mom and having a Sara-centric episode, but it does seem like a lot snowfox. I wonder where this storyline came from...anyways looking forward to who they're casting for Laura :) I hope you're right zlummy! I just needed to vent a bit...why does NCIS get a...
  11. KaiLUxO

    "Risky Business Class" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    Wow, I didn't think about a lot of things in your perspective. Excellent analysis. :thumbsup:
  12. KaiLUxO

    "Risky Business Class" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    My sentiments exactly :) Though am I the only one a bit worried about Sara and Gil? Why wouldn't she just answer it?? She seemed a bit bummed and out of sorts when Doug left...he is hot by the way ;)
  13. KaiLUxO

    CSI Award Nominations/Wins Discussion

    Nice to see CSI is nominated!
  14. KaiLUxO

    "Fallen Angels" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    I personally liked the backstory with Sara. While Nick bringing flowers might be more believable than Sara attempting to contact Tina and Eli, it could've very well happened. It did seem a little out there with Tina, but what can ya do. Though I would've liked more Greg, not having Finn or DB...
  15. KaiLUxO

    Season 13 Spoiler Lab Discussion Part 1

    Touché! Say what??? I agree, there's gotta be a catch. I just want this poor guy to be happy already. Cannot wait to see this episode.
  16. KaiLUxO

    "Pick and Roll" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    Pretty good episode. Great use of forensics. The twists on who did it were interesting. Lady Heather could've made an appearance! Very funny with Nick and DB meeting Mistress Z. Right away I said awkward, than she did. I really enjoyed some Hodges action! Sara should've gotten the credit--how it...
  17. KaiLUxO

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #13

    That's a personal scene I wouldn't mind seeing every now and then :)
  18. KaiLUxO

    "Play Dead" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    Yes, Sam made up for no Sara. Seriously, the amount of times they said penis...
  19. KaiLUxO

    Ratings Discussion

    YES! SO many still don't have power. Some might not have power till November 7th!
  20. KaiLUxO

    "Play Dead" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    Aww yes Sam should play with Hank :) Very happy Nick has a girlfriend now. Wonder who she is and if we'll get to meet her or hear more about her soon. I thought the scene with Nick learning Sam only knows French was cute. Predictable, him getting shot, but it was a cute doggy episode. I'd...